How to make your hair beautiful with the right essential oil?

hairBeautiful hair is the real wealth of a woman. A woman with beautiful well-groomed hair stands out from the crowd, so we all have to give our hair maximum attention.

Everyone knows that the condition of our hair is directly proportional to the state of our body in general. But even proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle cannot guarantee the health of hair. After all, stress, poor quality water and a number of other adverse effects make our hair dull and brittle.

Essential oils can solve many problems related to beauty and health. They favorably affect the growth of hair, improve the work of sebaceous and sweat glands, prevent the appearance of dandruff and hair loss and improve the hair structure. After using essential oils your hair becomes soft and silky and gets healthy shine. Masks with essential oils for hair will help get rid of not only all the unpleasant symptoms, but also the causes of the existing problem. Masks are prepared using the base and essential oil in accordance with the type of hair.

In this article you will find out more will about essential oils for hair and how to apply them competently and efficiently.


Tip number 1. If you have normal hair

normal hairNormal hair rarely creates for its owners any problems. And yet, it needs additional care. For normal hair you are recommended to use such essential oils as cypress, lavender, cedar, lemon, rosemary, chamomile, thyme, rosewood.

For the care of normal hair in order to make your hair even more beautiful and prevent any possible problems, the following mixtures based on essential oils can be used.

Recipe for normal hair type:

  • 15 ml of jojoba or almond oil mixed with 7 drops of chamomile oil (for light hair) or rosemary (for dark hair);
  • add 15 drops of base oil;
  • 2 drops of rosemary, lavender, clary sage and jasmine;
  • 2 drops of lavender, rose or geranium, ylang-ylang and patchouli (or 2 drops of chamomile, lavender, sandalwood and 1 drop of jasmine);

It is possible to substitute the previous mixes of essential oils with 2 drops of rose absolute, patchouli, lavender and sandalwood.

Recommendation: As a basis, use vegetable oils: jojoba, castor, coconut, almond, olive, sunflower or sesame.

Tip number 2. If you have oily hair

oily hairWith oily hair, masks are effective with the use of essential oils of grapefruit, bergamot, lemon, melissa, patchouli, eucalyptus.

Essential oils of grapefruit and bergamot have the following functions:

  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands,
  • eliminate the fatness of hair roots,
  • and also have antiseptic properties.

Oils of lemon and patchouli:

  • nourish the hair,
  • help in the fight against dandruff.

Melissa essential oil:

  • normalizes the secretion of oily hair,
  • increases their tone,
  • prevents gluing and drooping “dirty” appearance.

Essential oil of eucalyptus:

  • eliminates dandruff,
  • prevents hair loss,
  • plays the role of a strong tonic and disinfectant.

For oily hair, you can use the following mask with essential oils.

Recipe for oily hair type:

  • Take 15 ml of base oil and add 2-3 drops of melissa, bergamot and eucalyptus.
  • Rinse greasy hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar (per 200 ml of water 1 teaspoon of vinegar).

Recommendation: As the basis use jojoba oil, safflower, sesame, almond oil or wheat germ oil.

Related:   Top-5 Most Effective Natural Oils from Wrinkles

Tip number 3. If you have thin, dry hair

dry and thin hairTo care for thin, dry hair you can use the following essential oils: orange, ylang-ylang, chamomile, myrrh, mandarin, sandalwood, incense.

Recipe for thin hair type 1:

  • Take 50 ml of olive oil,
  • add 10-12 drops of lavender;
  • Or on 30 ml of the same basis, add 0.5 tablespoon of oil vitamin E and 3 drops of geranium, chamomile and lavender.

To improve the condition of dry hair you can successfully use 15 ml of base oil and 8-10 drops of rosemary.

You can apply this mask for dry and normal hair as well. It is recommended to apply it 1-2 times a week.

Recipe for dry hair 2:

  • Coconut oil;
  • Jojoba oil;
  • Lemon;
  • Vodka;
  • Oil of mint.

Prepare freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix it with other ingredients, warm it up and apply it to the curls. The application of the mask gives shine even to loosened locks.

