How to get rid of acid reflux easily using only natural products

acid reflux We nowadays live in big cities and always have everything available 24/7. We can access pharmacies at night, visit doctors on the weekend or request paid medical surveys in the private clinics. Even though everything is available for us we forget about all the possible options and solutions as soon as we face some unusual for us health problems. Acid reflux can catch us at any moment of day for example during our trip to the parents in the middle of nowhere.

Acid reflux is an unpleasant burning feeling which appears immediately after a meal or some time later. This burning feeling in chest is also accompanied with an awful taste. How to get rid of this situation? Let’s see which simple tips are there for us in this unpleasant situation which appears always at the most inconvenient situation.


The first product: Potato juice

Potato juiceNot everyone even heard that potato juice is actually one of the most effective products against acid reflux. As soon as potato juice is consumed it is very quickly removing unpleasant burning symptoms. Fresh potato juice is also improving the general condition of gastritis with high acidity. In fact this disease with high acidity is often the main reason why we experience acid reflux.

Potato juice recipe:

  • Potato juice is always prepared immediately before consumption.
  • When we choose the potatoes we should pay attention to the color and shape of the vegetable. The best choice is pinkish color elongated shape vegetables without any green spots. Such potatoes are rich in vitamins.
  • Wash the vegetables, remove dark spots, peel and grate them.
  • The resulting grated potato should be put into the gauze (use several layers of gauze).
  • Fresh potato juice is very rich in starch so you should give it approximately 3 minutes to settle. Do not leave it for longer time as with the long stay organic compounds of potatoes begin to oxidize and break down causing the juice color to get darker. And after 10 minutes potato juice cannot be used for medical purposes as all the beneficial qualities are gone already.

Fresh potato juice should be consumed in its pure form without any additives or other vegetables. This method is natural and safe for the health which makes it suitable even for pregnant women who are struggling from acid reflux on the later stages of the pregnancy.

Potato juice treatment:

  • We should consume 1 full cup of fresh potato juice in the morning before any breakfast.
  • After drinking the juice lie down for approximately half an hour (up to 1 hour).
  • After laying you can have a breakfast.
  • The course of treatment is 10 days, followed by 10 days break.
  • Full course of healing program will consists of 3 whole 10 days treatments.
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You will notice significant improvement within few days of consumption but do not stop the course and continue for the whole recommended period. The best timing for this treatment is any time suitable from July to February. Potatoes are fresh and healthy at this time of year.

Warning: People struggling with severe form of diabetes should not consider this method. Also you should not exceed the specified duration of the juice therapy because long consumption of potato juice has a negative influence on the state of the pancreas.


The second product: Baking soda:

Baking sodaThis simple and cheap product is so usual that we use it everywhere starting from cooking and cleaning to brushing teeth and even scrubbing our face. In addition to all above listed options we can also use baking soda to get rid of acid reflux and neutralize heartburn symptoms: burning sensation and heat in chest after eating.

Baking soda recipe:

  • We will need just ¼ of teaspoon of baking soda. Dissolve the baking soda in the warm water (200 ml).
  • Drink the mixture in small sips.
  • The optimal way is to consume the liquid while it is still warm. In such a way it helps better.
  • Do not drink it till the end. The remaining soda on the bottom of the cup should not be consumed.
  • In order to get rid of acid reflux quicker it is recommended to lay down but in a sitting position and belt untied.
  • Symptoms should disappear within 10 minutes.
  • If it is necessary you can repeat the procedure but remember that it is allowed to consume maximum 200 ml of the soda solution per day.

The recipe can be also prepared with vinegar and baking soda. The proportions for such recipe will be 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar per 1 glass of water. As soon as the mixture begins to bubble it is necessary to drink few small sips.

Baking soda only effects symptoms of acid reflux removing discomfort but does not treat the reason of the heartburn. As soon as baking soda enters the body immediately after few sips you will feel noticeable results. But unfortunately after the short time signs of sickness return with even more unpleasant intensity. Experiment with baking soda but if you do not achieve significant result within few days try other products.

Warning: Soda consumption can cause rumbling in the stomach, bloating, diarrhea and irritation to the mucous membranes.


