Best known ways to use clove oil for our health

clove oil Not everyone knows that for the production of clove essential oil are used unblown flower buds. These flower buds are first dried and then processed by water-steam distillation. When oil is produced from fruits of this tree the fruits are collected at the moment of ripening as only at this stage they will give to oil identical aroma and spice taste. For the production of one kilogram of essential clove it is needed eight kilos of buds or fifteen kilos of fruits.

The main component of clove oil is widely used in various fields such as perfume and tobacco industry, pharmaceutical, dental industry and even as insecticide. Let’s investigate how clove oil can be used for our needs and what benefits it can bring for our home and health.


The first way: Cure hair

Cure hairIt is known mostly only by professional hairdressers that clove oil helps very much in speeding up hair growth. This product is expanding our blood vessels and improving blood circulation. After some time of implementing this product our hair gets full nutrition and relaxes.

Easiest hair mask

  • Prepare your hair (wash off all hair cosmetics) and be ready to spend some time while making this mask as treatment requires washing after the procedure.
  • Take clove oil and some base oil. Base oil can be sunflower or olive oil, almond, peach, coconut and grape seed oil.
  • Mix 5 drops of clove oil with 30 ml of base oil.
  • Implement mixture on hair, especially spread the mixture on the roots.
  • Try to massage your scalp gently during 5 minutes.
  • Wash your hair and enjoy results.

The course of treatment cannot be longer than 10 procedures and mask should be repeated with the interval of three days. This mask will accelerate hair grow and also deal with fat hair. If you are not struggling with fat hair you can do this mask just once a week. As a result you will have shiny and strong hair.

Important: If some oil will get into your eyes wash it off with some fat oil and never use water for this purpose.


The second way: Improve your skin

Improve your skinClove oil is successfully used in cosmetics production. It is often one of the key ingredients in skin care lines of known brands of cosmetics. This natural product due to its excellent qualities restores the structure and makes aged skin looking younger, removes small skin defects and is especially good when you are dealing with variety of skin infections and inflammations.

Recipe for oily skin

  • Chose an oily or creamy base. You can take as a base olive or sunflower oil (or any other base oil) or some neutral cream.
  • Mix 10 ml of base with 2 drops of essential clove oil.
  • Add 2 drops of fresh lemon juice.
  • This simple mask will improve skin condition significantly and results will be visible almost after the first use.
  • This incredible oil helps to cope with oily skin problems even when other treatments are not working.
  • In order to help with acne skin next recipe should be used: base oil, clove oil, 2 drops of geranium and 1 drop of chamomile.
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If clove oil is used for long period it will help to get rid of blackheads, pimples, boils, herpes, pustules and various rashes, warts and all sorts of other viral diseases of the skin. In addition treating the skin with this oil you can significantly accelerate the healing of various wounds and physical injuries, burns, cuts and bruises.

Mask for skin cleanse

  • Ingredients: water, oat flour, grape seed oil, essential clove oil, cinnamon oil, thyme oil and lavender oil.
  • The mask should be made every day for immediate use.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oat flour, 30 ml of water, 30 ml of grape seed oil, 1 drop of clove oil and 1 drop of cinnamon oil, thyme oil and lavender oil.
  • Wash off all makeup from your face. Wash face with water and apply the mask.
  • Leave cleanse mask on the skin for approximately 5 minutes.
  • With light massage movements remove mask.
  • Rinse your face with warm water.

This simple mask will help to clean skin and additionally will provide gentle aroma pilling. Alternatively oat flour can be replaced by rice flour, base oil and water can be replaced by milk.

Important: Implement mask on skin only after making sure you do not have allergy reaction to this essential oil.


The third way: Relief toothache

Cloves or clove oil the most effective way to deal with toothache. In general cloves and clove oil is known for its pain-relieving properties. For long it is known as an effective antiseptic and anesthetic. Even in dry form cloves can relieve severe toothache. Dry cloves should be placed on the tooth, bitten gently and hold for 20-30 minutes. If you are experiencing not severe pain you can just from time to time chew dry cloves.

When you are chewing cloves essential oils from it provide analgesic effect. Place near the tooth should be slightly numb. Do not put clove on the tongue and on the gums. It may cause irritation of the mucous membranes. You can also use clove oil. It is enough to hold it 3-4 minutes for strong toothache. This simple treatment will help you to have some rest from the pain. However remember that large doses of this oil are toxic.

Important: This remedy and other remedies with this oil or spice are not suitable for pregnant.


