How to Have “3-D Effect” Eyelashes without Eyelash Extension: Top-4 Effective Tips to Follow

maxresdefault[1]Long and fluffy, slightly curved eyelashes always attract admiring glances. However, in addition to the aesthetic advantages, they must still cope with protective functions, namely: to prevent dust and small litter from entering the eyes, to protect the mucous membrane from damage.

Eyelashes create the beauty of our eyes but we are not used to taking care of them. Not everyone knows that our eyelashes have exactly the same structure as our hair. Like other hair, they consist of keratin scales, which are able to exfoliate under the influence of external factors. And like other hair, they grow not just by themselves, but from the hair follicles located in the skin of the eyelids. In addition, the age of their lives is limited. For each hair, it is approximately 200 days. But whether a new one will grow in its place and how long it will be, depends solely on the correctness of care.

Find out more about how to take care of eyelashes on your own without going to beauty salons.


Tip number 1: Do special massage for the growth of eyelashes

maxresdefault[1]Eyelashes are the same hair with the only difference: they grow in another place. If you are advised to do scalp massage for hair growth, why not apply the same method for eyelashes? By working on certain points, you can achieve increased blood circulation, which contributes to the increase in eyelash growth.

Assistant in this difficult matter for you will be various vegetable oils, for example, burdock or castor oil. You can use the mixture: a little vegetable oil mixed with the juice of parsley or aloe. If you are afraid of getting oil in your eyes, you can do without them at all.

Recommendations how to do massage for the growth of eyelashes:

  • Apply oil to the upper and lower eyelashes using a cosmetic brush. The oil should not be too much, otherwise it will lead to the sticking of the eyelashes. Separately, oiling the skin of the eyelids is not necessary, since the fingers during massage will touch the smeared eyelashes, this oil will lubricate the skin of the eyelids in the process of massage.
  • With the pads of ring fingers press on the outer corners of the eyes, and lightly pressing, not fixing the skin, slowly pass your fingers along the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye.
  • Then work with the upper eyelid-move your fingers along the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer corner.
  • Repeat it 15-20 times. When doing the exercise, pay attention to the forehead skin – do not wrinkle it.
  • After the cycle of stroking, make a slight beating of the skin of the lower and upper eyelids with three fingers – index, middle and ring finger for 1-2 minutes. Such a massage takes 2-3 minutes a day.

Important: The results will be clearly visible after a month of massage: eyelashes will become strengthen and longer. The skin of the eyelids will become more elastic. The procedure is both pleasant and at the same time relieves fatigue and eye strain.

Tip number 2: Apply homemade masks based on oils and vitamins

homemade maskTo grow eyelashes at home, you will benefit from various masks that use the beneficial components of herbs and oils. Here you will find some effective recipes to choose from:

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Recipe 1: Petroleum jelly and burdock oil mask

One of the most popular and effective is the mask of petroleum jelly and burdock oil. Follow the instructions here:

  • Take the bottle from under the mascara, wash it and fill it with a mixture.
  • Apply this mask several times a day or at least for the night.
  • In the morning, remove residual oil from the eyes with a cotton swab.
  • To consolidate the effect, it is necessary to have the course of treatment for a month and at this time try to avoid the use of cosmetic products for the eyelashes.

Recipe 2: Aloe mask

Another useful mask can be done if you have such a plant like aloe.

  • A couple of drops of this wonder flower should be mixed with burdock oil.
  • Add vitamin A in the form of an oil solution.
  • Apply this mask 2-3 hours before the bedtime.
  • Wash off with a cotton swab or warm water, otherwise in the morning you can find swollen eyelids.

Recipe 3: Vitamin oil mask with aloe juice

  • Combine castor and burdock oil in the same proportion.
  • Add into the mixture a couple drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E.
  • Add a couple of drops of aloe juice.

Recipe 4: Castor oil and rum mask

It is well-known that any recipes with oil (including castor) will make your eyelashes longer, as the oils give an impulse to the growth of the hairs and deeply nourish the skin of the eyelids. Follow the instructions how to prepare the rum and castor oil:

  • Half a teaspoon of rum or cognac is mixed with warmed to room temperature castor oil (one teaspoon).
  • Apply on the base of the eyelashes and massaging movements on the eyebrows.
  • Keep this mask with oil for the night.
  • Remove the remnants of the mask from your face with a cotton pad impregnated with warm water.

Tip number 3: Make compresses with herbal decoctions

Healing herbs in hessian bags, wooden mortar with chamomile and essential oil on rustic table, herbal medicine.Very few people have heard about the great properties of herbal decoctions but this is a very good remedy for the growth of eyelashes. To quickly grow long eyelashes you should follow the recommendations below.

Recipe 1: Chamomile and calendula decoction

  • Once a week you can make special compresses for eyelashes of your own preparation using herbs which you can get in the pharmacy (calendula, chamomile).
  • Prepare a decoction or infusion, let it remain warm (37-38 degrees),
  • Dip cotton pad into it and cover the eyelids and eyelashes.
  • Apply such decoction for 20 minutes.

Other effective options are broths from medicinal herbs: aloe, parsley, cornflower, marigold. The maximum effect can be achieved by mixing these herbs, or alternating them on different days. Such decoctions can be used not only to treat damaged eyelashes but also to prevent the damage of the healthy ones.

Recipe 2: Decoction from tea leaves

If there are no herbs at the moment you can temporarily use the usual strong tea leaves from black tea instead of them.

