Top- 8 Effective Natural Remedies for Knee Joint Pain

Acute pain in a woman knee. Isolation on a white backgroundNowadays both old and young people suffer from knee joint pain, which can be caused by various diseases. Some of them are associated with direct trauma (for example, bruising, stretching fracture or dislocation). In the event that the pain in the knee joint was not preceded by trauma it is necessary to assume the presence of rheumatoid lesion. This means that there is a disease in which, for one reason or another, there is a destruction of the cartilaginous tissue located on the articular surfaces of the joint bones. Seeking guidance from a naturopath in Wollongong could offer alternative or complementary approaches to manage the condition, potentially focusing on holistic wellness and natural remedies alongside conventional medical treatments.

There are many effective ways to get rid of pain in knee joints. Here you will find out how to help yourself using simple natural remedies.


1. Apples normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract

applesNatural remedy number 1: Shilajit

Shilajit is a powerful natural substance used to treat many health problems, one of which is pain in knee joints. It is a high-mountainous resinous product of almost black color. The Altai shilajit is recognized as the most effective natural substance in its useful properties. The composition includes more than 50 natural components that allow it to occupy a leading position in the fight against even the most serious diseases. In the case of the use of shilajit for arthrosis of the knee joint, its powerful restorative mechanisms are included, which are able to improve the properties of the damaged joint from the inside. Here you will find the most effective recipes with the use of shilajit.

Recipe 1: Compress from shilajit and honey

This is a simple but effective compress that you need to do every day for a week. Prepare a healing ointment using the following ingredients:

  • 100 g of honey,
  • 3-5 gr of shilajit (medium cherry size)

It is necessary to thoroughly mix the above ingredients with your hands until a uniform whole mass is obtained. Then, after lubricating your hands with any vegetable oil (so that the mixture does not stick), apply the ointment on the knee and wrap it with polyethylene film. Leave the compress overnight. This course should be conducted within six months, with short 5-day breaks.

Recipe 2: Hot baths with shilajit

1-2 times a week it is recommended to have shilajit bath with a temperature of 38-39 degrees:

  • Pre-dissolve 10 g of whole shilajit (1 teaspoon) in a small amount of cool water.
  • Pour the resulting solution into a hot bath.
  • The time of taking the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

Note: Be careful when taking hot baths if you have problems with the cardiovascular system or various neoplasms. In this case, it is recommended to take a bath at the usual allowed temperature.

Important: Besides the mentioned ways of using shilajit, you can use it in capsules. Internal reception will give the great effect if combined with baths and compresses.

Natural remedy number 2: Bay leaf

bay-leavesBay leaf is considered one of the best natural remedies for removing accumulated salts from the body, including joints. The composition of bay leaves includes such useful components as:

  • Essential oils, which have a good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect;
  • Phytoncides help to remove from the body slag, salts, toxic substances, which ensures cleansing;
  • Useful trace elements – sodium, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, which contribute to increased immunity;
  • Vitamins – A, PP, C and group B;
  • Organic acids – valerian and acetic;
  • Tannins, which contribute to the removal of edema and inflammation.

Recipe: Broth of bay leaves

To prepare a medicinal decoction for the joints you will need:

  • 20-30 dry bay leaves,
  • 4 glasses of water.


  • Place the leaves in a small saucepan and add cold water.
  • Then put the container on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  • The broth should not boil for more than 5 minutes.

Note: During boiling, leave the saucepan open. This is necessary in order to remove some essential oils from vegetable matter, which have a negative impact on the kidneys. Then the broth should be removed from the fire and wrapped in a warm cloth or poured into a thermos. Let it stay at least for three hours, and maximum during the night. Based on the patients’ feedback, the second option is more effective for joints. After the broth has been brewed, it must be filtered and the leaves discarded. The recipe is ready for use.

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You need to take this medicine throughout the day. To consume everything at once is not recommended, since there is a danger of internal bleeding. The course of therapy is 3 days. To do this, you need to prepare a fresh broth daily. Take a break for 20 days and repeat the treatment again.

Important: If you want to use the bay leaf broth as the preventive remedy, 3 courses a year are enough, and if your joints need treatment, then you can repeat the reception of bay broth 2 times in six months.

Natural remedy number 3: Sunflower root

Sunflower rootThe root of the sunflower, when properly applied, is able to effectively remove salt deposits accumulated in the joints. Many people are familiar with this problem, especially those who spend most of their time sitting. Pathology is observed both in old and young people, moreover, it can be observed even in childhood.

The root of the sunflower helps to get rid of this problem gently and absolutely without painful sensations – but only in the early stages. The main effect of the decoction prepared on the basis of the sunflower root is preventive. The root of the sunflower destroys the insoluble compounds that accumulate in the joints. And effectively remove salts contributing to their removal from the body. This is the destruction of conglomerates, which are formed on the basis of acids of an organic nature. Uric acid gives urates. In addition, cholesteric acid may cause the same effect too.

