14 Recipes of Delicious Homemade Ice-Cream

This delicious, beloved by almost everyone, delicacy, is more than 5 thousand years. Yes, back in the 3rd millennium BC the Chinese elite ate dessert from a mixture of snow, ice, lemon, orange and pomegranate seeds. The recipe for this delicacy and another one, containing milk and ice was kept secret for several millennia, and was discovered only in the XI century already AD. In antiquity, too, there are many references to the ice cream – both in Greece and in Rome.

Modern delicacy can be classified by composition, taste, consistency. For example, the composition of ice cream is divided as follows: delicacy, based on animal fat; ice cream, based on vegetable fat (coke or palm oil); fruit ice; a solid dessert made from juice, puree, yogurt. There is also sorbet, which composition very rarely contains cream, fats and eggs. Sometimes in the recipe, there is a bit of alcohol. It is prepared from fruit and berry juices. Let’s have a look at the collection of the tasty ice-cream recipes, which you can prepare on your own.


Recipe number 1: Ice-cream from milk

In order to make delicious homemade ice cream from milk, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a liter of milk;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • a small spoonful of starch.

Preparation: Put the butter in a saucepan, pour the milk into it, put it on a stove and stir constantly to bring the mass to a boil. Immediately remove the container from the heat. Beat whisk until smooth yolks, sugar and starch. In the yolk mixture, add a little bit of milk. You need as much liquid to make it (the mixture) a consistency such as liquid sour cream. Put the dishes on the stove again with milk and butter, pour the yolks with sugar. The entire composition must be continuously stirred with a spoon. When the resulting mass boils, it must be removed from the plate. Put the pan to cool in a previously prepared container of cold water. The main thing is not to forget to stir ice cream. After cooling, the cream should be poured into molds or placed in a freezer directly in a saucepan.

Important: If you put the future ice cream in a saucepan, you need to take it out every 3 hours and thoroughly mix it. It is necessary in order ice does not appear inside the ice cream.


Recipe number 2: Homemade ice cream from fatty cream

With the addition of cream, the homemade ice cream becomes even more intense and tastier than with the ordinary milk. Here you need to prepare such components:

  • fatty cream (from 30%) – a glass;
  • milk – glass;
  • yolks – from 4 to 6 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – half a cup;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Preparation: Boil the milk, then remove it from the plate and cool. It must be warm. If there is a special thermometer, then you can control the temperature. It should be 36-37 ° C. Beat yolks and ordinary sugar plus vanilla sugar. Stirring whiskery unceasingly, the yolk paste is poured into the milk with a thin trickle. Put all ingredients on a stove, on a small fire, continuously stirring with a wooden spoon, until the mixture becomes thick. Put the cooling container in a cool place.

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Separately in a bowl, whip until cream scallops are formed and add them to the cooled mass, then mix. The resulting ice cream should be placed in a plastic container, closed and put away for 1 hour in the freezer. Hardly the frost will take the composition (in an hour or 40 minutes), it must be reached and shaken. After another hour, repeat the procedure. Place ice cream in the freezer for 2 hours.

Important: Before serving the ice cream, you should move it for 20 minutes from the freezer to the refrigerator.


Recipe number 3: Ice cream from maracuja


  • 1/2 cup of milk,
  • 1 1/2 cups of cream,
  • 3/4 tbsp. sugar or to taste (depending on how sweet maracuja is),
  • 6 yolks,
  • flesh of 8 maracuja

Preparation: Milk, cream and sugar should be warmed in a scoop to the first bubbles. Yolks should be pound and constantly stirring pour hot milk, return everything to the ladle and leave on medium heat until small thickening. Do not bring to a boil! Pour the ready-made cream through a fine sieve into a bowl, cover with a film so that it touches the surface of the cream. Cool completely. Extract the pulp of maracuja. Put 1/4 of the pulp in a small bowl. The rest is warmed in a ladle for a few minutes. Pour into a bowl through a fine sieve and rub the flesh from the seeds. In chilled cream, pour the frayed maracuja juice and padded pulp with seeds. Mix.

