Top-15 Products for Beautiful and Smooth Sunburn

smoothThere was a time when women didn’t care about sunburns remedies as tanned skin was considered a sign of bad taste. Women kept their skin white always hiding from the sun. Only peasants were swarthy and sunburned as they were working all day in the fields and among the rich pallor even considered to be “aristocratic”.

Today, we have other standards of beauty, and pale skin is perceived by us as a sign of illness or weakness, but the tan: beige, chocolate, bronze – whatever, is a must component of sexual attractiveness of both women and men. Men, however, achieve a beautiful tan easier: they can often walk without a shirt where we cannot wear bathing suits, and their skin by nature is darker and thicker – it quickly perceives the sun’s rays, being better protected from burns. Nowadays, there is uv tanning, as well as a lot of tanning cosmetics, which contains vitamins. Here you will find a few options that act gently but surely – it is food and homemade cosmetics, enabling tanning to work faster and better. Most people think that if you want to have nice suntan, the only thing you can use is cream or lotion bought in the shop.

Not many know that what we eat also influence our skin much. In the UK, there was an experiment conducted: the whole month a group of young women were kept on a diet of fruits, vegetables, juices and other foods rich in these substances and the other group at this time was sunbathing in the sun. At the end of the month it there was a poll: men who have not seen these women were shown their photos, and most of those surveyed liked the girls, who received a golden hue tan using only food. There are products, which contribute to beautiful sunburn naturally. Here we are going to talk about exactly such kind of remedies which can be easily used by everybody who wants to have sunburn of his or her dream in the natural way.


Product number 1: Peach

PeachWhen the body gets the right nutrition from the inside, it is better protected from the adverse effects of sunlight, and at the same time it actively produces substances that give the skin a beautiful shade of tan.

They contain:

  • potassium,
  • iron,
  • beta-carotene,
  • vitamins C, PP, group B

Eating peaches helps to produce melanin pigment providing a beautiful and smooth tan.

Important: This fruit also is able to prevent the appearance of burns and protect the skin, which guarantee you nice dark skin without any imperfections.


Product number 2: Melon

MelonIt contains very useful substances for sunburn:

  • vitamins B1, B2, PP, C,
  • potassium,
  • iron,
  • beta-carotene.

It is able to accelerate tanning and enhance smooth dark color.

Important: It is recommended to eat 300 grams of melon on a daily basis for a smooth and beautiful tan.


Product number 3: Apricot

Apricots are also very effective for getting beautiful sunburn thanks to the following useful components they contain:

  • beta-carotene,
  • iron,
  • phosphorus,
  • vitamin B

It has also some other substances that accelerate the tanning process and protect the skin from the sun. In addition to apricots you can eat peaches as well. They are also effective for sunburn as any bright orange fruit.

Important: It is enough to eat about 200 g of fresh fruit every day.

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Product number 4: Avocado

AvocadoDue to the properties of avocado oil, you will be able to protect the skin from solar radiation and enhance your sunburn.

In order to have beautiful suntan, it is necessary to take the following ingredients:

  • avocado
  • apricot oil (in a volume of 50 ml each),
  • the essential oil ylang-ylang (10 drops).

Important: As a bonus, avocado will help you to restore your protective functions of your skin


Product number 5: Red raspberry

Red raspberryYou can eat it or make a great homemade cream, which will help to protect your skin from negative influence of sun preventing its aging as well as getting nice skin color. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • oil from the seeds of red raspberry – 1 tsp
  • beeswax (1/4 tbsp);
  • coconut oil (1/4 tbsp.);
  • almond or olive oil (1/2 tbsp.);
  • Vitamin E – 1 tsp;
  • shea extract – 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • zinc oxide (2 tbsp.);

In order to prepare the effective means, it is necessary to combine all ingredients in a glass container not less than 0.5 liters. Don’t add zinc oxide. Take a small pan, pour approximately 5-6 cm of water, hold it over medium heat. The jar with components should be covered with the lid and placed in a saucepan with water. The water must be warm in order to melt the components.  It is necessary to shake the jar. When everything is completely melted, you can add zinc oxide.