Recipe: Decoction from sunflower root

  • Take 100 grams of sunflower root,
  • twist it in a meat grinder or grind it with a blender,
  • then pour a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes.

After you have cooled and strained the decoction, you can drink it every time you feel thirsty. The recommended course is 3 months.

Important: There are no contraindications to such therapy if only you don’t have individual intolerance to the plant components.

Natural remedy number 4: Callisia fragrans

callisia_fragransHealing properties of the plant are provided by substances that Callisia contains:

  • Flavonoids, in particular quercetin and kaempferol. These substances have activity of vitamin P, have powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic abilities, have antitumor potential and immunomodulatory abilities, accelerate the processes of regeneration and wound healing.
  • Vitamin C, which is an indispensable substance for the life of the whole organism.
  • Vitamins of B group.
  • Microelements – iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, cobalt, potassium, copper, bromine.
  • Biological active substances, which are an excellent stimulant.

Ointments prepared using a сallisia fragrans are used in the presence of arthritis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, gout or rheumatism.

Recipe 1: Callisia fragrans oil

Oil can be used to rub the sick joints. It is also suitable for compresses and can be applied as the massage oil.

For its preparation, all parts of the mature plant are suitable:

  • To begin with, everything must be crushed with a knife and poured with olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  • You need to let it stay for 21 days in a dark place at room temperature.

After that, drain the oil and the remedy is ready.

Note: Store it in dark glassware at room temperature.

Recipe 2: Callisia fragrans ointment

Ointment prepared from this plant can be used as an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic for arthritis and arthrosis.

Preparation Variant 1:

  • Grind the leaves and stems of the plant in puree,
  • mix it with some baby cream (or animal fat, vaseline) to a homogeneous mixture in a ratio of 2 to 3.
  • store in a sealed glass dish in the refrigerator.

Preparation Variant 2:

  • Extract juice from the plant, for example, with the help of a juicer,
  • then just mix the medicinal juice with the ointment base (cream, petroleum jelly, fat) in a ratio of 1 to 3.

Recipe 3: Callisia fragrans tincture

It is possible to use the recipes based on this plant not only externally but also take it internally. For this purpose, an alcoholic tincture is perfect.


  • 30-40 parts of the whole plant,
  • 1000 ml of vodka.


  • Crush vegetable raw material with a knife or food processor,
  • place in a glass container and pour in 1 liter of 40% alcohol,
  • let it stay for 14 days in a dark place at room temperature.

Note: Every day you need to shake the tincture. Then the mixture is filtered and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take the tincture inside following these instructions: a teaspoon three times a day before eating. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, then you can take a break for 1-2 weeks and repeat the treatment.

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Important: The tincture based on callisia fragrans for knee joints can be used both externally and internally.

Natural remedy number 5: Burdock

BurdockFor a long time already common burdock is used in the treatment of arthrosis. It has proved itself as safe and effective natural remedy. Medicines prepared on its basis cope with various kinds of pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Burdock helps in the treatment of gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis, which affects the joints of the lower extremities. Burdock is able to reduce the severity of the symptoms and to relieve the condition.

The plant contains:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • Proteins;
  • Stearic acid;
  • Palmitic acid.

It is best to use burdock leaves as compresses on the affected joints. Several leaves are gathered in a pile and applied to the knee with a velvety side. It is necessary to wrap the knee joint with polyethylene or wax paper, and then a warm, preferably woolen, cloth.

Recipe 1: Burdock tincture

Tinctures for the treatment of arthrosis are also effective as they help to get rid of inflammation and pain. In addition, substances contained in the root of burdock, activate the regenerative processes of cartilaginous tissue.

To make the tincture you will need to:

  • Take dried roots of the burdock,
  • ground and pour them with boiling water in a ratio of 1 tsp. on 1 tbsp. of hot water,
  • infuse and take within 5 days for 1 tbsp.

Recipe 2: Burdock roots’ powder

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with burdock is also carried out using a powder made from burdock roots.


  • Ground the roots of the plant in an ordinary coffee grinder.
  • Then place under direct sunlight for half an hour.
  • After warming up the powder, it is placed in a glass container and consumed daily, in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.
  • To do this, 1/3 part of tsp. is stirred in half a glass of water (temperature not less than 30 ° C) and drunk slowly.

Compresses for joints can be done not only from leaves, but also from roots of burdock, grated on a fine grater to the state of gruel. The finished mass is mixed with honey until a uniform consistency is obtained and applied to the diseased knee.

Important: Doctors of alternative medicine recommend taking burdock as a preventive agent in the form of tincture from the roots, especially during periods of exacerbations of arthrosis.