  • Prepare strong tea leaves of black tea.
  • Soak cotton pads in it and put it on your eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  • Compresses should not burn your eyes, let them cool before use.
  • After you remove the cotton pads, let the eyelashes dry and smear with oil.

It is possible to enjoy this procedure applying the sachets of brewed tea to the eyelids. And if your eyelashes are light color, the tea will color them a little and they will darken, making the look more expressive.

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Important: Such compresses relieve puffiness around the eyes and improve the growth of eyelashes. In addition, such compresses are able to relieve microtraumas of the eye itself and certainly relieve fatigue.

Tip number 4: Remove mascara in the right way

alternate-way-of-removing-your-stubborn[1]Buying new mascara, women rarely think about how they will wash it off. After all, all types of mascara have different composition, which affects how it is removed from the eyes. There are waterproof and non-waterproof mascara. But if you think that non-waterproof mascara is very easy to wash off with plain water, you are mistaken. Remember that the skin around the eyes is very tender, so the make-up remover should be soft and gentle to the eyelashes and skin. At the same time, a good remedy should remove any make-up, even waterproof, without leaving any stains or marks.

Top-5 Recommendations How to Remove Mascara:

1. Never wash off mascara with soap

It not only dries the skin, but also leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles. Always use special make-up remover. Choose them for your type of your mascara: normal or water resistant. Today you can find universal means that are suitable for any type of mascara as well as the skin type. Also, do not wash off mascara with alcohol tonic, as they can cause severe eye irritation. By the way, soap or tonic is not possible to completely remove mascara from the skin around the eyes and eyelashes.

2. Choose the remover taking into account your specific type of skin:

It is necessary to choose a remover individually. It can be a two-phase fluid with oils, a simple liquid or milk. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to give preference to milk or a two-phase liquid to remove mascara from the eyelashes. If you have normal skin, then you can choose any remedy. If your skin is prone to calligraphic reactions, then choose products that do not cause allergies and that have been dermatologically controlled.

3. Never try to wipe the mascara with a towel:

If you use towel then you can injure your eyelashes. However, if you do not have a special remover, then the towel can come in handy. Wet it in hot water and put it on your eyes. After a few seconds, wipe the eyelashes with a cotton disc. This method can be useful if you have stayed overnight with friends or you need to rinse the mascara immediately from the eyes.

4. In general, before you start washing the mascara, it is recommended to soak it slightly with water. You can use the above method, or just wet your hands and apply them to the eyelashes. Repeat this procedure several times, after which, start holding your fingers along the eyelashes up and down, taking off the mascara. After this, it is necessary to use a special remedy to remove excess mascara of the sores and under the eyes.

5. If at hand there are no means for removing make-up, then you can remove mascara from using natural means.

Choose your ideal mascara remover made of natural products:

Natural mascara remover 1: Coconut oil

Coconut oil is very useful for our skin. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, while not clogging the pores. It very gently and removes mascara from the eyelashes while feeding them. If every day to put coconut oil, they will grow better and become much thicker.

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Natural mascara remover 2: Olive oil

Olive oil has the same effect as coconut oil. After you moss the water, moisten the cotton pad in olive oil and wipe the skin around the eyes, eyelids and eyelashes.

Natural mascara remover 3: Almond oil

Oils are really excellent home remedies for removing makeup, because they moisturize the skin and help remove the remnants of makeup. Almond oil is suitable for the sensitive area around the eyes to remove mascara or eyeliner. You just need to apply a few drops of almond oil on a cotton swab and hold it over the skin. You can mix almond oil with a few drops of castor oil, because it will help to strengthen your eyelashes.

Natural mascara remover 4: Vaseline

Vaseline has a soft structure. It is absolutely safe for the skin around the eyes, so it can be used to remove mascara. Wash with warm water, remove the finger from the eyelashes and then remove its residues with Vaseline. To do this, simply apply a little to the cotton pad and wipe the skin.

Natural mascara remover 5: Green tea and rice milk

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and you can enjoy them not only during drinking, but also applying it to the skin. Brew the green tea and add half a cup of rice milk in a cup of tea. Allow the mixture to cool. When it reaches room temperature, apply it to your face and your eyelashes with a cotton pad to take off your makeup.

Important: Natural removers are the best choice as they take care of eyelashes contributing to their growth.

Top-5 Main Rules to Keep in Mind if You Want to Have Beautiful Eyelashes:

  1. Eye-lashesTake a good look at nutrition: To grow eyelashes, microelements and vitamins are needed, which are rich in vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts. Include them in your diet instead of buns and sausages, and an attractive appearance will also respond to your skin and nails.
  2. Add keratin to the diet: This high-molecular protein can be obtained from food. It is found in Bulgarian pepper, parsley and dog rose.
  3. Choose mascara and other make-up products carefully: A poor quality product can damage the health of the eyes. The first sign of dubious quality of the mascara will be redness of the eyes, itchy eyelids. Immediately dispose of such a tube and wash your eyes thoroughly. Also, low-grade products fall off during the day, have a pronounced smell. For comparison, high-quality mascara does not smell at all or has a slightly expressed sweetish aroma.
  4. Always take off makeup in the evening: A special lotion is applied to the cotton pad, and then applied to the eyelashes. Hold it for 30 seconds and remove gently without pressure. Move from the bridge of your nose to the cheekbones.
  5. Wear glasses always when you are in the sun: They will protect your eyelashes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.



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