Prepare some dish to place the homemade cream in advance, where you are going to store it and pour the resulting composition there. The mixture begins to cool.

Now, sun cream, prepared with your own hands, can be used as a standard cream for sunburn. Store it in a cool and dry place.

The cream made is water resistant, but after bathing it is necessary to apply it again. If the mixture has become liquid and spreadable, it is necessary to add more beeswax.

Important: It is better not to store it longer than six months.


Product number 6: Tomatoes

TomatoesTomatoes are used effectively for sunburn due to the following properties:

  • They contain lycopene – a powerful antioxidant, which produces more pigment, making skin golden.
  • The tomatoes have plenty of water, and it is also important for the skin – so you can stay hydrated during tanning.

Much of lycopene is produced during the heat treatment of tomatoes. They prevent oxidation and ensure the prevention of skin cancer. They are effective for acceleration of tanning. Half a glass (60-100 g) of tomato juice, for example, can help to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation in the same way as a sunscreen with low SPF.

Important: Do not stew them too long; they must also have oil. In such a way antioxidants will assimilate better.


Product number 7: Carrot

CarrotIf we try to combine diet and the sun, the result will be stunning: tan will become nice and smooth and will stay longer than usual. Products that help to get a nice tan are quite a lot in nature – here we are going to tell about some of the most effective.

The carrots and carrot juice take the first place in the list of the products that are able to help you in getting a nice suntan. Even the experts – dermacosmetologists are talking about the great properties of carrots, which contains a lot of beta-carotene that gives the skin tan color, and simultaneously maintains its elasticity, so that it suffers from the sun less. Before you go to the beach it is recommended to:

  • Drink a glass of fresh carrot juice,
  • Add a little cream – to assimilate the vitamin.
  • Eat fresh grated carrots – also with cream or oil
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Important: Remember that you shouldn’t eat much of carrots, otherwise the skin tone becomes unnaturally yellow – like that one in people suffering from liver diseases.


Product number 8: Olive oil

Olive oilOlive oil can be used both internally, including it in your ratio daily and externally in the form of homemade lotion for sunburn. If you combine both ways of using it, you will enjoy faster and more effective results. Olive oil is a well-known source of antioxidants. It can work wonders with skin, even fading and dry skin is going to be back to life and become fresh, if to take care of it with oil – both outside and inside. Olive oil is not beneficial for sunburn but for other aims as well:

  • it slows down aging,
  • it does not allow to develop a variety of tumors,
  • it prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the body
  • it supports the work of the heart

All this is possible thanks to a large number of unsaturated fatty acids contained in it.

Important: It is recommended to use it as an after-sun lotion – the skin will receive power and will be well hydrated.


Product number 9: Cocoa butter

It is possible to prepare natural remedy for enhancing sunburn using cocoa butter, which contains valuable substances able to protect skin. It contributes to melanin production.

It is necessary to take the following ingredients in equal proportions:

  • cocoa butter
  • olive oil
  • coconut oil

Important: All of these ingredients should be mixed and cooked with the help of the boiling-water bath.


Product number 10: Nuts

NutsThe daily dose of selenium is contained only in 1-2 brazil nuts, and this element provides reliable skin protection against sunburn and strengthens the whole body. If you can’t afford buying brazil nuts often, then it is possible to substitute them with:

  • walnuts
  • sprouted grains
  • fresh mushrooms

Besides, Brazil nuts you can use walnuts and make cosmetic oil from walnut, which is well-known for helping to acquire a spectacular golden tan. Pure walnut oil can be rubbed into the skin before going to the beach, however, it is necessary to sunbath not longer than 20 minutes. In case of spending more time on the beach, instead of tanning you can get the adverse effect. It is possible to prepare sunburn oil at home using:

  • walnut ( better to use walnut oil)
  • almond oil (in a volume of 50 ml each).

