How to Treat and Prevent Skin Dryness: 4 Effective Tips

Excessive dryness of the skin of the face and body is quite common. How to get rid of dry skin, the appearance of which is caused by various factors? Many people try to cope with this problem independently with the help of a large number of cosmetic products, although it is often easier to get rid of the dryness than it seems. Sometimes, it is enough to revise your diet or change skin care. If you’re concerned about your skin’s health and want personalized skincare advice, you should get a skin analysis sydney to better understand your specific needs and concerns. In addition to skincare, those who are considering spray tan Lynchburg may Contact Hill City Skin Care & Spray Tan.

Do you feel that your skin of the body or face has become excessively dry? Or notice that your hands are cracked? Excessive use of cosmetics can damage your skin. The following tips, along with expert advice from a reliable place like Amara Clinic, will help you to get rid of this trouble forever..


  • Tip number 1: Take the proper care of your skin
  • Tip number 2: Feed Your Skin with Vitamins
  • Tip number 3: Avoid 3 Common Mistakes Moisturizing Skin
  • Tip number 4: Protect Skin with the Right Sunburn Cream
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Tip number 1: Take the proper care of your skin

Let’s start with the proper skin care. Your daily skin care should consist of 3 stages:

  • 2 times a day (in the morning and at bedtime), cleanse dry skin with a mild means for washing. Do not use it more than 2 times a day, because frequent washing deprives the skin of a certain amount of moisture, making it rough and dry. If you have sensitive skin, make sure to Shop Skincare for Sensitive Skin.
  • For further cleaning, use a tonic. It consists of substances that help the skin to retain moisture.
  • After toning on the face, you need to use Custom Moist Towelettes or apply a moisturizer. The cream will eliminate the peeling of the skin and promote its healing. Which cream to choose? As a part of the cream for dry skin of the face, natural oils, vitamins, keratin, calcium, and also moisturizing components that protect the skin should be present. For dry and sensitive skin, choose creams with nutritious, soothing ingredients (vegetable oils, bisabolol), for normal – with moisturizing and refreshing (allantoin, aloe vera extract), for oily and combined – with absorbing and seboretrating ingredients (kaolin, plant extracts, etc.).

Let’s check what is included in the purification procedure. The careful removal of dead cells and dirt from the skin not only makes it healthier but also allows you to apply even toning cosmetics. Cleansing begins with the usual washing, which must be done not only in the morning but also in the evening. Hot water overdry the skin, so you need to wash only pleasant warm. Do not be too zealous when wiping the skin. It will be enough just to get wet with a good absorbent towel. Friction with a hard cloth adversely affects the sensitive skin, so preference should be given to soft terry products.

Cosmetics should be removed with an alcohol-free tonic applied with a cotton disc. Gently wipe the face and then you need to wash it. Deep skin cleansing is available with a variety of scrubs or masks. For dry type, it is preferable to use gentle means. You can find a soft enough scrub but it will be more useful for the skin if being prepared according to the homemade recipe. The basis can be the finely ground oat flakes (not instant cooking), to which it is necessary to add a pinch of soda and a little warm water to make a gruel. You need to rub it in circular movements in the problem areas of the face skin, and then wash everything off.

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You can apply the moisturizing cream with light movements of the pads of the fingers. Begin with the cheeks, then along the edges, the chin and forehead. And if you are having some skin problems, then you should look into using damage skin repair cream for the face effectively, as that will be a great help. In addition to all of the above, once a week, you need to do face peeling to remove the dead skin particles. The scrub should be soft. For “home” peeling, custard + honey is perfect. Such a scrub will not only improve your skin but it will save your money as well.

Important: You should stop using the usual toilet soap, and get a special gel instead. It has a mild cleansing effect and do not deprive the skin of natural moisture.


Tip number 2: Feed Your Skin with Vitamins

In order to keep the skin young for as long as possible, the body needs to maintain a sufficient level of natural collagen and elastin, responsible for the health of the skin. With the help of the skin beauty diet, you should take care of protecting your skin from adverse external influences, which is realized through natural fatty film.