Important: Pour into the ice cream and turn on for 25 minutes. Then put in a container, close the lid and put it in the freezer. Prepare mousse of maracuja!


Recipe number 4: Raspberry ice cream


  • 1 cup of fatty milk,
  • 1 glass of cream,
  • 3 large yolks,
  • 2 cups of raspberries (can be thawed),
  • 3/4 cups of sugar.

Preparation: Pour 1 cup of milk and half a cup of cream into the scoop. Put on the fire until the first bubbles appear. In the meantime, mix half a cup of sugar, yolks and the remaining cream. As soon as the milk-cream mixture begins to boil, start pouring it with a thin trickle into the egg mixture constantly stirring. Then pour back into the scoop and cook over a small fire until it is lightly thickened for 4-6 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. Then strain the mass through a sieve and cover with a film so that it touches the mass. Put it in a bowl with ice and water. The liquid should not get into the ice cream. While the cream-egg mixture is getting cold, beat the raspberries with the remaining sugar in a blender. Then wipe through a fine sieve. Stir the raspberry puree into the cooled mixture, mix well and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Important: Do not forget to cover with the film. Then prepare ice cream either with the help of a freezer or with 4-fold freezing, after every 2 hours beat with a mixer or blender.


Recipe number 5: Ice cream from green tea


  • 1 liter of milk,
  • 5 teaspoons of green tea,
  • 7 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 1/2 cup of condensed milk.

Preparation: Heat milk and add green tea and sugar, heat to boil, but do not boil. Cover and leave it for some time. Strain, add condensed milk, mix, pour into a container and freeze. Divide into pieces. Pieces should be loaded into a powerful mixer and whip to form a homogeneous creamy mass.

Important: Pour back into the container and put in the freezer for several hours.


Recipe 6: Strawberry ice cream

You will need these ingredients:

  • 3 egg yolks,
  • 250 ml of milk,
  • 250 ml of cream,
  • 100g of sugar,
  • 2 cups of strawberries
  • 1 tsp. of vanilla essence
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Preparation: Mix the whole strawberry with half a serving of sugar in a large convenient bowl. Put it in the refrigerator for a while. In a separate saucepan, combine the yolks with milk and the remaining portion of sugar. Put the pan on the stove for medium heat and, not bringing to a boil, stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. Sugar should completely dissolve.

Pour the mixture into a separate bowl and let it cool to the room temperature. After complete cooling, put the bowl in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Do not forget to stir the ice cream every 20 minutes, this will prevent the appearance of small pieces of ice in the ice cream.

Important: After cooling, add cream and vanilla essence. Then take out the remaining strawberries from the refrigerator and place them nicely on top.


Recipe number 7: Chocolate ice cream

You will need these ingredients:

  • 250 ml of milk,
  • 250 ml of cream,
  • 75 grams of sugar,
  • 125 gr of bitter grated chocolate.

Preparation: Place milk and sugar in a convenient bowl. Put the mixture on a slow fire and mix thoroughly. Sugar should completely dissolve. Remove the bowl from the heat and cool the mixture to room temperature. Then place in the refrigerator, adding cream to it.

Important: Do not forget to stir ice cream. When it starts to thicken – add grated chocolate. The delicacy is ready.


Recipe number 8: Ice-cream from kefir

This recipe will appeal to all women who want to be slim and eat ice-cream at the same time. In one portion there is only 270 calories, while the delicacy is very tasty and refreshing.

You will need these ingredients:

  • 2 cups (or 500 g) of kefir,
  • 4 tsp. (approximately 60-80 g) of honey (can be replaced with fructose or sugar),
  • 1 glass (about 150-170 g) of strawberry

Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Spread it on the molds and put in the freezer for about an hour.

Important: You can, first, put in the forms fruit, berries, nuts, and only then pour the mass.


Recipe number 9: Ice cream with nuts and maple syrup

For this exquisite treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 100g of walnuts,
  • 50 g of oil,
  • 2 tbsp. of brown sugar,
  • 2 tbsp. of maple syrup,
  • 375 ml of milk,
  • 375 ml of cream

To begin with, melt the butter slowly, add the nuts and fry them for 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle them with sugar and continue frying over low heat. After 3-4 minutes, the nuts should be covered with crispy crust. Remove them from heat and cool to room temperature. In a separate bowl, pour the milk, add cream and chilled roasted walnuts.

