7 Mistakes in Nutrition That Prevent You From Losing Weight

Concept image of a woman on a diet, eating a measuring tape, isolated on whiteMost of the world’s studies have confirmed the fact that nutrition, namely the choice of foods and how to prepare them, affects health most of all. The choice of products today is so diverse that it is an advantage for those who prefer a healthy lifestyle and a disadvantage for people who choose harmful food and are obese. Rational nutrition should become a way of life. Keeping the proper diet for weight loss, you can not only maintain your figure in shape, but also improve your health and make your life more harmonious.

Scientists of many countries have already proved that the human body obeys the laws of thermodynamics. The basis of healthy and nutritious food is the principle: the energy value must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body. But unfortunately this condition is most often violated.  As a consequence, with each year of life, a mass accumulates, which turns into overweight and obesity. In order to prevent this, you are offered to look at the common mistakes in nutrition that have a negative impact on your health and prevent from reaching the desired goal to lose extra kilograms. You may visit a weight loss clinic like Radiant Reflections Weight Loss Clinic & Medspa to learn more about the proper diet.


Mistake number 1:  Skipping of lunch

Skipping of lunch leads to a halt in metabolism in the middle of the day and the consumption of large portions of food in the evening. Metabolism works best when the “fire” does not stop burning throughout the day.

It is recommended to eat, taking into account the speed of your metabolism.

  • For example, a 40-year-old woman weighing 60 kg whose height is 167 cm, will have a metabolic rate of about 1.608 calories.
  • With actions such as walking, breathing, etc. multiply this number by 1.3 to calculate the daily number of calories needed (in this case 2,090 calories).

If you eat five times a day every three hours, you will need to eat about 418 calories per lunch to consume calories at the rate at which they are burned.

Advice: Add exercise, and you will need to plan not only lunch, but snacks before and after training.


Mistake number 2: Monotonous nutrition

It’s no secret that many people, following a diet, try to limit themselves to the maximum, eat, literally, bread and water, just to get rid of excess kilograms. But will this bring the desired effect?

Around weight loss there are a lot of myths, one of which, undoubtedly, is the need to keep to the strict diet, consuming only 1-2 products for a long time. According to some people, such a monotonous diet is the best way to lose weight. But in reality this is not so. A monotonous diet is one of the biggest myths in the field of dietetics. In fact, if in a person’s diet for a long time there are only a couple of products, the body begins to lack a vital substance.

And this has the most negative effect on the body’s condition – immunity decreases, bone system suffers, dysbacteriosis develops. In addition, not everyone who follows a monotonous diet, lose weight as effectively as they would like.

Physicians recently discovered an interesting fact. It turned out that there is a direct dependence of the calories consumed on the variety in the food system. According to scientists, a monotonous diet can promote the recruitment of several extra pounds. But a variety of foods consumed every day in reasonable quantities will lead to a decrease in the calories received and, as a consequence, to a smooth weight loss. Try med tech steroids as a supplement for your weight loss diet.

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This was established during the research:

  • It turned out that women, eating macaroni and cheese every day, gained about 100 extra calories, while representatives of another group, taking a great interest in various foods, on the contrary – lost weight. Thus, it has been proven that people who prefer monotonous food get more calories.
  • The same food eaten daily will contribute to a gradual increase in the volume of servings, as there will be growing dissatisfaction with the diet.
  • As a result, such a monotonous diet may seem not only very boring, but also really hinders in the fight against excess weight.

Interesting: Those who like variety in food also have a constant desire to tasting new dishes, but due to the fact that they receive all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, they feel better and lose weight faster.


Mistake number 3: Rejection of fats

Everyone knows that proteins, fats and carbohydrates form the basis of the right diet. However, most people who want to lose weight think that by giving up fatty foods, they will achieve the best results in losing weight. Is it really? Of course, not! The opinion of nutritionists and doctors regarding the consumption of fats is one – a sharp restriction or a complete rejection of fatty foods lead to deplorable consequences for the body.

Fats are an integral part of a healthy diet. They are just necessary for the body. And their harmfulness or usefulness should be regulated by the type of incoming fat. It is the fats that take part in the replacement of energy costs, in the formation of connective tissue, responsible for the hormonal balance and the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. It should be noted that human blood also consists of complex and simple fats, the imbalance of which leads to the development many chronic diseases.

You’ve probably heard that there are useful and harmful fats. The second group includes saturated and trans fats, that is, those that underwent hydrogenation and structural changes. Such fats are found in:

  • oil,
  • sausages,
  • whole milk,
  • pork,
  • fast food,
  • confectionery and bakery products.

Excessive consumption of these products increases the risk of obesity, development of diabetes, heart disease, metabolic disorders, and even provokes the growth of malignant tumors. Cholesterol, which also refers to harmful fats, with excessive intake into the body often causes the development of atherosclerosis, angina, stroke, heart attack.

Effects of healthy fats on the human body:

  1. Using products with polyunsaturated fatty acids will increase endurance and raise the tone of the body;
  2. activate the immune system;
  3. strengthen the production of hormones;
  4. reduce the level of harmful cholesterol;
  5. eliminate inflammation;
  6. monitor blood pressure;
  7. support the health of skin.

A change in eating habits and inadequate supply of useful fats leads to a number of disorders, such as: chronic fatigue syndrome; violation of hormonal balance; the development of obesity; the appearance of skin diseases; delay in mental and physical development; muscle weakness and atrophy; loss of bone tissue. That’s why all lean diets are considered dangerous to health. A healthy lifestyle does not mean giving up fat. Control of their type and quantity will allow to supply the body with useful substances, ensure the full work of all organs and systems, reduce weight, improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

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Important: Do not give up fatty foods, but just follow the rules of healthy eating.