It is also necessary to maintain the level of hyaluronic acid that retains moisture in the skin, performing the function of skin regeneration. Food for beautiful skin should contain the following useful substances:

  • ascorbic acid, necessary for the production of collagen, which protects the skin from irritation and inflammation;
  • vitamin A, which promotes the renewal of skin cells;
  • vitamins of group B, which help the skin to remain smooth;
  • vitamin E – antioxidant-elixir of youth for the skin;
  • unsaturated fatty acids – lipids, which support the protective layer of the skin.

The skin nutrition is based on the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, healthy fats. It is also necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid. Facial skin nutrition should include the following foods:

  • vegetables: lettuce, asparagus, spinach, onion, eggplant, garlic, celery, broccoli, carrots;
  • fruit: apples, citrus fruits, prunes, cherries, melons, black currants, persimmons;
  • olives and olive oil;
  • low-fat meat – turkey, chicken, veal, rabbit;
  • eggs;
  • fatty fish – salmon, trout, salmon, herring;
  • seafood, sea kale;
  • whole grain cereals, especially rice, coarse bread;
  • dairy products of the low fat content;
  • beans;
  • nuts;
  • tea, especially green;
  • water

The skin diet limits the use of the following foods:

  • fatty meat, sausages and smoked products;
  • animal fats;
  • margarine;
  • starchy products – potatoes, etc .;
  • sweet fizzy drinks;
  • confectionery, sweets, desserts;
  • salt;
  • alcoholic beverages.

Important: Cosmetologists – professionals believe that proper nutrition is the basis, without which it is impossible to achieve skin beauty. A healthy diet will prolong youthfulness of the skin and will help to avoid the skin dryness.


Tip number 3: Avoid 3 Common Mistakes Moisturizing Skin

Do you save on skin care, use one cream for all occasions, forget to clear your face before moisturizing? Errors of care will affect the state of the epidermis. What is important to consider?

  • Do not use the same cream for day and night care. Cosmetic companies conduct extensive research to study the effect of various cosmetics ingredients on the skin. The result showed that our epidermis needs different kinds of care and moisturizing at night and day. To achieve the best moisturizing effect, use hydration products for night and day care taking into account the time of day. Shoppok simplifies your online shopping with its organized categories and easy-to-use website. Enjoy our exceptional customer service and hassle-free returns. The fact is that a moisturizing cream for the light time contains sunscreen components and ingredients that improve the quality of makeup. Cosmetics for evening use are responsible for the renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Do not use the same product, change cosmetics. Cosmetologists recommend to change cosmetics not only with the change of seasons. It is important to choose the right products, taking into account the type of skin, age changes, working and rest conditions. Over time, the epidermis adapts to the various active ingredients of the cream.
  • Do not expect to moisturize the skin from the outside without hydration from the inside! Even the best, effective moisturizing cream cannot completely ensure the beauty, shine and nourishment of the skin without sufficient moisture inside. The cosmetic agent acts only on the upper layers of the dermis. To fully hydrate it is important to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. This is the most important part of the ritual of beauty. Prime IV Hydration and Wellness will also be a great option to stay hydrated and have a healthy lifestyle. After a couple of weeks of combining these methods of hydration with moisturizing products and hydrafacial procedures and facial treatments in Tampa, FL or a salt facial in Baton Rouge, LA, you will see the result. Your skin will be pleased with the radiance, elasticity, and health!
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Important: Addiction to the same cosmetics can reduce the expected effect, and even at all, lead to the expansion of pores, irritation and other problems. If you want to get the most out of the daily beauty ritual, you better change the moisturizing cream at least once every 2 months, and then do a facial like this facial treatment in Lehi, UT.