Important: Gently stirring, add maple syrup. After that, place the mixture in the refrigerator.


Recipe number 10: Curd ice cream with orange syrup

This is a spicy and light dessert with an incredible taste and aroma.


  • Curd 184 g
  • Condensed milk 1 pot
  • Cream 33% 300 g
  • Sugar 1/2 cup
  • Butter 50 g
  • Water 1/3 cup
  • Juice and peel of oranges: 2 oranges
  • White dessert wine 2 tbsp.
  • Vanilla 10g

Preparation: Prepare orange syrup. In a small pot, pour water, add sugar and butter and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. In the syrup, add the juice and zest, mix, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Add wine, mix well and cool to room temperature. With a blender, whip cottage cheese and condensed milk until smooth and fluffy. Separately whip the cream and mix them with the curd mass. Put ice cream in a mold, pouring orange syrup.

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Important: You should freeze this ice-cream for 10-12 hours.


Recipe number 11: Ice-cream from boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk gives this ice cream a delicate taste and an excellent creamy consistency. Even after several days in the freezer, the ice cream does not harden, but remains soft and plastic.


  • Cream (22%) – 300 ml
  • Milk (3.2%) – 100 ml
  • Boiled condensed milk – half the standard jar
  • 1-2 bars of chocolate – optional

Preparation: Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture forms. If necessary, add sugar to taste. The resulting mixture is loaded into the ice cream maker and cooked, according to the instructions. If you want, you can add chocolate bar pieces 5 minutes until the end of cooking.

Important: chocolates should be frozen beforehand so that they are sufficiently firm.


Recipe number 12: Coffee ice-cream

A very simple ice cream recipe is based on coffee. Preparation of the mixture will take no more than 10 minutes. Pay attention to the fact that there are no eggs.


  • Milk – 250ml
  • Cream – 250ml (cream fat content – from 20% to 33%)
  • Sugar – 4-5 tablespoons (to taste)
  • Instant coffee – 2-3 tablespoons (to taste)

Preparation: Whisk the milk, cream, sugar and coffee to a homogeneous state with a blender, mixer or whisk. Next, try the resulting mixture to taste. If necessary, add more sugar or coffee. Next, pour the mixture into ice-cream and cook. You will enjoy a very unusual and interesting taste.

Important: Instead of soluble coffee, you can try using natural ground coffee (or mix of soluble and natural one).


Recipe number 13: Apricot and cognac ice cream

To prepare ice cream with apricots and cognac you will need:

  • 350 g apricots,
  • 100 ml cognac,
  • 1/2 cup water,
  • 1 egg,
  • a glass of milk,
  • 3 cups of cream,
  • 150 g of sugar,
  • 1 tsp vanilla.

Preparation: Wash the apricots well and cut them into small pieces. Naturally, the bones must be removed. Put them in a special container and cook it for about 15 minutes with cognac and water. Remove the resulting mixture from the heat and place in the refrigerator. Eggs beat in a blender along with sugar, vanilla and milk at medium speed. All ingredients should be mixed well. Pour the apricot into the blender bowl and mix again. After that, add the cream and whisk the ice cream ingredients at a low speed for about 5 minutes.

Important: As a result, you will get a mixture that needs to be placed in the freezer for 3 hours.


Recipe number 14: Banana ice-cream


  • 450g of bananas,
  • 110g of sugar,
  • 4 tbsp. of cold water,
  • 1 dessert spoon of lemon juice,
  • 1 dessert spoon of orange juice.

Preparation: In a small saucepan, mix the sugar and water and put on a slow fire. Continue stirring until the sugar dissolves. Bring the syrup to a boil and transfer to a weak fire, cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Make a puree of bananas and mix it with the cooled syrup. Put in a flat form and put in the freezer overnight.

Important: Before serving, leave the ice cream for 30 minutes at room temperature, so that it can be easily removed from the mold.




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