Top-4 Effective Methods to Straighten Hair for a Long Period of Time

Straighten HairWomen always want to try something new, to feel the spirit of change and, of course, look beautiful.
From time immemorial, girls with straight hair dreamed of luxurious curls, and happy owners of curly hair vice versa wanted to have the perfectly straight hair. Today, we will tell you how to straighten your hair, so that it is perfectly smooth and shiny for you to look like the beauties of TV commercials.


Method number 1: Keratin straightening

Keratin hair straightening is a relatively new type of procedure, most often carried out in specialized salons. The main purpose of this method is to straighten and restore the health of the deformed hair, because human hair regularly suffers from various external factors, such as scorching sun, cold wind or water containing chlorine and heavy metal salts. Straightening hair with keratin fights the consequences of negative environmental influences. Often this method is called “Brazilian”, because it is the Brazilians who have luxurious thick and straight locks. From Brazil, this method for restoring the dentity of hair structure came to other countries.

This method provides intensive treatment of ringlets. The hair almost entirely consists of keratin. However, over time, the curls suffer more and more from its lack. Penetrating the structure of the hair, keratin enriches it, protects against ultraviolet radiation, as well as cigarette smoke, street dust. Empty cells of the hair are filled with this substance. Thus, keratin prolongs the life of the hair. Before you begin the procedure of straightening, you need to choose which keratin to use. Cosmetic corporations are constantly working on improving their formulas, because in the market you can find a huge amount of keratin for hair.

Masters who work with keratin say that with the help of this method, it is possible to restore more than 95% of the hair mass. The duration of the result varies depending on the condition of the hair before the procedure. At best, they will be perfectly smooth for more than two and a half months.

Advantages of the keratin straightening:

  • The composition of the mixture for straightening has a minimum amount of aldehydes (substances that are used for organic compounds with groups of keratin). Therefore, the negative impact of chemicals on the structure of the hair is completely absent.
  • The procedure delicately stretches the hair, giving them an incredible shine.
  • After keratin your hair will not get heavier.
  • Hair will not stick together and look untidy or dirty.
  • The effect of the keratin procedure will be restored after washing and drying the hair.
  • Another significant plus of this popular procedure is the permissibility of combining it with hair dying. However, it is worthwhile to be careful: after straightening, the color of the curls can change exactly in tone. Therefore, before dying, consider this factor. If you want to return the original hair color, you should contact the hairdresser not earlier than two weeks after the previous staining.

Straightening hair with keratin works with absolutely any type of hair. It can be carried out even after unsuccessful curling by chemical means. Even the most disobedient ringlets will straighten out under the action of a useful keratin! After the procedure, the curls become tender and silky, and the process of combing is easy and pleasant. Styling takes much less time, and there is no need to use special styling products at all.

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But it is worth remembering that this effect can be achieved only if the materials for the procedure were qualitative and reliable.  Sometimes, women try to straighten hair at home but salon straightening has a number of advantages. At the stage of preparation, the master professionally assesses the condition of the hair, and also decides which particular remedy of the great variety suits you. The whole procedure is divided into three stages: purification, care, straightening.

As a rule, the master in the salon operates in this order:

  • At the beginning of the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed with a special shampoo. It is cleared of dust, fat, etc. Hair becomes more susceptible to keratin.
  • After cleaning, a mixture of protein and keratin is applied to the hair. It is applied to all the ringlets, gently retreating from the roots of the hair. Leave the mixture for about half an hour.
  • After cleaning and care, the hair is dried with a hair dryer at medium temperature, divided into separate strands and straightened with a hot iron (230 degrees).
  • After a similar treatment with keratin, you will become the owner of healthy and strong hair, and care for it will become easier and more pleasant.

Note: Women who have done this procedure note that after keratin straightening hair quickly loses volume. This is true, however, with each subsequent washing, the volume will return. It is also worth considering that it is only three days after the first application of keratin to wash your hair.

Important: Do not trust your beauty to the unchecked salons and low-quality products, even if you are captivated by the low price of the procedure.


Method number 2: Botox straightening

Aggressive effects of the environment, frequent stains, styling products, drying with a hair dryer – all these factors adversely affect the health and beauty of the curls. Add to this the constant stresses, irrational nutrition, a complex ecological situation and it becomes clear why today only rare lucky people can boast of chic hair. However, modern cosmetic novelties for hair care make it possible to correct the situation quickly and efficiently, for example, rather young, but already loved by many procedure, botox for hair.

To begin with, there is nothing to do with botox for face. A similar name was given to it because of the effect of rejuvenation. True, some complexes contain molecules of botulinum toxin, but it is fundamentally different from the substance used in the fight against wrinkles. Manipulations do not include any injections, only masks and serums are applied superficially. Indications for the procedure are: dry hair, brittle and lack of shine. The drug is optimal for owners of thin porous hair with split ends. It aligns the structure of the hair, smoothing the hair. Botox is indispensable for those who often color or lighten hair. The use of the drug will make it possible to get blond color without unpleasant yellowness. In addition, Botox is often recommended for slow growth and loss, since all formulations contain a large number of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

The procedure is absolutely safe, but has some contraindications. If you are addicted to allergies, it is recommended that you pre-test the drug on the elbow. Abrasions, open wounds or irritation on the scalp also serve as an obstacle to manipulation. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure in the presence of tumors. During pregnancy and lactation, use botox for hair with extreme caution.  In the first trimester, it is better to give up any chemicals in favor of natural remedies.