With brittleness and split ends, it is better to use this mixture: Jojoba oil, lanolin, burdock root oil and 1-2 drops of any essential oil for dry hair;

Recommendation: If case you have an itching scalp, you should prepare a mask using peppermint oil.

Tip number 4. If you have dandruff

dandruffDandruff can be of two kinds: dry and oily:

  • Dry dandruff occurs with increased dryness of the scalp. It is easily peeled and flakes, making the hair look as if there is snow on your head. Hair becomes brittle and split.
  • Oily dandruff, on the contrary, appears on the excessively oily scalp. It has a yellowish tinge, heavily exfoliates and hangs on the hair. It is not a very pleasant picture. Hair becomes greasy on the second day after washing your hair.

If the dandruff is oily, then use a mask to get rid of it.

Recipe for oily dandruff: Tale 15 ml of jojoba oil and add 4-5 drops of bergamot or sandalwood.

Recipe for dry dandruff: This hair problem may be cured with a mixture of 15 ml of coconut oil and 5 drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil or 2 drops of lemon grass and 7 drops of tea tree oil.

Recommendation: It is better prevent the appearance of dandruff than cure it, that’s why use 2 drops of essential oils of cedar, rosemary, lavender and tea tree with 15 ml of olive oil or jojoba if don’t want to face this hair problem.

Tip number 5. If you have a hair loss problem

hair lossThe hair loss problem can be successfully dealt with using the following essential oils: rosemary, eucalyptus, orange, cedar, chamomile, ginger, pine, thyme, limette, neroli, sage.

To increase growth and reduce the greasiness of the curls it is recommended to regularly use patchouli oil. It has a pleasant spicy aroma, a pronounced warming effect, and an incredible strengthening effect. Thanks to this, the hair grows faster, does not drop out, the circulation of the scalp improves, which increases the density of the hair. Those who want to grow long hair as soon as possible should resort to oil of rosemary, juniper, ylang-ylang, melissa, cloves, fir and cinnamon. In this case, it is better to use one particular oil without forgetting to add it to the base oil.

Useful properties of essential oils:

  • Treatment of alopecia.
  • Acceleration of hair growth.
  • Normalization of greasiness of curls and scalp.
  • Treatment of dandruff and other skin problems.
  • Nourishment and moisturizing of curls.
  • Recovering damaged ends.
  • Removal of inflammation.
  • Strengthening the color of the strands.
  • Strengthening of hair

Recipe to prevent hair loss:

  • Mix 15 ml of base oil;
  • Add 2 drops of rosemary, sage and cedar oil.

Recommendation: For growth and hair density, it is best to use cinnamon oil. It has a wonderful antiseptic effect, improves blood circulation and allows you to awaken sleeping bulbs. Its regular use allows you to make your hair more spacious.

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Tip number 6. If you want to accelerate the hair growth

hair growthIn order to stimulate and accelerate the growth of hair, it is effective to make masks at home with the addition of essential oils. It is necessary to do this kind of procedure regularly, especially in the autumn-winter periods. Before each procedure, the composition for the mask must be made new, combining different essential oils. The composition should be applied to the scalp and the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the hair tips, over wrapping the head with a food film and wrapping it with a towel or a warm wide scarf. Oil masks with essential oils are well tolerated from half an hour. Then wash the mask in the usual way, that is, using your usual shampoo. After that, it is good to rinse your hair with a mixture of water and five drops of essential oil, which you added to the mask. For growth, nutrition and density of any type of hair, such a mask is effective.

Recipe to make your hair grow faster 1:

  • grind the egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey pre-melted with a water bath,
  • then add into the mixture two tablespoons of olive oil (can be replaced by any vegetable oil),
  • add several drops of fir essential oil and three drops of rosemary.

Recipe to improve hair growth 2:

To improve the growth of hair it is effective mixture of citrus oils:

  • take two teaspoons of almond oil;
  • take two drops of eucalyptus, orange, patchouli.

In addition, the mask will return shine, improve the condition of split ends, giving the hair a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Recommendation: Do this mask three times a week. The course of treatment must be during one month.

