3 Pieces of Advice for Taking Care of the Damaged Hair

Every day, due to improper washig of the head, drying with hot air and combing, the hair is severely damaged and becomes brittle. There is even an opinion that only scissors can help the damaged hair. But this opinion is erroneous. If you provide proper care for damaged hair, then it may look beautiful again. You may also consider getting a hair perm or using hair extensions to have a new look and boost your hair volume. Another way to give your your hair a new look is by getting a hair coloring service.Quite often, the hair becomes untidy, seeded, and dry after staining or curling. Chemicals spoil the structure of the hair, and improper care of them only aggravates the situation. And one fine day, you realize that you cannot do without restoring damaged hair. But everything could have been avoided if you had properly taken care of your hair. Don’t worry! Let’s improve the situation together! Discover the best tips on how to take care of damaged hair the right way, and explore effective solutions like the “bellevue hair treatment” to restore your locks to their natural beauty. You may also need to use hair care products that you can order from https://lionlocs.com/collections/dreadlock-products. Businesses can get manufacturing and filling for hair products from KBL Cosmetics. However, if you’re losing hair, then you may need to look into treatments such as hair restoration in Grand Rapids, MI or Keralase hair restoration.


Tip number 1: Don’t Wash Hair Too Often and Use Specialized Shampoo

Damaged hair requires special and careful treatment. The fact is that their condition is aggravated by improper and too frequent washing, the use of unsuitable cosmetics and drying with hot air. Let’s start with the basics of caring for damaged hair: shampoo and wash frequency. Damaged hair can not be washed too often. You do not need to wash your hair every day if your hair is clean. If you have normal hair, then wash it every 3 days. In the rest of the time, it will look normal.

For washing, use only specialized products for damaged hair. Shampoo must contain:

  1. proteins,
  2. natural oils
  3. and vitamins.

To restore the structure of the hair, yolk and wheat proteins are needed, since they not only help to strengthen, but also restore.

Professional hairdressers usually advise to wash hair as little as possible, it is exactly suitable for not very heavy hair and if you have a normal scalp. The fact is that shampoos wash away fat and oils, so if you wash your hair too often (for example, every day or every other day), it is very easy to dry your hair. The skin secretes the sebum: in small amounts it is even necessary: the scalp may begin to peel off, which causes dandruff. Of course, if you, for example, go in for sports or you have very oily skin on your head or you live in a hot climate (the head sweats a lot). But this is almost the only option when it is necessary.

In general, the thicker your hair and the less fat your skin has, the less often you need a shampoo. On average, experts advise you to wash your hair no more than once every three days, but in general, it’s time to wash your hair when scalp starts to itch or your hair looks greasy.

Important: And do not forget: first of all, shampoo is needed for scalp. To bring your hair in order, use conditioners, masks, balms, etc.


Tip 2: Take Vitamins and Microelements Able to Restore Damaged Hair

Today, you can either buy vitamins for hair in the drugstore or check which vitamins are necessary for the damaged hair and include natural foods containing them.

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Have a look at the list of the vitamins you should include in your daily ration:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A strengthens the roots, improves hair growth, prevents hair loss and, like a fat-soluble vitamin, it can easily be “saved up”. Therefore, if you include in the autumn diet such sources of vitamin and provitamin A, as spinach, broccoli, carrots and Bulgarian peppers, the vitamin reserve is enough for at least the first half of winter. Another useful seasonal vegetable for hair beauty and preventing their loss is a pumpkin. In addition to a record amount of provitamin A – beta-carotene, it has the most important substances necessary for hair: vitamins B, E and C, iron, copper, cobalt, zinc and other microelements.

