Top-6 Tips on How to Take Care of Your Beauty After 35

Being 25, it is easy to look great. But having crossed the 35-year-old line, it is a not as easy as ABC to remain as young and fresh as ten years ago. What beauty tips will help a woman keep her youth? Will botox injections help? Do you want to try some cosmetic procedures such as the TIPLYFT™ – nose contouring, body contouring, tummy tuck surgery, botox, or this Juvederm treatment in Oklahoma City, OK?

With age, skin of  a woman becomes more sensitive and capricious, loses natural colors, the turgor decreases. In order not to disturb the already irritated skin, you should take care of it with tender. Use cosmetics with a large number of active natural ingredients, and schedule an appointment with You-Nique Aesthetics & Wellness for cosmetic procedures or facial botox injections. Want to know more about the beauty secrets? Then learn how to take care of your health and beauty to stay young as long as possible.


  • Tip number 1: Take care of your face the right way
  • Tip number 2: Make masks for your decolletage
  • Tip number 3: Prepare natural remedies for your hands
  • Tip number 4: Prepare natural baths for your feet
  • Tip number 5: Preserve the youth and beauty of the body with the help of bath procedures
  • Tip number 6: Take care for your hair
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Tip number 1: Take care of your face the right way

You should take care of your face and body skin always but after 35 it is a must to pay special attention to the condition of your face skin if you want to look young and beautiful for long. There are effective tips for taking care you are recommended to use:

  • Use a mask of bananas: Make a mashed mass from a small amount of banana and for 20 minutes, apply this mass to the cleansed face and neck skin;
  • Prepare a mask with aloe juice: A tablespoon of aloe juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of heated honey, put the mixture on cleansed face and neck skin, and after 15 minutes rinse with water;
  • Add honey to your masks: Take 100 gr. honey and mix it with the juice of one lemon. In the mixture, you can add potato starch to give the density. Apply to the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water;
  • Make a vitamin mask. Take half a glass of hot milk, diluted with half water, and pour 1 tablespoon oat flour. In the mixture, add any vegetable oil, but it is better than olive oil. Apply to the skin for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with cool water;
  • Use a scrub. Take 75 gr. ground peanuts, bran and oat flakes. All components should be mixed and stored in a dark, dry place at room temperature. For one application, you need a tablespoon of this mixture, which you need to dilute with milk or water until the paste. Apply scabs to the skin in circular motions, following the massage lines. After the procedure, wash with cool water;
  • Care of dry cracked lips. Take apple without peel and sunflower seeds in milk, and then make a mass of puree. Several times a week, apply this mass on a thick layer on the lips for 20-30 minutes, then lubricate them with hygienic lipstick.

A mask at home should be kept on the face for no more than 5 or 7 minutes. If to overstrain, the skin will start to “suffocate” and will cease to breathe, here then there will be swelling. Masks should be washed off with plain water. There should be no mineral water, because they contain mineral salts, which will cause dry skin and an allergic reaction.

Important: You should choose masks taking into account the peculiarities of your skin.

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Tip number 2: Make masks for your decolletage

Most women usually pay special attention to the prevention of age-related changes on the face, but forget about the skin of the neck and chest at all. At best, these delicate areas of the female body get a thin layer of the same remedy, which is usually used for the face. In principle, it’s not bad, but you this isn’t sufficient. It will be great if you add the following masks for your decolletage:

  • Mask 1: Grapefruit is most often used at home as an additive because of its availability and unique properties – it nourishes the skin with vitamins, prevents the appearance of pustular rashes and makes wrinkles less noticeable. To make a grapefruit mask, rub one egg yolk and combine it with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grapefruit juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Whisk the resulting mass well and add a tablespoon of sour cream to it. If the mask is too liquid, then for the density you can add a crumb of black bread soaked in milk. This mixture should be applied to the neck and decollate for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it with cool water and apply a thick layer of nourishing cream for 15 minutes. Surplus cream can be soaked with a napkin.
  • Mask 2: Make the sour cream lotion, which you can use for the daily care. It protects from adverse environmental conditions and prevents aging of the skin. For its preparation, take half a glass of sour cream and add crushed yolk into it. With constant stirring, pour a tablespoon of vodka and juice of a whole orange or half a lemon, then mix the mass to a homogeneous consistency. This lotion is recommended to treat the skin before using the cream, and it can be stored in the refrigerator in any glass container.

During morning hygienic procedures rinse the skin of the neck and chest area with cool water. Do not forget to release access to the back of the neck, it also requires cleansing. Then rub these patches with a cotton disc with cosmetic milk, cream or high-quality vegetable oil. After you proceed to the next step – toning. Freshness, vivacity and radiance to the skin will give a non-alcoholic lotion for normal or dry type. But that is not all!

2-3 times a week you must do a peeling procedure. It can be combined with scrubbing the body in the shower. Make a bet on gommage or mild peeling with fruit acids. These beauty products delicately remove dead skin cells, improve blood circulation and guarantee access to subsequent moisturizing to the deep layers of the skin.

Important: You are recommended to use the above-mentioned remedies on the regular basis. If you have an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients, you can change the composition slightly.


