How to Get Rid of Acne: Top-5 Effective Steps

Ideal skin has always been considered one of the main signs of beauty and health. But in the modern rhythm of life and with the current environmental factors, it is difficult to maintain a healthy face skin. Not only adolescents are looking for the answer to the question: “How to get rid of acne?” We offer you step by step instructions on getting rid of acne of any type – internal, age and other types. Here, you will also find an overview of cosmetic procedures and natural remedies for this skin problem. People suffer from acne not only in adolescence, but at any other age.

It delivers both physical suffering (itching, abscesses, pain), and mental (the development of complexes about their appearance). It is understandable that people suffering from acne want to cure it by any means. So, if you found acne on your face: how to get rid of this problem in the shortest period as quickly as possible? Continue reading and find this out!


Step number 1: Identify the cause of acne

Try to identify the cause of acne on the face:

  • age and hormonal changes in the body,
  • improper nutrition,
  • discomfort in the sebaceous glands,
  • stress,
  • changing climatic conditions,
  • various diseases of internal organs.
  • If your observations do not lead to anything and you cannot determine the cause of their appearance yourself, consult a doctor.

The most common reason for the appearance of acne on the face – hormonal changes in the body. Of course, the adolescent period is the brightest example of this. In human life, this is the period of the greatest activity of hormones. The hormonal storm rages inside the body, and outside it we see its consequences – a coarse voice, varying body proportions and, alas, acne. Few people manage to avoid this scourge – teenage pimples. Even if the growth is normal, and the skin is thin and problem-free, it is impossible to pass the puberty without a single pimple – they will appear, albeit in a single quantity.

Similar work of hormonal glands occurs also in women during pregnancy and a certain phase of the menstrual cycle (and this too can be accompanied in some cases by rashes of acne) or with certain endocrine problems in adults. Even newborn babies show conditions similar to acne – they also have a hormonal nature even a separate name – a hormonal crisis. In addition, some medicines, the specifics of work, even inhaled air – all this can become a pathogenic factor of acne.

Important:  The genetics of the skin can determine the degree of acne. The production of sebum and the possibility of the appearance of seborrhea (hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands) depends on the thickness of the skin in a particular diseased person.


Step number 2: Do your best to fight the reason of acne

Knowing the reason, it is necessary to direct all the forces to eliminate acne, not the acne, but this very reason:

  1. if the matter is in the wrong diet, reconsider your daily diet: exclude fatty, smoked and spicy foods, most of your nutrition should be green, fresh fruit and vegetables;
  2. if you suffer from a stomach disorder, endocrine system disorders or if you have a hormonal failure, contact a doctor who specializes in the disease so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment;
  3. the work of the sebaceous glands can be normalized by the cosmetologist.
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Important: If you have identified the cause of acne the right way, then the fight with it will bring the desired result fast.


Step number 3: Use natural remedies

Only after you have identified the cause and the beginning of the course of treatment of the underlying disease you can begin to eliminate acne with the help of the natural and modern clinical methods.  To make the treatment as effective as possible, reconsider all the cosmetics you have used before: give preference to natural cosmetic lines, which preparations are based on herbs and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. It is better to prepare cosmetics on your own. If the pimples are caused by temporary, non-serious factors and are shallow, local in nature, they can be eliminated at home.

  • Treatment of internal acne: Sometimes, under the skin there is a slight condensation, very painful to the touch and gradually turning into a vast subcutaneous inflammation. These are the so-called internal pimples, which deliver many unpleasant minutes. If you decided to eliminate them at home, use aloe vera juice: the leaves of the medicinal plant should be kept in the refrigerator for ten days, chopped, squeezed juice from them and wiped them face instead of shop lotion 3 times a day. Calendula also removes subcutaneous pimples: dry inflorescences of medicinal plants (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (half a liter), insist half an hour, drain and cool; use as a lotion 3 times a day.
  • Treatment of teenage pimples: Very often, it is necessary to observe in adolescents horrible pimples on the face: how to get rid of this trouble? And for this case, there are several natural recipes of herbal decoctions. They normalize the metabolism, have a blood-purifying and anti-inflammatory effect. Broths from the leaves of birch or nettles, the root of a dandelion or burdock should be taken half a cup three times a day. You can use onions: if a pimple breaks and cannot break in any way, attach a baked onion to the inflamed place for the night and fix it with a plaster. Ginger can also be used. It perfectly cleanses the blood. One more remedy is ledum: a tablespoon of crushed berries is poured with boiling water (half a liter), drink it 1 time per day.

There are natural recipes that help get rid of pimples of any origin:

  • lemon: cut into slices and apply once a day on problem areas of the skin for 5-10 minutes – the skin is whitened and becomes radiant;
  • baking soda: dilute water to a mushy condition and apply to the pimple for 1 minute – this will significantly reduce the fat content of the skin and narrow the pores;
  • egg white: separate from the yolk, beat, apply on the skin for 20 minutes – restore the damaged layers of the skin;
  • green tea: brew, let it brew, strain, soak a napkin in it and put on your face – it will soothe the skin, neutralize the bacteria;
  • honey: natural honey put a thin layer on your face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water – honey has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
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Important: If the pimples do not pass or become festering, do not delay the visit to the doctor: onlya specialist can identify the cause of their appearance and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Before using natural methods for treating acne, make sure that it is not caused by serious diseases of the internal organs, otherwise you will cause irreparable harm to your health.