Vitamins of B group

Vitamins of B group are needed for hair to grow well, to be shiny and not to thin out. Very often, premature allopecia is caused by the long-term lack of vitamins B. The most important for hair are thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), panthenol (B5), pyridoxine (B6), inositol (B8), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin B12). Look for them, first of all, in cabbage of all kinds and in nuts of a new crop! Also, as useful seasonal sources of vitamins B, pay attention to the potatoes (it is better to bake it in a uniform), carrots and legumes, especially peas. But only fresh: in the dried and canned peas of vitamin B 15-20 times less!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is responsible for good circulation of the scalp, thus ensuring normal nutrition of the hair follicles. So eat more apples, greens, sweet pepper (it is considered a record among vegetables for the content of vitamin C), drink pomegranate juice, brew fresh berries instead of tea. Excellent autumn source of vitamin C – zucchini (store them in the dark so that the vitamin does not break down). They, in addition, a lot of potassium and silicon, responsible for a good “cohesion” of keratin molecules of hair, making them strong and preventing the appearance of split ends.

Those who want to have beautiful and thick hair should include in the autumn diet berries of sea-buckthorn berries – not only delicious, but also very useful: they contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits, plus the whole group of vitamins B, vitamins A, P, PP, E, K , about one and a half tens of microelements (including sodium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon), flavonoids, slowing down aging of hair, and other useful substances. Only 100 grams of fresh sea-buckthorn berries or juice squeezed out of them a day will replace any vitamin complex: the body will receive a daily intake of almost all useful substances.

Remember that many vitamins are unstable and destroyed even when products come into contact with the metal. For example, vitamin C is destroyed after 5-10 minutes after we wash and cut fresh vegetables. For example, in tomatoes and peppers it is reduced by 10%, and in cucumbers – by 50%.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is also very important for hair: when it lacks, they lose their shine, they start falling out, breaking down and breaking. In addition, he is responsible for the transportation of oxygen in the circulatory system and, with his lack of hair, inadequate useful substances, even if there is enough of them in your diet. Its best sources are nuts and vegetable oils, but recent research has shown that alpha-tocopherol contained in fresh vegetables is digested even better. Most of it in beans, greens and various kinds of lettuce, spinach and cabbage broccoli. And for the beauty of hair it is worth adding crushed nuts and sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. to green salads.

Sunflower seeds are not only a storehouse of vitamin E, but also an excellent source of such a rare trace element, like molybdenum, which accelerates the growth of hair. And in nuts, there is still a lot of zinc and amino acids that provide hair with the necessary “building” material and contribute to the well functioning of the hair follicles.

Vitamin PP

Its other names are nicotinic acid and niacinamide, sometimes it is also called vitamin B3. Vitamin PP is not a random ingredient in many cosmetics for hair strengthening: it stimulates their growth, reduces hair loss, improves microcirculation of scalp and nutrition of hair follicles, protects hair from moisture loss, some scientists even believe that it helps to slow the appearance of gray hair which is of great help, considering how often women try to find brands like HairKair root touch up,  a convenient solution for covering gray roots. Nicotinic acid is most common in root crops (especially carrots, beets, turnip and parsnip), and it is also found in eggplants, squash, pumpkin, onions, garlic.

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Lack of iron today is the main cause of hair loss in women, and in the whole world. When iron deficiency is manifested not only intense hair loss, the first symptoms may be dryness, brittleness and a decrease in the diameter of the hair, that is, the quality of the hair itself changes. There are several indicators that show the exchange of iron in the body (hemoglobin, serum iron, ferritin, total or latent iron binding ability of the serum) and only after their results can you find out if you have iron deficiency anemia. I will say that it is necessary to treat it for a long time, always under the supervision of a doctor and the results are not always encouraging.


L-cystine is a microelement that directly participates in the reproduction of keratin, and is also part of its composition. It is a strong antioxidant, strengthens hair and stimulates growth, strengthens B vitamins. It is very important for hair loss, choosing vitamin complexes for hair, see that this element was included in their composition.


Zinc is an important element in hair loss. Zinc deficiency on the straight leads to hair loss (alopecia), while zinc plays an important role in regulating the sebaceous glands of the scalp and normal hair growth.


Calcium is the building material for the hair. Calcium is also important for eliminating hair loss. Calcium helps vitamin D, and it is better to digest if taken in the evening. It is contained in all dairy products, spinach, beans, green vegetables, onions, fish, nuts, apples, pears.

Important: Include healthy hair products and do not forget to drink plenty of water. Strengthen the body with vitamin complexes and other special preparations (collagen, preparations of zinc, iron, biotin), which will help to restore your hair.