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According to specialists, Botox is called upon to rejuvenate our hair, to make it healthier and strong. The procedure is very comfortable and pleasant, it takes just over an hour. The sequence of manipulations is as follows:

  • Strands are thoroughly washed with a special shampoo to remove the remnants of the styling product and prepare them for the effect of the preparation, dry with a towel or cold air of a hair dryer;
  • Put the reconstructing serum on the hair along the entire length of the, which ensures the ingress of nutrients into the hair. Exposure time 30-40 minutes;
  • Next, a sealing agent is applied, due to which the active substances are washed out gradually. After 5 minutes, the hair should be rinsed with water;
  • The treatment ends with the application of an indelible restoring mask, which is used to prolong the action of the serum. After the procedure, the hair becomes glossy, soft, silky to the touch. Locks acquire volume and elasticity. After the procedure, the styling lasts longer, the hair becomes obedient, the electrification disappears. The color of the painted strands is quickened, and the paint is washed off less.

Important: It should be noted that the effect of drugs is not limited only to the visual effect, such as for keratin straightening. Deep impact allows you to restore the damaged structure of porous hair, make them stronger, provide protection from adverse factors.


Method number 3: Lamination

Most often, lamination is done in the salon, but you can also carry out the procedure at home. For hair lamination procedure, professional hair cosmetics should be used. Today, you can buy ready-made sets for laminating at home from reputable brands. But remember that home lamination can be done if you have enough knowledge and practice. Otherwise, there is a risk that the effect after the procedure will only upset you. Keep in mind that the effect will last until the first wash of the head. If doing it in a salon, it will consist of the following several stages:

  • a special compound is applied to damp hair, which forms a protective lash;
  • then, the hair is dried with a hair dryer and again the “useful” composition is applied;
  • at the end, it is necessary to fix the effect with another solution.

Hair becomes incredibly shiny and soft, and the result lasts up to four weeks. There are several types of this procedure: biolamination or screening (the names are different, but the principle of action and effect are the same).

Advantages of the hair lamination:

Laminating hair has the most important advantage – instant healing and restoring effect, which will not be lost after the first, second and even third wash. In addition, this procedure is completely safe for the hair, so the composition of the means for lamination includes proteins, natural plant extracts and biologically active substances that heal hair from the roots to the tips.

  • Instant revitalizing effect
  • Hair gains shine and radiance, it becomes strong, dryness and fragility go away
  • Volume appears, hair thickens along the entire length
  • Hair is protected against external factors
  • The shade becomes brighter, and the hair dye lasts longer
  • Safe and affordable hair treatment procedure
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You can make color lamination and thereby change the shade of hair without harm to its structure.

Important: Many straightening agents include formaldehyde, which settles in the body and can eventually cause poisoning or even some serious illnesses, such as skin cancer. To avoid this, be sure to check out the composition of the products you use.


Method number 4: Japanese Method

The Japanese method is a relatively recent effective technology used for disobedient hair follicles. If other chemical technologies have a harmful effect on the hair, this restores them due to cystamine, a special therapeutic protein. Hair straightens at a deep level, causing a long-lasting effect of the treatment procedure.

With the help of the Japanese method, any type of hair is straightened – normal, dyed, damaged, using different approaches. If you do the procedure in the salon, before it starts, experienced specialists will learn the state of the hairdo and understand what approach to choose, so that it is as gentle as possible for a particular type of hair.

Using this method is quite expensive, and the procedure takes a long time, but it’s worth it. It is better to devote a lot of time to visiting a real master, than to do the same in a hurry, regretting further result. If you make the procedure qualitatively, it will allow you to keep your hair straight for more than a year.

Japanese straightening takes place in several steps:

  • The head is washed with professional salt-free products, dried.
  • Processing by special means-rectifiers. They are kept in the hair for a long time, so that the chemicals penetrate deep into the skin, making effective changes.
  • Remove the rectifier, dry the head with a hairdryer.
  • Produce stretching the curls ironing. Take a small curl, straightening it. Gradually, the procedure is carried out throughout the head. This phase is important for the master to perform.
  • A neutralizer is applied to the head, washed, covered with a professional mask.
  • The result of Japanese straightening is noticed more than a year, but may be shorter, depending on the growth rate of the hairline. At the second stage, the procedure is carried out only for the overgrown areas.

How to take care of hair after the procedure?

No matter how straightened curls, the technology of caring for them at first is the same and includes the following:

  • Four days after the procedure, you shouldn’t wash your hair.
  • It is forbidden to use elastic bands, hairpins, other accessories.
  • The head is not painted, does not stain.
  • Temporarily exclude from the wardrobe headgear.
  • Use professional hair care products that don’t contain sulfates but have keratin.

Important: The procedure should not be carried out for pregnant and lactating mothers, since the substances used in the work are quite active. It should be taken into account that some women have an allergic reaction to the components of the Japanese makeup products.



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