Homemade carpet cleaner – the best non-chemical recipes for your family’s safety

carpetBetween kids, pets, and everything in between, our carpets take a beating. It’s inevitable; stuff spills or you track in mud by mistake on a rainy afternoon. When this happens at your house, don’t get mad (well, maybe just a little bit) or run to the store for expensive cleaning concoctions. Simply become a carpet cleaner mixologist and open your pantry. Not only does this homemade carpet cleaner cost pennies to make, but also, it does wonders spot-cleaning furniture, erasing stains from rugs, and touching up soiled drapes. Not all carpets are the same, so make sure to do a small spot check before tackling big stains.

There’s nothing worse than a carpet that doesn’t smell fresh, especially when it’s a wall-to-wall rug. You can’t pick it up and give it a shake or a quick shampoo. And this eco-friendly cleaning concoction is made with ingredients you probably already have in your pantry, is safe to use around children and pets, and leaves carpets clean, soft, and refreshed. Carpets and rugs can be a challenge to clean and remove stains.

Professional carpet cleaning services can be expensive and difficult to work in to your schedule. Renting a carpet cleaning machine is a bit more economical, but you also have to purchase the shampoo to put in them. You can make your own carpet cleaner, however, one that can be used in most rented machines, in your own carpet cleaning machine or with just a bucket and a sponge. You can clean the whole carpet, high traffic areas or just remove spots or stains. Choose a cleaner according to what you have available in the house. The following cleaners are all made using simple, at-home products. Following these cleaning solutions are some suggestions for spot removers and for dry cleaning solutions.


The first recipe. Made from detergent

detergentMix a solution of clear liquid dish detergent to warm water. Begin with a quarter of tablespoon. (1.25 ml) of detergent to one cup (236 ml) of warm water for a basic clean with little residue.

If you need more than this, increase using these measurements until you have the desired amount. This can be used in a carpet cleaning machine or scrubbed into the carpet with a rag or sponge mop.

Vacuum any residue after the carpet is dry.

The second recipe. Made from vinegar and baking soda

baking sodaMix white vinegar and baking soda together to form a paste. Then, work the paste into the carpet stain with an old toothbrush, or something similar. Allow the paste to dry; then vacuum up the baking soda, and the stain should be gone. Note: Some stains may need to be treated more than once. The acetic acid in vinegar dissolves stains and also neutralizes odors. Test this homemade carpet cleaner on a small area before using on the entire carpet. As with any cleaner, you should avoid all contact with the eyes and prolonged contact with the skin.

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Here are some benefits of using especially this recipe:

  1. The solution is extremely inexpensive
  2. There are no harsh chemicals contained
  3. This homemade carpet cleaner is an effective sanitizer
  4. The solution is also an effective deodorizer
  5. It removes stains very effectively
  6. This carpet cleaner is safe for use around pets and kids


The third recipe. Made from household solution

vine Make a carpet cleaning solution using a half of a cup (118 ml) of an all-purpose household cleaner (with no bleach), a half of a cup (118 ml) of fabric softener, one cup (236 ml) of ammonia and one gallon (3785 ml) of warm water.

This solution cleans and softens your carpet. It can be used in a carpet cleaning machine or scrubbed into the carpet with a rag or sponge mop. Vacuum up the residue after the carpet dries.


The fourth recipe. Made from vinegar, salt and lavender essential oil

Everything you will need for this recipe can probably be found in your pantry. It’s very cheap to make, but really does the trick:

  1. SaltWhite vinegar – White vinegar is known to remove tough stains, especially those from pets. It has some great deodorizing properties and will tackle any tough stain. Water is needed to dilute the vinegar because it can be quite potent. Vinegar is safe to use on most fabrics and is effective against many stains.
  2. Salt – The salt in this recipe is used to bind up stains. If you have a REALLY tough stain, like red wine or cranberry juice, you can pour some salt on top of the stain first to absorb the liquid. Allow it to dry for ten or fifteen minutes (or until it appears that the salt has absorbed all the liquid) and vacuum. Then use the carpet cleaner spray.
  3. Lavender essential oil – Lavender essential oil gives this spray even more deodorizing properties and helps tackle bacteria and viruses lurking in your carpets. It is one of the most versatile essential oils and is safe to use around children and pets.

For fresh liquid stains remember that it is best to always blot up excess liquid first. This prevents the stain from setting. Remember never to rub liquid stains. Combine vinegar and water in a large spray bottle. Add in salt and lavender essential oil. Cap and shake. Spray on carpets liberally, shaking bottle frequently between sprays. Allow carpets to dry. Vacuum treated area.