Tip 3: Use Natural Homemade Masks

After using the shampoo, be sure to pamper your hair with conditioner or balm. It should be from the same series as your shampoo or the natural one made at home. A couple of times a week it is recommended to apply a regenerating mask for damaged hair. The basis of these masks should be the same as shampoos: oils, protein complex, vitamins.

  • Nourishing mask for damaged hair. An excellent nutritional effect for hair is a mask of mayonnaise with black bread. Bread crumb grind and mix with two tablespoons of mayonnaise and one egg. Apply the mask to damp hair, put on a shower cap and warm the head with a towel. Soak for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water and shampoo. This mask restores the hair along the entire length, making them smooth and docile. Another variant of a home mask for damaged hair is an oil mask. For it you need one teaspoon of burdock, castor oil and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Stir the ingredients and apply to the streaks. Warm the film, towel and leave for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with water and shampoo.
  • Mask for colored damaged hair. After staining, hair often becomes dry and stiff. To get rid of this problem the mask of colorless henna, honey and eggs will help. Henna can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, keep in mind that the mask with it can be kneaded only in glass or enamelware, otherwise unwanted chemical reactions may occur. Pour the sachet into a bowl and, stirring constantly, add a stream of warm water. The mask should look like a sour cream. In the mixture add a tablespoon of honey and egg yolk, mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on the hair, wrap the head with cellophane and a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Wash your head with shampoo. This mask will help restore the damaged damaged hair, restore its shine and softness.
  • Banana mask. Excellent mask for damaged curls with an incredible aroma is based on a banana. This plant literally brings back to life the hair, subjected to coloring, melioration and coloring, saturates them with missing nutrients, adds shine and volume. In order to prepare a mask, you need one banana, a tablespoon of milk, as much honey and olive oil and an egg. The banana must be carefully kneaded. Then beat the egg and add to the banana mass. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Apply the mask to the hair, avoiding the roots, for 30 minutes. Rinse the remnants of the product with warm water without the use of shampoo.
  • Kefir mask with essential oils. Moisturize and strengthen dry damaged hair will help mask with kefir and essential oils. For a mask you will need a glass of yogurt and yogurt. Heat it to room temperature and add a few drops of essential oils of orange and ylang-ylang. Use your fingertips to massage the mask into your hair. Leave it for half an hour and rinse with warm water. The smell from kefir will help to smooth the rinsing of hair with a solution of vinegar or water with lemon juice.
  • Avocado mask. One of the richest for fruit vitamins – avocado – will also come in handy. Due to the large amount of fatty acids, the avocado deeply nourishes and saturates the hair and scalp with vitamins A and E. A real find for heavily damaged hair! For the mask, you need one very ripe avocado (the fruit should be soft to the touch) and one large spoon of olive oil. Cut the flesh and fill the resulting gruel. Rub it into the scalp, pay special attention to the tips of the hair, leave it for 30 minutes under the towel. Rinse with a mild shampoo.
  • Coconut oil. Affected by improper care, locks need special attention and care. Visibly restores the damaged hair mask with coconut oil. To cook it, heat a tablespoon of coconut oil to room temperature, add a tablespoon of yogurt and a teaspoon of lemon juice, onion juice and honey. You can supplement the mask with a few drops of lemon essential oil. Apply on the hair along the entire length, wrapped with a towel and leave for an hour.
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Important:  Wash your head and rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile. Prepare the masks according to the recipes above weekly. The healing effect of natural homemade masks is guaranteed.

Follow these hair care recommendations diligently, and you’ll witness the beauty and vitality of your hair flourish. Should your hair tips suffer from severe damage, you have two choices: either trim them or opt for specialized repairing oils. These oils work wonders in restoring your hair’s luster and health. However, there are instances where even these remedies may fall short. That’s where the effectiveness of CPR Hair products comes into play. In such scenarios, it’s advisable to trim a few centimeters off the hair to completely eliminate the damaged ends. Your hair will not only look revitalized but will also grow at an accelerated rate. Moving forward, aim to trim your hair every 6-8 weeks for optimal maintenance.




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