The Chinese science of Feng Shui allows not only to properly organize the interior and space around it, its large section is devoted to nutrition. Feng Shui allows you to properly divide all products into groups and determine your own type of element. This food is not only useful but also delicious. There are also special recipes that allow solve problems with excess weight and thyroid gland.
Food is energy, like any energy flow, according to Feng Shui, it goes through a cycle of transformation. Everything that we eat grows from the soil or feeds on what it gives, the food is filled with the energy of the Earth. Everything that the Earth gives is watered by Water. In addition, with the energy of Water, all the processes of transportation and delivery of products to your home are connected. By the energy of the metal, the food is charged in the process of cooking (slicing, tapping, straining, mixing, etc.). In the process of cooking, Fire transforms food, charging it with new, stronger, active life energy. The energy of the Tree is the energy of growth and development, which literally fills you with the life force in the process of eating.
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