The easiest and most effective recipes of homemade body scrubs ever

body scrubOur body requires special and regular care. We are responsible for taking care of our beauty and health. In order for our skin to look not just beautiful but also get enough of moisture we should provide it with peeling using body scrubs. Such remedies can help us to provide skin with careful and soft treatment. They usually contain solid particles and such particles remove dead skin cells and cause renewing of new skin cells.

After implementing body scrub our skin becomes really soft and pleasant for touch. Additionally many of them provide anti-cellulite effect and more than that they are quite easy to be made at home within few minutes.


The first method: Coffee body scrub

Body scrubFor coffee body scrub we can use coffee which was boiled (went all the way through your coffee machine) or that one which was not jet used for the coffee preparation. The difference is in the amount of caffeine and also coffee which was already boiled is giving less color to our skin. It is better to use coffee immediately after preparing it. In case it is not possible to use coffee immediately we can dry it and use later. Coffee gives us quite a big diversity in recipes and we can experiment and enjoy it effect together with different interesting components.

Coffee and brown sugar scrub:

  • 1 tablespoon of coffee
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 1 table spoon of oil (olive or almond oil is perfect for this recipe)

With massaging movements we spread such mixture all over our body. When we are implementing any of recipes we mean the skin of our body without face and areas with very sensitive skin (genitals). Coffee and sugar perfectly clean up and renew our skin. Procedure should take not more than 10 minutes.

Coffee and walnut scrub:

  • 1 tablespoon of smashed in powder walnut
  • 1 tablespoon of coffee
  • 1 tablespoon of shower gel

Such mixture will refresh and renew your skin cells and along with that will bring feeling of freshness and cleanness of your skin.

Fruits and coffee scrub:

  • 1 tablespoon of smashed grapes, apples or any other fruits;
  • 1 tablespoon of coffee

This is perfect recipe for those who are fond of taking care of their skin using only natural ingredients. Fruits are bringing vitamins to our skin even when we implement them on the skin. By changing this one ingredient (type of the fruit) you are every time receiving opportunity for a new recipe with diversity of smells and feelings.

Honey and coffee scrub:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of coffee
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (raw)
  • 2 tablespoons of oils (olive oil or almond oil is perfect)

Each and every scrub is just a mixture of ingredients which have solid particles so when we mix them in our hand and after implementing on the skin they provide our skin pilling of dead cells of our skin. Honey is incredible for our skin; it contains minerals and vitamins which are impossible to be found in same amount in any other treatment. Such mixture should be implemented for 5-10 minutes using slow movements all over the skin. The homemade scrub can be left on the skin for few minutes in order to moisturize it. Honey is the best for regeneration and nourishing.

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Coffee and egg whites scrub:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of coffee
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 egg white

We should properly mix the ingredients and implement gently on our body. The best result will be obtained if we will use such a homemade scrub for approx. 10-15 minutes. When you finish peeling your skin you should wash off particles of the mixture using warm water and gently wipe your body with the towel. In case you can wait a bit it is great additional effect in case you will stay additional 5 minutes wet. In such a way you take air bath. Egg white is incredible ingredient it helps to reduce size of our pores. Coffee is not just cleaning our skin but additionally is removing toxins from our body.

Grapefruit and coffee scrub:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of ground coffee with 2 tablespoons of sea salt.
  2. Add 1 small grated grapefruit to coffee and salt.
  3. Mix everything and add 2 drops of orange essential oil.

This scrub will surprise you by the result. After implementing even once you will immediately notice that your skin is perfectly aligned.

Warning: That is always easier to prepare homemade scrub once and then just use it every time you need. Unfortunately it is not possible with recipes which include fruits and eggs. The rest recipes are perfectly ok to be prepared earlier, stored and used for few times.


The second method: Sugar body scrub

sugar body scrubSugar is very good for our skin and body. It is even perfect for this purpose. Sugar prevents the growth of bacteria. Sugar’s rough structure helps to remove dead skin cells and at the same time provides the skin with the healthy look and shine.

Sour cream and sugar body scrub:

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream

Mixture should be prepared quickly and used immediately. In fact sour cream is recommended for dry skin. You better take the sour cream with highest percentage of fat. On the contrary for the oily skin it is recommended to use non-fat sour cream. This makes home remedy quite unique and perfect for all skin types. Cocoa powder can be replaced by grounded coffee (1 tablespoon). Such homemade remedy will make your skin color better and gently clean your pores.

Body scrub with sugar and oatmeal:

  • 4 tablespoons of cooked oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (preferably brown)

Oatmeal should be prepared in advance. No need to add salt or any other components. Just boil it in water in case you have oily skin and in milk in case your skin is dry. Implement homemade remedy on the clean skin and try to peel all the skin, avoiding face and intimate area. Wash the remains of the mixture and wipe your skin with the towel. The best effect will be if you will use moisturizing cream or lotion after the procedure. Skin is soft and rich with nutrients after such a remedy.

Easiest sugar body scrub:

  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 1 portion of regular shower gel

Just adding brown sugar into your shower gel will provide great effect on our skin. Unbelievable fact that such a simple procedure can provide cleaning and refreshing effect. Your cells will be renewed and clean.