Tip number 3: Prepare natural remedies for your hands

How to take care of hands after 35? After all, their condition is just as important as the condition of the skin of the face. At a certain age, caring for the hands should be doubly thorough, because the skin on them quickly dries, peels and crackles. If the hands often blush – this indicates a violation of blood circulation, which can be restored with contrasting baths with sea salt or with decoction of the bark of oak. Have a look at the following effective remedies for hands:

  • Recipe 1: A bath for hands. To make a similar bath, take 200 gr. of sea salt and boil it with a liter of water. Slightly cool, put your hands in brine for 15 minutes, then keep them in cold water for about 5 minutes. Alternate during a week a saline solution and broth of a bark of an oak – the result will not keep itself waiting long;
  • Recipe 2: Softening hand mask. Pound one egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of oatmeal to a homogeneous consistency. Mass massage into the hands skin, massage cotton gloves and leave until the morning. In the morning, wash your hands as usual;
  • Recipe 3: Make the compress for hands. Mix the raw yolk with a teaspoon of honey, add a little flour and apply a compress to the washed hands. Top with a cellophane film and put on gloves. Leave the compress on your hands until the morning. In the morning, carefully remove the compress, and remove the coarse skin with pumice stone, then grease your hands with any fat cream. If you add lemon juice to the cream, the effect will be more noticeable.
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Important: Wash your hands with milk. Before going out, rub the glycerol mixture until it is completely absorbed. At night, rub your hands with dry bran and try not to go out without gloves in the cold season. In addition, having clean and visually-appealing nails can help make your look ore youthful. Use these gel nails for long-lasting wear and aesthetic appeal.


Tip number 4: Prepare natural baths for your feet

In autumn and winter, you often return home with frozen or even wet feet. Tight pantyhose and uncomfortable shoes exacerbate their condition, as they interfere with normal blood circulation. Therefore, in winter, the skin on the legs becomes coarse and begins to peel off faster. Taking care of your feet in advance, you can save their beauty and health for many years. There are three recipes of effective baths for your feet:

  • Recipe 1: A tray with camphor oil or a red pepper extract will quickly warm the frozen feet and restore the broken blood circulation. But if the legs are very much frozen and the sensitivity of the skin is reduced, it is better to use a contrast bath;
  • Recipe 2: Contrast bath. This will require two basins with hot and cold water. Keep your feet for a few minutes first in hot water, then in cold water. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times, ending it with cold water. During the contrast tray, the blood circulation is restored and fatigue in the legs is removed. If you do them regularly, you will feel the effect of hardening;
  • Recipe 3: A bath with a rise in temperature. If your legs are often cold for no apparent reason, then the foot bath with a gradual increase in temperature will help you. Pour in a basin of warm water, lower the feet into it and add hot water while you can tolerate it. The total time of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes.

Important: Generally, in the cold season after any water treatment, it is recommended to wipe the damp skin of the feet with table salt. It warms the feet and prevents colds.

There are also technologically-advanced skin procedures that may help keep your skin look younger. Look into Pico Laser Singapore service price options to find a service that fits your needs and budget.


Tip number 5: Preserve the youth and beauty of the body with the help of bath procedures

Warm water procedures with essential oils rejuvenate the body, help improve the condition of the skin and give health, and the sauna and sauna are the best friends in the fight against obesity. While in the steam room, pay attention to problem areas – first, use an oak or birch broom, and then fir, spruce or juniper. It is possible that for a few days you will have redness of the skin in the form of small red dots, but they will pass without a trace, but the result of such a bath will remain for a long time. The fact is that co niferous oils penetrate deeply into the skin, and needles act like acupuncture. After such a bath, it is useful to make an anti-cellulite wrap or massage with special preparations – the effect from them will be much more palpable.

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Body Wrapping:

  • Pour gray-blue or any cosmetic clay with the boiled or mineral water. After a few hours, the clay will be ready, the mass is not recommended to be shaken, so if there is such an opportunity – cook the clay right in the bath in advance;
  • Before applying clay massage the problem zones with a stiff brush, it is also useful to make a peeling. Dampen bandages or chopped cotton cloth should be left in clay. Gently bandage yourself without tension. From above put on woolen pantyhose and lie down, having relaxed about 40 minutes;
  • After removing the mask, it is useful to make a contrast shower and lubricate the skin with a cream containing citrus extract.

Baths with oil:

  • It is useful to bath with cinnamon, for this, stir 5 drops of cinnamon oil in half a glass of warm milk or cream and pour into a warm bath. This bath is not recommended for more than 5 minutes;
  • You can make a bath with a mixture of oils. To do this, dissolve 2 drops of orange oil, grapefruit, cypress and 6 drops of juniper oil in half a glass of cream. The resulting mixture is poured into water and take a bath for about 5 minutes;
  • You can make a mixture of oil, with which you will take a bath 2 times a week. Take 50 ml of jojoba oil and arnica, and add 15 drops of juniper and sage oil, 10 drops of lemon and orange oil. The resulting mixture of 5 drops is added to water at a temperature of not more than 38 degrees.

Important: Women after 35 should take care of the body because the skin loses elasticity, especially if there are changes in the weight. Thankfully, cosmetic products and procedures like botox are readily available to help women preserve the youthful glow of their skin.


Tip number 6: Take care for your hair

In autumn and winter, for example, the vessels on the scalp narrow, which can cause dull and brittle hair, dandruff and even loss. It is important wearing hats and caps if the weather is cold. Under the protection should be all hair, and not just the head, otherwise hair is threatened with dehydration.

Make the compress from hair loss. If the hair begins to fall out, then this problem can be solved with the help of a compress made of linden and mustard seeds.

  • Take 2 pieces of linden leaves and 3 pieces of mustard seeds, mix and use this mixture as needed.
  • Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water, close the lid and after half an hour, the infusion is ready;
  • Properly moisten the strands of hair and scalp with this decoction, and in the broth of the broth moisten the cotton cloth and wrap its head;
  • For greater effect, it is recommended to insulate the head with a scarf or a towel, after putting on a polyethylene cap.

Important: 40 minutes for one procedure will be enough, the result will be noticeable with the regular procedures.




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