We all are very cautious and always careful in choosing what to apply on the skin. When it comes to face we are even more careful. Problems of large pores and oily skin sound familiar? Of course they do! Both men and women struggle with enlarged pores. We all are constantly trying plenty of brands of cosmetics trying to minimize the enlarged pores. I got my enlarged pores from my Mom and she got it from my Grandma. Every day from early age I tried to do something to solve this pores problem. After years of struggling I learned a lot about a skin and I want to offer easy and cheap way to get rid of large pores quickly and without any complicated recipes.
Unfortunately every single brand of well-known or even unknown cosmetics tries to full us with their “unique” product which will help to shrink our pores. Technically you should know that it is impossible to literally shrink pores applying any product from drug store. Sounds sad but you can easily make them look smaller. I am huge fan of only natural skin treatments so what I am going suggest is that if you will try one of five my methods you will notice first results almost immediately.
- Method number 1: Water ice
- Method number 2: Makeup remover
- Method number 3: Touching our face
- Method number 4: Eating habits
- Method number 5: Sugar and Honey
- Method number 6: Apple cider vinegar
- Method number 7: Baking soda
- Method number 8: Aloe vera
- Method number 9: Lettuce cleanser
- Method number 10: Egg whites
- Video
Method number 1: Water ice
You need:
Having oily skin your everyday routine for sure start from washing all dirt and oil from the face in the morning. It is forbidden for you to wash face with hot water not even with warm. High temperature water cause germs and oil opportunity to survive on the face. You should only use cold or even icy cold water for cleaning face.
If you are getting ready to go out you can just take two ice cubes, put them in a clean towel and press them on enlarged pores spots for about 15-30 seconds. Use ice cubes cooling method as it gives you quick and nice result immediately.
Don`t use warm and hot water.
Method number 2: Makeup remover
You need:
Tear free baby shampoo
- Cold water
- Baby oil
The golden rule is never to sleep with wakeup on. Even if you are extremely tired, still, find a way to remove makeup before going to bed. Homemade makeup remover can be easily prepared from only three ingredients which you can have even at your home now in case you have a baby, if not just buy them at nearest drug store: tear-free baby shampoo, bit of water and few drops of baby oil.
Try to avoid implementing makeup at all or schedule yourself few days a week rest from makeup. I keep my makeup remover and some cotton balls near my bed. This helps me to remove it. I come home tired – see my makeup remover and always use it.
Do not use make up every day.
Method number 3: Touching our face
Without noticing we touch our face hundreds times a day. A lot of germs and dirt are on our hands so please try not to touch your face at all. At least try to wash your hands first. The more you wash your hands the better – that is the rule my Mom used to tell me every day. And most important you should never squeeze acne or pimples.
In case you used to squeeze them before, do not be upset, as it is not critical. But stop during that at this very moment, when you are reading this. Sometimes without noticing you can squeeze you face while reading or being stressed. Starting from now pay attention to what you are doing with your hands. As soon as you will stop – your skin will start to look better and better and eventually it will get lighter and softer. Give it a chance!
Don`t touch or squeez anything on your face.
Method number 4: Eating habits
You need:
You do not need:
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Stress
- Sweet coda
Talking about diet there is only one rule: healthy diet. No alcohol, no smoking and vitamins, try to eat more of following: A, B, C and E. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink water! It is not a secret that we are all made from water. We need water, our cells need water. Help your body – drink more clean water.
Method number 5: Sugar and Honey
Three drops of lemon juice
- One table spoon of sugar (better brown)
- One table spoon of natural raw honey
Mix sugar, honey and just a bit of lemon. You should get a scrub-looking substance. Apply with massage moves the scrub on the places where you have enlarges pores. Most likely that will be nose and cheeks; I use this scrub all over forehead and even on my neck, you can also use it on your shoulders or back.
This method is good for everyday use. Who wants to spend thirty minutes or even more while preparing some mask or complicated substance? No one! We want it simple and quick. Use cotton balls and cold water to remove it from the face. Now skin is clean and it is ready for toner.