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Note: for tougher stains, spray mixture directly on stain. Let dry and vacuum. Repeat if necessary. Please note that some essential oils are will have color tints (especially sweet orange essential oil), so make sure you choose a clear essential oil to include in your carpet spray so color is not transferred to carpets.


The fifth recipe. Made from window cleaner

window cleanerTest the carpet gingerly with any window cleaner.

  1. Add a little bit to an inconspicuous spot of the carpet.
  2. If the carpet color is removed at all, stop using this method.
  3. Spray window cleaner on the stain and let it sit for about five minutes or more.
  4. Wipe away with cold, wet cloth or paper towel.

The sixth recipe. Dry homemade carpet cleaner

 carpet cleanerInstead of investing in a steam cleaner, sprinkle homemade dry carpet cleaner around your abode, which will clean and freshen your carpets. For this carpet cleaner you will need: two cups of baking soda, a half of a cup of cornstarch, a half of a cup of cornmeal, four bay leaves, one tablespoon of whole cloves, one tablespoon of Borax (optional), a blender and a sprinkle-top container.

Measure and add the ingredients to a blender. Borax gives the cleaner a bit more oomph, but this carpet cleaner does just fine if you leave it out. Baking soda helps freshen and break down dirt buildup. Bay leaves and cloves scent your rugs while offering antibacterial cleaning power. Pulse on low until the carpet cleaner has an even consistency. Pour the dry carpet cleaner into a sprinkle-top container, which you can pick up at your local dollar store. Sprinkle generously over carpet, and let sit for at least two hours or overnight. Vacuum your carpet, and enjoy. Remove tough stains with the help of this homemade carpet cleaner.


Preventing measures

Now we will tell you about how to prevent your carpets and area rugs from getting stains. Area rugs are used for protecting floors and improving the appearance of the room. However, they fail to achieve this purpose unless they are protected from spots and blemishes. So can you prevent an area rug from looking tarnished, dirty and worn out?

Simple enough, follow these tips to keep your area rugs stain free and you will succeed:

  1. carpetVacuum your rug on a daily basis so that your rug looks clean and does not wear and tear. You should do this twice or thrice in a week.
  2. Place a beautiful mat at the door of the room which contains the area rug. This would prevent dirt stains on the rug.
  3. Make sure you or anyone else does not walk on the rug with their shoes on. This has become already become a norm in many households and you can follow suit if you want a cleaner and spotless area rug.
  4. Prevent your rug from coming in contact with substances that can create stains. For instance, if win, bleach, ink or any other substance falls on your carpet, it would probably result in a spot. Similarly if you have pets in the house, keep them away from your area rug because they are the one of the most common causes for area rug stains.
  5. Keep your rug away from direct sunlight for increased amounts of time. This also prevents the color from fading away.
  6. Place an underlay between your area rug. This would prevent dust and debris from building up on it.
    Rotate your rug once in every few months so that color fading can be minimized. This also protects your rug from flattening and thinning.
  7. If there are spills on your carpet, act immediately. Dab the area will a solution comprising of small quantity of detergent, and then wipe it off with a clean wet piece of cloth or sponge.
  8. Apply a protectant. The most effective thing to do among the tips to keep your area rugs stain free is to apply a layer of protectant. This material bonds well with the fibers and acts as a seal, making the surface resistant to all types of stains. Protectants are available in sprays; you can apply them yourself but you might have to face issues. They are available in many types in the market, and you may not choose a suitable one. Instead, ask a professional cleaning service to apply the protectant for you if you want more noticeable results.
  9. Get your area rug washed by a professional cleaning company on a regular basis. Such companies use the latest cleaning products and state of the art equipment, and will clean your rug really well. The treated piece appears as fresh as a new material.
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This entry was posted in Home.
  1. Samir says:

    I don’t know how a home steamer compares to the ones you can rent, but the last time we rented a carpet cleaner (because my daughter had a stomach bug and puked multiple times all over her room…) we used JUST water and the carpets cleaned so well. I didn’t want to use the harsh chemicals in her room, and had read that water worked so I thought we wouldn’t lose anything for trying it!

  2. J. C. Kelley says:

    Baking Soda will cause the runs in pets when moderate amount is swallowed, especially in cats! Baking soda and vinegar mixed produces a foam so these would need to be mixed with a little degreasing agent on the spot to work! BORAX IS TOXIC TO PETS IF SWALLOWED! Which will happen for sure if a cat gets it on them since they will lick it off of the body!

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