Natural remedy number 6: Horse chestnut

Horse chestnutThe horse chestnut for joint pain has been tested for years. For medicinal purposes, not only chestnut fruits having a characteristic brown color, but also the flowers of this tree are used. Its medicinal properties are due to the organic substances contained in it – the so-called. Glycosides, saponins and bioflavonoids. These substances perfectly strengthen the vascular wall, reduce its permeability, prevent the development of edema and inflammation.

Recipe 1: Horse chestnut tincture for external use

  • Put 300 grams of finely chopped horse chestnut in a 500-milliliter bottle and top up with vodka,
  • then infuse it for 14 days, shaking daily.

The product can be stored for several years. Every night it is recommended to rub knees and then the pain will gradually disappear completely. Duration of treatment is almost a year.

Recipe 2: Tincture for internal use

It is also recommended to take the tincture inside.


  • Take half a liter of vodka and 50 grams of horse chestnut flowers,
  • Infuse it during 14 days and don’t forget to shake it every day,
  • Then drain and take 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day for three to four weeks.

Important: Treatment of joints with tincture provides anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerative effect.

Natural remedy number 7: Dandelion

DandelionDandelion is a very common medicinal plant, which is found almost everywhere. It is used to combat various diseases for many centuries – a dandelion contains many useful substances and you just need to apply them correctly. So, with the help of dandelions, even the treatment of joints is possible. In this case, unlike many other medicinal plants, dandelion does not relieve pain and other symptoms but namely, heals, eliminates the causes of the disease.

The main task in the treatment of joints is the restoration of their lost functions, including the restoration of cartilaginous tissue. The root of dandelion contains a number of biologically active substances that restore the metabolic processes responsible for the regeneration of such tissue. As a result, the destruction of the cartilage stops and the disease, in fact, is cured. Dandelion has many other useful properties, which also improve the overall condition of joint diseases. In the treatment of joints, different parts of the dandelion can be used.

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Recipe 1: Dandelion flowers’ tincture

This is a remedy for external use, which relieves joint pains well. It is proved that dandelion has the properties of chondroprotector. In other words, it not only has an anesthetic effect, but also provides restoration of joints. Dandelion is harmless and its application is both effective and safe. To prepare the tincture you should follow these instructions:

  • Fresh flowers of dandelions are densely packed in a jar and filled with triple cologne.
  • The mixture is infused in a closed container for 10-12 days, after which it is filtered.
  • It is well stored in the refrigerator: you can use it even in winter.

It is recommended to rub the knees 2-3 times a day – this will give a persistent analgesic effect.

Recipe 2: Fresh dandelion roots and flowers

  • Fresh dandelion roots are washed, crushed and poured with boiling water.
  • For 1 cup of boiling water 1 tsp. roots and 1 tsp. greenery is taken.
  • The mixture is wrapped and infused for an hour, after which it must be filtered.
  • The remedy is taken 4 times a day for half an hour before a meal.

Important: The analgesic effect of the use of dandelion occurs very quickly, during the first days of treatment. In order to achieve a long-term effect and stimulate the restoration of cartilage tissue, it will take more time – up to several weeks.

Natural remedy number 8: Cabbage

CabbageThe medicinal properties of cabbage have found their application in the treatment of knee joint. Being a source of complex carbohydrates, it provides the body the opportunity for a long time to get enough energy to provide metabolic reactions. At the same time, low caloric content of this vegetable can reduce the burden on sick joints. This is very important for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, gout and other diseases of joints.

Recipe 1: Cabbage-honey compress

  • Take the cabbage leaf and make small serifs on it.
  • Heat over a plate or in a microwave and smear with a thin layer of honey.
  • Apply a cabbage-honey compress to the affected joint,
  • place cellophane on top and fix it with a bandage and wrap it with a warm scarf.

Such compresses should be done at night, after a few applications you will forget about the pain in your knees. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month. Even if you do not have honey, the effectiveness of a cabbage compress will be not less effective.

Recipe 2: Cabbage compress with camphor oil and mustard

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of camphor oil and 1 tablespoon of honey,
  • add 1 tablespoon of mustard,
  • put the mixture on a dry clean cabbage leaf and attach to a sore spot,
  • put some warm cloth on your knee,

Note: Keep the compress for a couple of hours but not more than during 4 hours.

Recipe 3: Cabbage juice

To normalize metabolic processes, stimulate the supply of cartilage and synovitis, cabbage juice is recommended.

  • Take a normal fresh cabbage head and cut in small parts.
  • Put sliced pieces in a pan (better – enameled or metal, but with a non-oxidizing surface).
  • Use the juicer to crush cabbage in order to get the therapeutic cabbage juice.

Juice can be used both externally to wet the tissues in compresses, and for daily drinking. It is recommended to keep the juice in a cool and dark place, but no more than during 3 days. Therefore, in advance, take care of preparing new reserves of cabbage juice to ensure an uninterrupted process of passing the course of cabbage treatment.

Important: Cabbage treatment is 100% safe but you shouldn’t expect results immediately as the course lasts from 30 days to several months.



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