The third product: Honey:

HoneyHoney is known for its ability to calm down and help with insomnia. Additional benefit of this natural product is its ability to solve some stomach problems. Natural honey is also used to get rid of acid reflux as a separate healing product or together with other therapeutic products. If you experience weak acid reflux it is sometimes enough just to consume one glass of warm water with the tablespoon of honey dissolved in it. The best possible time is to drink it 30 minutes before the morning and evening meals. Unpleasant feeling will disappear very quickly and after a month of such treatment you can get rid of the problem completely.

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Recipe against severe acid reflux:

  • In case of severe heartburn we should prepare drink from aloe and honey.
  • This treatment has mild taste and fast action.
  • This treatment will eliminate pain in the stomach and bitter taste in the mouth.
  • Consumed 40 minutes before meals.
  • In order to prepare we will need 100 g of honey and 100 g of aloe juice.
  • One tablespoon of mixture should be dissolved in the warm water and consumed sip after sip.

If you do not have aloe at home you can also use warm milk. Tablespoon of honey dissolved in the glass of warm milk will immediately help with acid reflux. The mixture should be consumed 1 hour before meal.

Warning: Not every honey helps the same way. The best possible options to get rid of heartburn are lemon balm honey, linden flowers honey and Angelica drug honey.


The fourth product: Peas

PeasPeople are often not aware that they can win the fight against acid reflux with one simple product. Such product is peas. Fresh and dried peas are perfect in the war against heartburn. The fresh pea recipe is the simplest. Take 3-4 peas and chew them slowly for few minutes in order to get rid of burning feeling in the chest.

Dry peas require more time for preparation. Take 15-20 peas and put them into the cup. Pour dried pies with boiling water and leave them to steam for approximately 2 hours. In such a way they steam and get softer. Take 3-4 softened peas in your mouth and chew them for few minutes. The rest of steamed peas can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 day. Previously make sure you store the steamed peas without extra water. Wipe them and store in closed container for food.

Warning: Canned or cooked peas unfortunately do not provide the same effect and do not help with acid reflux at all.


The fifth product: Mineral water

Mineral waterMineral water is recommended for plenty of health problems but not for everyday use. Real mineral water is not exactly what we buy in the supermarket and consume at home from the plastic bottles. In order to get rid of heartburn it is recommended to drink only alkaline and bicarbonate (slightly alkaline) beverages. You can easily find the whole diversity of such beverages in the closest pharmacy. Keep in mind that plastic containers or bottles are not suitable for storage so this mineral water must always be in glass bottles.

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Main principles of mineral water consumption:

  • In order to succeed in fight against acid reflux drink heated mineral water. The optimal temperature of the drink should be 40 C.
  • Prepared drink should be stored in thermos in order to avoid repeating heat up. Heating up more than once destroy all beneficial medical properties of mineral water.
  • Mineral water should be degasses before use. For this purpose usually we can use container with wide upper part, stir water and let it stay for several hours.
  • We should drink a 1/4 of a glass of mineral water 3 times a day in a very small sips. One glass you can probably consume within 5 minutes. Do not hurry.
  • Mineral water should be consumed in such a way for 3 whole weeks.

Unfortunately not every mineral water will help us or can be used in therapeutic treatments. The mineral water is recommended to be consumed before and after the meals. If you will consume it after the meal than you can manage the acidity in the stomach. If you will consume mineral water after the meal you will handle gastric juice normalization.

Warning: Always read description on the bottle and find out all the contraindication before you consume the drink.


The sixth product: Buckwheat

BuckwheatThose who always search for the safest way to cure the acid reflux should pay attention to this simple and cheap method. Buckwheat is used in the wide diversity of homemade recipes against different health issues for hundreds of years.

Buckwheat recipe:

  • The buckwheat should be warmed up on the dry pan with the thick bottom until grains will get dark brown color.
  • Dark brown buckwheat grains should be grinded into the powder.
  • The resulting powder is consumed three times a day 30 minutes before meals with water.
  • One portion is even a bit less than quarter of the teaspoon.

Buckwheat is highly recommended to be included in the everyday diet in case you are struggling from acid reflux. Those of us who are suffering from heartburn should every morning consume buckwheat soups or cereals with buckwheat. Any dishes with buckwheat will be beneficial for our health.

Warning: We should also remember that in order to succeed in fighting against acid reflux we should consider giving up on harmful habits and changing our lifestyle to healthier one.



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