Most effective essential oils and their properties

grapefruitessentialoilIn the care and treatment of various hair problems, as well as to stimulate growth, essential oils such as ylang ylang, cloves, geranium, eucalyptus, juniper, bergamot, tea tree, cinnamon, fir, rosemary, lemon balm, sage, citrus are considered to be the most effective.

  • Rosemary – has a stimulating effect on the circulation of the scalp, regenerating to damaged brittle and dull hair, strengthens hair.
  • Sage – positively affects the general condition of the hair, has a wonderful cleansing property, is effective against dandruff and regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands. Effective results can be achieved with a combination of oils of rosemary and sage.
  • Bergamot – in addition to the ability to influence the hair follicles, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, has an antiseptic effect.
  • Carnation – is considered a strong antimicrobial agent, effectively combats dandruff.
  • Geranium – a wonderful growth accelerator, a good antiseptic, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff.
  • Cinnamon – stimulates the blood supply to the scalp due to the warming effect.
  • Melissa – fights dandruff, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has a calming effect on the scalp.
  • Tea tree – strengthens weakened hair, eliminates itching, dandruff.
  • Eucalyptus – fights with dandruff, strengthens the hair ends and stimulates the hair follicles.
  • Fir – promotes the stimulation of the follicles.
  • Lavender – in addition to positively affecting the growth of hair, it also prevents hair loss.
  • Citrus fruit oils are recommended for oily hair, in addition to accelerating growth processes, they favorably affect the general condition of hair and scalp.
  • Cornflower – improves blood circulation, suitable for oily hair, especially effectively combine it with burdock oil or fenugreek.
  • Mint – nourishes the roots, strengthening the blood flow in the scalp.
  • Birch white – soothes and cleanses.
  • Ginger – accelerates blood circulation, strengthens follicles.
Related:   9 recipes of masks for your skin, hair and body made from honey and cinnamon

8 Pieces of advice how to apply essential oils for hair

  • lemon essential oilThe oils are applied to dirty dry hair. Rub the oil first in the scalp, massage the skin for a couple of minutes, and then distribute the remaining oil along the entire length of the hair. The oil should not drip from the strands! Small hairy strands can easily be rubbed between greasy palms and combed with fingers, enriching the hair with additional oxygen.
  • After applying the mask, the hair should look like unwashed greasy hair. You can wrap the hair with a cellophane bag and tie a cotton headscarf or towel on top, or you can do without covering your hair. The effect is almost the same.
  • An oil mix can be applied to the hair and left overnight. Cover the pillow with a dense cotton cloth and sleep peacefully. Night treatment is suitable for women who are used to washing their hair in the morning.
  • You can wash off the oil with any shampoo but do not apply the shampoo directly to the hair ends, and first “stretch” the length of the hair and only then go to the ends. You should know that you should not diligently wash your hair until the oil is completely washed out. As soon as you feel the purity of the hair, immediately stop rinsing.
  • Usually, if the oil composition completely meets the needs of your hair, after the oil mask is washed off, you do not need to use a factory mask or rinse remedy. It will take some time to find a mask formula for your hair type.
  • Essential oils are not always mixed well with other substances. To create a mixture that has a uniform consistency, you must first prepare a “micro-slurry”: mix 1 part of the base (in the amount that fits on the tip of the spoon) with 1 drop of essential oil, then add 1 more drop of essential oil and 2 parts of the base to this mixture, then a third drop of essential oil and three parts of the base, etc. After that, in the micro-slurry, thoroughly mixing, introduce the rest of the recommended amount of the base.
  • Always check the essential oil for individual tolerability! For this, the “micro slurry” is applied to the back of the wrist and wait for 12 hours. If there are no unpleasant skin reactions after the check, you can safely use this oil!
  • If you do not always have enough time to make a mask for hair with essential oils, they can be added to shampoos, balms and water for rinsing hair. But it is important to remember that some oils can react with shampoo components. Here there is a list of oils that are not desirable to add to the finished products, as they can react with it: cypress, cedar, lemon, mandarin, orange, ylang-ylang, pine, juniper. But if you still want to add any of the above oils, follow this recipe: mix 120 ml of liquid soap, 60 ml of water and ½ teaspoon of oil (jojoba or olive). In this mixture, add essential oils.



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