The fourth way: Get rid of mosquitoes

Get rid of mosquitoesThis oil is having the strong odor and high concentrations of the active volatile substances (methyl salicylate and others). That is how it repels mosquitos and other insects. In order to act better products based on clove oil after a certain period of time should be applied again. For better effect along with clove oil and other means should not be neglected basic rules as a mosquito net.

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It can be used against mosquitoes in different ways. For example a few drops applied to clothing can protect you from the annoying attention of insects.

Save your room from mosquitoes

  • Ingredients for this simple repellent are as follows: alcohol and clove oil.
  • Mix 50 ml of alcohol with 20 drops of oil.
  • Soak cloth or small towel with this mixture.
  • Put such cloth on your side table near the bed or somewhere in the bedroom near your bed.
  • This simple trick will keep your room free from mosquitoes.

You can also prepare absolutely safe repellent based on the olive oil: 50 ml of base oil add 30 drops of essential tea tree oil and 5 drops of clove oil. Everything should be mixed properly and applied on the skin. In addition clove oil helps against mosquitoes if you will drop it on any heat source. Use an ordinary aroma lamp or a fireplace. It is enough to check if it smells in the room and it will repel insects.

Important: Do not apply essential oils containing products on the face or area around eyes.


The fifth way: Calm the nervous system

Calm the nervous systemWe should always remember that stress is not a problem if you have some time and clove oil. This oil has a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Just inhaling the aroma you can quickly recover after nervous exhaustion. Even if you are having hysterics this simple trick will eliminate the problem. These all results can be achieved by aromatherapy and aromatization of the premises.

Bath relieves stress

  • Fill in full bathtub of warm water. Temperature is recommended to be exactly 37-38 ° C.
  • Add 4-5 drops of clove oil. This amount is enough for our needs.
  • You can additionally pour some sea salt, honey, yogurt or milk into bath. Improvise with aromas and smells.
  • Stay in the water with essential oil of about 10-20 minutes. Make sure water is not getting colder.
  • Exit the bath, wipe yourself with the towel and do not take a shower in the end of the procedure.

This simple procedure calms the nervous system and additionally helps to get rid of colds. Another recipe for bath is: glass of warm milk with 3 tablespoons of sea salt. Stir well and add 3 drops of each of these oils: clove, lemon, eucalyptus, tangerine and myrrh. The entire mixture should be poured into a bath with warm water. Massage is another great way helps to cope with stress.

Gentle massage

  • Clove oil in combination with other essential oils helps to relieve stress, fatigue and nervous tension.
  • You can help your body even with frequent headaches doing light massage of the temples, neck and scalp.
  • The best mixture of oils you can prepare individually according to your taste.
  • Use two drops of any of your favorite essential oils. Usually from stress are used lavender, chamomile and clove oils.
  • Mix essential oils with peach butter. This will help to moisturize the skin and provide skin with complex of essential vitamins.
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Additionally you can aromatize premises and enjoy calm atmosphere in your room. Take cup of warm water and add 1-2 drops of clove oil for every 5 square meters of space. Place the cup on radiator so it will quickly evaporate. If you have special aroma lamp for oil use that lamp. Duration of the aroma treatment is recommended from 15 to 30 minutes. It is recommended to aromatize premises not more than twice a day. Do not forget to ventilate your room in the morning and before going to sleep.

Important: People with increased nervous excitability should not use this oil. People with hypertension should use it with caution.


The sixth way: Prepare meals

Prepare meals Clove oil is incredible for cooking. Due to its strong spicy flavor it is very popular spice. It is used for making hot alcoholic drinks, punches, bitter liqueurs, compotes and fruit juices. Also the aroma of cloves is very often added when canning fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.

Cloves are used in cooking venison, pork, lamb and red cabbage. This spice is almost always added in the production of dark meat sauces as well as for herring marinating. It is also used for pickling mushrooms. Fish dishes, pasta and other dishes are becoming richer in flavors when this spice is added. For the preparation of various dishes clove essential oil is appropriate when you would like to feel some interesting flavors. One drop of clove oil will give a spicy flavor to compote from dried fruits and enrich its color. You can add 1-2 drops of the oil in the meat sauce. If you are cold make a cup of tea with a drop of clove. Such tea will warm you and also make you calm.

Important: It is strictly forbidden to consume more than 3 drops per day. If you experience heartburn after consumption of this spice drink natural low-fat yogurt or kefir.



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