Step number 4: Try medicinal treatment of acne

The medicinal treatment supposed an individual selection of medicines in the form of tablets, injections or external means that can eliminate the internal cause of their occurrence, provoked by hormonal changes in the body, malnutrition, stress, or some kind of systemic disease. The choice of therapy depends on the clinical form of the disease, the severity and duration of the course, the results of laboratory tests, the age and sex of the patient.

The program of drug treatment is made individually and is designed for a period of two to six months. It may include:

  1. antibacterial agents that stop the inflammatory process;
  2. hormonal drugs that restore hormonal balance;
  3. acid-based preparations that have an antimicrobial effect, as well as the ability to exfoliate the cornified layer and regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. Often used to treat the manifestations of acne, smoothing and improving the texture of the skin;
  4. Retinoids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-comedones. At the same time, they prevent formation of scars;
  5. preparations based on hyaluronic acid, improving blood circulation, moisturizing the skin, accelerating its healing and recovery.

Important: You shouldn’t choose the drug on your own without the consultation of a dermatologist.


Step number 5: Choose the most suitable cosmetologist procedure

If you have started the course of acne treatment late and natural remedies aren’t very effective, it’s time to seek help from an expert like Ryze Wellness & MedSpa in Tampa, FL or this dermatologist in Atlanta, GA. There are several acne treatments that will help you solve your acne problem. You may also consider an Aquafirme Medical Grade Facial to rejuvenate your skin and address various skin issues.

  • Ozone therapy: This method of cleaning is to use ozone in cosmetics. Ozone is an active form of oxygen, it kills bacteria and eliminates inflammation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly eliminates acne. The method heals the epidermis from the inside, the skin acquires a beautiful peach shade, the hypoxia of the skin is completely eliminated. Effective procedures for acne with the use of ozone are completely safe for health and help to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process on the skin. The procedure removes skin inflammation, destroys fungi and other microbes. It has a powerful effect for tightening the skin and restoring the dermis, improves blood circulation.
  • Laser facial cleansing: This is a low-traumatic and very effective method of removing acne. In fact, this method of skin treatment is based on the high-precision removal of the upper keratinous layer of the epidermis with the help of a laser beam. The procedure quickly and painlessly eliminates dilated pores, wrinkles, shallow scars, pimples and spots after acne. In the salons perform a superficial and deep cleaning with a laser. Cleaning from acne is a superficial procedure. During the treatment of the epidermis, the basal membrane is not damaged, and under the influence of the laser beam cell proliferation increases. As a result, skin regeneration occurs quickly enough. The laser beam eliminates not only pimples, but also pigmented spots. Procedures from spots after acne can include laser cleaning.
  • There are several ways of laser cleaning: With cold cleaning, the layers of the skin are removed alternately, while the lower layers of the epidermis do not warm up. This helps to exfoliate and relieve inflammation. The hot method is accompanied by intense heating of the lower layers of the dermis. The effect of the procedure does not appear immediately – within two months. The method promotes the natural production of cutaneous collagen. As a result, the person rejuvenates, the aging process slows down, the skin is tightened and becomes elastic and elastic. Cosmetologist procedures for acne can include both surface laser cleaning as well as the deep one. The effect of a laser has many similarities with grinding. Just a laser beam penetrates to a different depth. The procedure helps to rejuvenate, tighten the skin, eliminate acne.
  • Retinoic peeling: Peeling reduces the secretion of fat and helps eliminate acne. This method of purification from acne gives the skin a pleasant appearance and improves skin health. He exfoliates the upper horny cells of the dermis, quickly stops the inflammatory process. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, pleasant to the touch, velvety, and acne gradually pass. To eliminate acne, retinoids are used. They bleach stains and reduce the production of fat. As a result, new rashes on the skin are prevented. The procedure is especially recommended for anyone who has very serious problems with acne on the face or body. Retinoid peeling also helps to get rid of small scars, spots after acne, which were in adolescence. This procedure makes the skin incredibly smooth and beautiful.
  • Biodermabrasion: This cosmetic procedure is designed to eliminate acne. This method perfectly narrows the pores of the epidermis and stops the excess production of fat. Special cosmetic means are used for the procedure – plant extracts, which effectively purify the skin. The abrasive effect on the skin of these components allows you to get rid of acne. The medicinal components of the composition of the used agent allow performing a quick exfoliation and elimination of acne eruptions. The procedure makes the skin clean from acne.
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If you’re looking for a professional and reliable facials in Raleigh, NC or skin treatments, consult services such as this medical spa – Sports MedSpa. You can also visit sites like for additional guidance.

Important: After salon procedures, it is necessary to maintain the skin – apply nutrient masks that prevent the appearance of new acne.




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