Find in your city someone who sells raw honey or order it from the nearest possible place. The ingredients we are looking for should be as natural as possible. Brown sugar is a bit expensive but it worse it. Buy these ingredients and they will pay you back and you will have at home scrub for many month.
Method number 6: Apple cider vinegar
Ingredients for toner:
- Cold water
- Apple cider vinegar
Instead of using toner from the shop we can make one at home. I would always prefer cosmetics made at home. All natural ingredients are much healthier for your skin.
In case you are using some expensive toner from the drug store just give up on it for a week or two and you will immediately notice first results. Mix half glass of cold water and one third glass of apple cider vinegar. Deep few cotton balls into toner and put it gently on your face, there is no need to wash it off.
When using methods containing lemon juice please apply some sun protection. Actually for skin sun is not that good. Especially for oily skin, as after being sunbathing you will always have even more oil on your skin than before. But no need to give up! Oily skin and enlarged pores are not the end of an earth. I try to avoid sun as much as I can. When it is not possible I use sun protection for babies.
Method number 7: Baking soda
- Two table spoons of baking soda
- Cold water
The main point is to remove oil from the pores and of course to remove blackheads. Baking soda method is easy and very helpful for that. Wash your face gently with cold or icy cold water.
Mix baking soda with two table spoons of warm water until you will get a paste. Put paste on the face and make yourself gentle face massage. Paste should be on your face for three to five minutes and after that you wash it off with some cold water and cotton balls.
You can keep baking soda in the bathroom in a small box and it will be easier for you to see that every day and not to forget to use.
Method number 8: Aloe vera
1. Aloe vera plant
Having aloe vera plant at home is great. I got mine from my Mom. You can buy such at flower shop or ask your Mom to give you as a present. Gel from the plant has antibacterial qualities and is extremely helpful in reducing the look of your pores. Implement gel on the clean skin and left it till it will dry completely. While it will be on your face try to relax and feel hoe your skin reacts to the aloe vera. Wash your face from aloe vera with water and you will immediately notice first results.
- No need to implement cosmetics immediately after this method. Your pores are now shrink and they want to breathe. Try to give your skin some rest after this method.
- If you have some space in your bathroom you can even have aloe vera plant there. In such way you will have it always ready for use.
- Interesting that according to Mayo Clinic aloe vera plant is good not only for healing wounds and burns but can be helpful in healing such diseases as genital herpes, eczema and few other skin diseases.
Method number 9: Lettuce cleanser
- Leaves of lettuce
- Lemon
Prepare a cup or a glass and mix there juice of lettuce leaves with two or three drops of lemon. Apply juices on your face. Substance should stay on the face for approximately 20 minutes. Wash your face after that with cold water. You can prepare small bottle of lettuce juice and keep it in the fridge. Me myself, I am into saving my time and I would better prepare once a week and have it in my fridge for everyday use. But you can also make it each and every time you feel like shrinking your pores.
Sun protection is must after lemon containing methods. After lemon your skin is becoming more sensitive and needs you to take care of it.
Method number 10: Egg whites
- Two egg whites
- Lemon
- Paper towels
Take a slice of lemon and apply it on your nose. Your blackheads should be covered in lemon juice. Take just one egg white and mix it in the cup or in the bowl. Using any brush you have (either brush for cooking or painting) apply gently egg whites then cover egg whites on the face with ripped paper tissues. Implement white eggs again on the paper tissues and leave these all on you to dry. In 20-30 minutes it looks like a rock and feels the same so then you just pull it off. Wash your face from egg whites with cold or icy cold water.
- Protect you skin from the sun after this egg white plus lemon method. I like this mask every weekend. Skin is looking perfect and feeling better and better every time we care.
- When you have an oily skin or large pores you can often give up and just be upset and cover your face every day with makeup. I used to do the same. Especially it is a challenge when you have full time job. Than you think – you have no time for that. But trust me, you can implement these easy and quick recipes. They will take not that much of your time, not that much of your money.