Mistake number 4: Non-carbohydrate diet

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, which is necessary for normal stable functioning of internal organs. In addition, carbohydrates help to strengthen muscles, stabilize cell division and normalize growth dynamics. Their splitting is a fairly fast process, during which a large amount of energy is released. If a certain product contains a large amount of carbohydrates, then a feeling of satiety will very quickly come about, and there is no feeling of overeating or heaviness. Also, very important is the fact that after eating these foods, there is no post-dinner depression, that is, sluggishness, drowsiness and fatigue.

As a rule, after-dinner depression is caused by the fact that all the forces of the body are aimed at digestion and digestion of food. In some cases, the appearance of such a state is simply unacceptable, for example, when passing an exam or during a conference, when it is necessary to be vigorous and energetic. In this case, it is recommended to eat foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates enter the human body with certain products, among them there are both simple and complex. So in order to monitor one’s self to properly lose weight, apps such as that tdee calculator can be downloaded.

The main simple carbohydrates include:

  • glucose,
  • fructose and galactose (monosaccharides),
  • sucrose,
  • lactose and maltose (disaccharides),

Complex ones: starch, fiber, glycogen, pectins and hemicellulose (polysaccharides). Important are pectins and fiber, which are only partially digested in the intestine and are an insignificant source of energy. However, they form the basis of dietary fiber and play an important role in nutrition. As a rule, carbohydrates are found in products of plant origin.

Important: It is unwise to follow the diet without carbohydrates as the daily requirement for carbohydrates, as a rule, is determined by the amount of energy costs. For those who are not engaged in heavy physical labor, the average requirement is approximately 400-500 g per day.


Mistake number 5: Consumption of many sugar-containing products

Approximately 80% of the products on the shelves of stores contain sugar. But many still manage to add it to coffee, tea, cottage cheese, yogurt, and so on. When a person becomes addicted to sugar, they no longer feel how tasty a product can be if it isn’t sweetened. After a hearty lunch or dinner, without eating a chocolate or a sweet bun, some will not even have a sense of satiety and full satisfaction from eating. To maintain a clutter-free kitchen or dining area, you can store healthy snacks and alternatives using efficient storage solutions like Mills Shelving, which offers a clean and organized space for both everyday ingredients and healthier choices.

The influence of sugar on the behavior and brain of a person, as well as on the state of health in general, can be discussed for a long time. But the fact remains, sugar is evil.

If you do not reduce the amount of sugar consumed in your daily diet, then at least this threatens you with:

  • obesity of the liver,
  • diabetes,
  • rashes on the face,
  • pale skin color
  • and mood swings.

Important: The abuse of sugar is more dangerous than busting in fatty foods. If you like sweets, then give preference to fruits, or dried fruit.


Mistake number 6: Absence of a choice of products according to the age criterion

With age, a person’s diet, namely the choice of foods and their amount consumed must change, which few people think about in our society at all. It is necessary to take into account whether it s the growing body still leading an active lifestyle. For example, up to 25 years, people have the relatively fast metabolic processes, which cannot be said about a person at the age of about 50 years old.

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In more mature age, the stomach can no longer cope with the digestion of certain foods. High-calorie food definitely does not fit in this case. It is better to include in the ration:

  • cereals,
  • vegetables
  • fruits.

As for young growing body, then it is impossible to be healthy without foods high in protein.

Important: In general, the slowing of metabolic processes in humans occurs every ten years. And if you display this indicator as a percentage, then the metabolism slows down by about 7%.

Mistake number 7: Lack of water

There is a myth that if you want to lose weight you should drink less water.  The norm of water per day is 30-40 ml / 1 kg of weight. Water is a solvent, which helps the body absorb nutrients, protects vital organs, lubricates joints, participates in metabolism, removes toxins and toxins.

If you do not drink enough water and then stand on the scales and see how the arrow has turned to the left, it does not mean that you have lost weight, which means that you have lost water in the body. You must know that the body consists of 60-80% water depending on age, and so if you lose water, you are dehydrated, water balance is broken, violations occur in other systems, which adversely affects your health as a whole.

The body gets rid of water when a person sweats, during urination and breathing. The stock of fluid in the body is replenished by drinking water or other liquids and consuming foods that contain water (mainly fruits and vegetables). If you drink little water, it prevents the normal functioning of the body. This condition is called dehydration. Diarrhea, vomiting, increased sweating, frequent urination, fever and skin burns can lead to the loss of much more fluid from the body. That’s why with similar problems with health people want to drink more than usual. If a person drinks a little water in such periods, then this is a serious reason to be concerned.

To maintain a sufficient amount of fluid in the body, you should:

  • Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This is important, since most of the fluid that enters the body comes with food.
  • If there is no observance of such a correct diet, which of course is observed in most people, you should drink water at room temperature to replenish the body’s fluid supply, or you can also cooler if your health allows. That is, quench your thirst should not be tea or hot water. According to studies, the body absorbs cold water more quickly.

Important: Caffeinated and alcoholic drinks are a liquid and are usually based on water but they cannot be used to quench thirst. Soda, coffee and beer lead to dehydration of the body. When drinking such drinks, symptoms of dehydration may occur, as well as heartburn, abdominal pain, lower back pain, headaches and depression.



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