Honey and sugar scrub:

  • 3 tablespoons of liquid honey
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (any type, but brown is better)

Such an easy recipe improves incredibly smoothness and elasticity of skin. Sometimes the liquid can be too thick. In case of too thick liquid we can add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil (this is perfect adding in case your skin is quite dry) or 4 tablespoons of yogurt for oily skin.

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Oils and sugar scrub:

  • 3-4 tablespoons of almond/peach/corn or olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar

Sugar is incredible provider of peeling for our skin. Very often our skin is so full of toxins that it can even change it type. In case your skin is dry than oil with sugar is perfect combination for you. Using such remedy you are eliminating toxins and dead cells and additionally providing skin with needed moisture. Sugar containing scrubs are recommended to be used not more than once a week. In case you prepared the mixture and you see that amount is not enough for peeling whole body you should just increase portion of each ingredient twice or three times.

Warning: You will soon notice that solid ingredients of the scrub which is homemade will end up on the bottom of the box. The reason is simple: we haven’t used any preservatives. Homemade remedies are always better than options we can find in the store. Just we should store them for short and in cool place.


The third method: Salt body scrub

salt body scrubAttention to those who are fighting cellulite! Salt is perfect ingredient when it comes to elimination of cellulite as well as ensuring of its prevention. Together with additional ingredients salt is providing skin with peeling and moisture. After using salt homemade scrub once you will never come back to some beauty cosmetics which are available in the pharmacy or beauty stores.

Cucumbers and salt scrubs:

  • 2-3 small fresh cucumbers (remove the skin and chop them in the blender to get cucumber paste)
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt (choose small or medium size)

This is very easy and perfect solution for making skin clean and full of nutrition. For best possible effect let’s agree on using only sea salt. Unfortunately such remedy should be prepared each time you plan to use it and cannot be stored. But it totally worth it!

Tomatoes and salt scrub:

  • 2 tomatoes of medium size (remove skin and green parts, prepare a pure from them)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (medium)

Tomatoes are perfect for oily skin. They will perfectly reduce amount of extra fat as well as eliminate toxins. Salt will fight against cellulite and you will enjoy the gentle feeling of your skin. Renewed cells will whisper you “thank you”. When preparing all kinds of salt scrubs we should be careful and put ingredients together exactly before implementing them on the skin. If salt will stay a bit with a liquid ingredients together it will dissolve and will not provide any peeling effect at all.

Yolks and sea salt scrub:

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tablespoon of oil (any oil like corn/olive/almond)
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt

This remedy is perfect solution for dry and very dry skin. In case you want to try it but you do not have eggs or you cannot stand their smell they can be put aside. We can actually use 2 tablespoon of mayonnaise instead of using 2 egg yolks. Such homemade peeling should be done in the bathroom after washing your body. Leftovers of the peeling we will need to remove with warm water. After the procedure it is recommended to use moisture cream.

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Oil and sea salt scrub:

  • 3 tablespoons of olive/apricot/peach or almond oil (also can be used mango or avocado oil)
  • 5 drops of essential chamomile oil
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

This recipe is great for dry skin. We should be careful with using essential oils on the skin. Before implementing such a recipe you should definitely test your skin on allergic reaction towards essential oil. Homemade recipe of such type can be used once a week.

Salt and honey scrub:

  • 3 tablespoons of liquid honey (in case your honey became solid you can warm up it a bit on the steam and never use microwave for this purpose)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

Prepare the mixture immediately before implementing. Use it after taking a hot tab. Your pores after hot steam will be open and ready for elimination toxins. Keep in mind while using honey homemade remedies that honey is allergenic product. Before implementing it you should test your skin for reaction to this ingredient. Apply small amount of honey on the skin of your wrist or on the skin on the chest area.

Leave honey on the skin for 10 hours. If you haven’t get any irritation or redness during this time there is nothing to worry about and you can use honey containing homemade remedies. In case you know that you are allergic to honey than stay away from such remedy.

Sea salt and brown sugar scrub:

  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 3-4 tablespoons of almond oil
  • 5 drops of eucalyptus/rosemary essential oils

Implement this mixture on your skin with circular movements. Leaving the remedy on the skin for 10 minutes is also very good idea. After the procedure you should wash your skin and make sure that ingredients are all gone and skin is clean. When preparing this remedy concentrate on the time. In order to keep salt solid you should immediately after mixing implement the remedy on the skin.

Lemon and salt scrub:

  • 0,5 of the teaspoon of citric acid mixed with 1 tablespoon of water (or juice of half of the lemon)
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
  • 3 tablespoons of sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

This homemade remedy is quite tough. It perfectly peels our skin but should not be used by those who have very sensitive skin. In fact after implementing scrub with lemon you should stay away from sun. Such remedy is perfect for winter.

Warning: If you use a scrub for the body, make sure that it will not end up falling to the intimate area. Salt should be used also very thoughtfully and far away from mucous areas as it can just easily cause irritation. Be careful as sugar can create the conditions for candidiasis. Essential oils should be used exactly in the amount listed as they are very easy to cause irritation.



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