Tip number 4: Protect Skin with the Right Sunburn Cream

Redness on the skin of a person or body after sunbathing and sun exposure is a real burn, affecting both superficial and deep layers of the epidermis. Scientific research suggests that up to 90% of all skin lesions associated with early aging and wrinkle formation occur due to the fault of the sun and its ultraviolet rays. It is important to remember that sunscreen should be used not only on the beach, but also during a summer walk or jogging. The quality of the sunblock while playing a key role – because a similar cream is applied to the face, cheap synthetic ingredients, although they protect from the sun, but can clog the skin and provoke the formation of acne.

SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is the degree of sun protection or the proportion of solar radiation reaching the skin. Labeling SPF10 means that when applying the cream, only 1/10 (or 10%) of the ultraviolet rays will have its effect, SPF50 – 1/50 of the rays (or 2%). In fact, a sunblock with SPF creates a reflective surface on the skin. As a result, 10 minutes of exposure to the sun without sunscreen is equivalent to 300 minutes of sunburn with properly applied lotion SPF30. However, the mechanics of applying sunscreen and its regular renewal are extremely important, significantly affecting the final degree of protection – when sweating, bathing or using a towel the cream is simply removed.

In most cases for everyday use in the city and in the sun no more than 20-30 minutes sunscreen for face with protection SPF15 will be enough, for sunbathing on the beach – cream with SPF30 and above will do. You can add more protection by installing car shades to your car’s windows. However, for extremely light skin and in the early days of sunburn it is recommended to use a cream with an increased protective factor – up to SPF50. It should be understood that a higher SPF protective factor does not always mean stronger protection from the sun. No matter how high SPF is, to maintain proper effectiveness, sun cream should be applied again every two hours. Density and uniformity of the applied layer of cream also plays an important role.

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Choosing the sunscreen for the face, it is better to stop on the combined means containing both protective factor SPF, and humidifying components. In this case, remember that the presence of sun cream on the skin does not prevent sunburn, but only blocks harmful sun rays, protecting the skin from burns and premature aging.

Tips for choosing the right cream:

  • Do not pursue a low price. Cheap sunscreen products contain petroleum jelly, mineral oils and other comedogenic components. Such cream is not absorbed to the end, preserving an unpleasant sticky sensation and making the skin greasy, leading to the formation of acne. This plays a critical role in the use of sunscreen on the face.
  • Choose double protection. A good sunscreen should protect both from UVB rays that cause reddening and burns of the skin, and from UVA rays damaging DNA and affecting aging. According to European standards, the packaging of sunscreen must contain a mention of what rays it protects.
  • Use the optimal SPF factor. For everyday urban use, enough sunscreen with SPF15, for sunburn on the yarn recommended cream with SPF30. For a light, sensitive to burns and unheated skin, you need to use SPF50. However, remember that a higher degree of protection usually means a denser texture of the cream.
  • Apply the cream the right way. Sunscreen is guaranteed to work only the first two hours (then it is recommended to apply again), and after contact with water or a towel part of the cream is erased from the skin, leaving it unprotected. The minus of moisture-resistant creams is that they, again, clog the skin. Thoroughly wash the cream after sunbathing. The nature of sunscreen means that they physically reflect the sun’s rays due to the presence of zinc oxide, titanium and other metals in the composition. After sunbathing, it is important to remove the remnants of these funds by carefully washing the skin with a washcloth and using a face scrub.

Protection of the skin from the sun is the prevention of premature aging of the skin. After all, harmful solar rays accelerate destructive processes, and the skin quickly loses its elasticity. Do not neglect also the advice of a beautician who will choose a cream with SPF by skin type, because this is the best option for simultaneous protection and care. Take care of your skin, and let the summer and sun bring only good emotions and a safe tan!

Important: A good sunburn cream should be absorbed quickly and leave no sticky residue on the skin. Cheap sunscreen (especially with high SPF and marking “moisture-proof”) creates a thick film on the skin, clogging the pores, provoking acne and not allowing the skin to breathe.




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