As part of the ether again oil of ylang-ylang (10 drops) is added. This method is used to moisturize, protect the skin, in addition, it is a good nutritional agent.

Important: Nuts are very effective to enhance nice tanning if you eat them on the daily basis.


Product number 11: Coffee

CoffeeThere is a good recipe for homemade tanning remedy using coffee:

  • It is necessary to grind 50 g of natural coffee,
  • mix it with 100 g of any peanut butter,
  • pour the mixture into a glass jar,
  • put in a dark place for 7-10 days.

From time to time it is necessary to shake the jar and then filter the oil. Coffee grounds is good to use as a body scrub for skin and the resulting oil should be gently massaged, rubbed into face and body – 30 minutes before sunbathing. A little bit of cream can be added to the oil.

There is one more variant of using coffee: it is necessary to brew strong coffee and cool it before using. And only after that wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in this fragrant drink every morning. If you want to be dark everywhere, you have to work hard: wiping the entire surface of the skin will take much more time and amount of coffee. But this way will help not only look pretty dark naturally but will serve a great toning for skin without any tonics that cannot but rejoice.

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Important: This homemade oil is great for tanning as it protects the skin and nourishes it with useful substances. Moreover, it is especially useful for women with pigment spots on the skin.


Product number 12: Citrus Juice

Citrus JuiceIt is very effective and useful method. Particularly useful is the citrus juice:

  • lemon,
  • mandarin,
  • orange.

Start drinking some of the mentioned juices for a week or two before you are going to go on vacation – just be prepared for sunbathing. It is better to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach: Lemon juice should be diluted with water 1: 1 or 1: 2, with honey – it is good for the liver and for the figure. By the way, the skin pigmentation often occurs not due to improper use of protective means during the sunbathing, but because of liver dysfunction.

You can add honey and grapefruit juice – it is too sour. Mixing citrus juice with the juice of cucumber can excrete excess fluid and like a bonus to contribute to weight loss.

Important: If you drink juices regularly in the morning and then before going to the beach, the tan will be rich and beautiful.


Product number 13: Black tea

Black teaYou can use black tea for baths to make your skin slightly darker.

For this aim you need to:

  • take the package of black tea
  • brew it in three liters of water
  • then drain it and add to the bath

Important: You will need the course of these procedures to make your skin look tanned.


Product number 14: Cheese

Among other products cheese also can contribute to nice sunburn. The composition of the cheese includes amino acids that help the body to perform the following functions:

  • produce melanin,
  • contribute to faster suntan,
  • make your sunburn smoother.

Important: This does not mean that you should eat cheese all day – a couple of slices for breakfast will be enough.


Product number 15: Fish and seafood

Fish and seafoodFish and seafood contains vitamins A, D, E, group B, omega-3 and 6, tyrosine. These products are able to protect skin from harmful UV rays, neutralize free radicals and restore moisture balance preventing dryness of the skin.

It is good to include the following foods in your ratio for beautiful natural sunburn:

  • tuna,
  • sardines
  • herring – stewed, boiled, baked;

Important: Of all the species of fish salmon is better to choose – they have a lot of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids.


5 main rules to get beautiful sunburn:

  1. Don’t sunbath on an empty stomach, eat and sunbath in 2 hours after having meals.
  2. Do not forget to drink pure water: the norm for the day is up to 1.5 liters, as the skin when exposed to the sun is in need of moisture.
  3. By keeping the skin hydrated and providing it with useful substances from the inside, you can get a beautiful and lasting tan and reduce the harmful effects.
  4. Eat many bright fruit and vegetables on the daily basis
  5. It is recommended to sunbath from 12 till 15. Be closer to the water! Water additionally reflects the sun, which increases its impact on our skin.




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