How to make lip balm at home using only organic ingredients

Lip balmNo matter what the weather is outside we care about our lips. In winter we use lip balm almost every day. Skin on the lips requires regular care. We should protect our lips from ultraviolet radiation, external negative influences and provide it with softening, moisturizing and nutrition.

Nowadays we can find huge amount of different smell, color, brand and taste of lip balms in the beauty shops all over the country. Main secret is as follows: there is no need to buy expensive cosmetics to ensure good quality protection for lips, instead we can easily make lip balm at home. Such homemade balm will be safe and effective but most important is that it will be unique.


The first method: Coconut and honey lip balm

HoneyLet’s agree that we are using only natural ingredients and nothing else. This will give us absolute confidence that product will be healthy and full of qualities we are looking for. In order to get moisturizing we will need following ingredients.


  • 20 grams of beeswax
  • 30 grams of any oil (as a base, any liquid or solid oil, for instance coconut oil)
  • 10 grams honey
  • 2-3 drops of one of essential coconut oil for aroma

In case you experimented before using oils instead of balm you know that they do not work separately. Basically oils just immediately are absorbed by skin and in a minute your lips are not protected again. This is why we will use not just oils but additional important ingredients. The amount listed above will be enough for preparing one jar 30 ml of lip balm and two small jars of 5 ml each.

Recipe is easy:

  1. Take a bowl and melt in it wax. Wax should be melted on steam (do not use microwave as it is dangerous).
  2. Mix melted hot wax very well and add base oil (it can be one type of oil or even mix of base oils).
  3. Mix everything again and take bowl off the steam.
  4. Add honey (oils are easily mixed with wax but with honey you will need to work harder).
  5. The best solution is to use some tools to mix it perfectly (in case we will not mix ingredients perfectly they will just separate after cooling).
  6. Add final few drops of essential coconut oil.
  7. Immediately spread balm into jars.
  8. Leave prepared balm to cool down.

Now you know that making homemade remedy for lips is not a space science and you can experiment with oils and get different balms. Best way is to use jars from creams or lip balm as this balm should be implemented with the help of finger. Such liquid will become solid very quickly. In 5-10 minutes it is ready for use.

Warning: Amount of beeswax in recipe should be in percent not more than 40%. Otherwise it will be impossible to use lip balm as it will be too hard. In case your balm substance was not successful from the first attempt you can just again melt it on the steam and add a bit of wax (in case you need to make it harder) or few drops of oil (in vase you need to make it softer).


The second method: Chocolate lip balm

Lip balmPrice of ingredients should be not high. Ingredients before use should be tested on your skin. All recipes will anyway include oils. In order to test if you have allergy for this or other oil you should make simple test.

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Test on oils allergy

  1. Put one drop of oil on the inside surface of your elbow and observe how your skin will react to this.
  2. Leave the spot for a day and see what reaction you got.
  3. In case some rash or itching feeling appeared towards ingredient that means you should not use this ingredients for lip balm.
  4. It is recommended to test each and every ingredient before using it.

Ingredients are easy to find even in small city. Try pharmacies and shops which are selling beauty products. Beeswax can be bought on the market.


  • 1 teaspoon of beeswax
  • 1 teaspoon of each of the oils: cocoa butter, Shea butter, almond oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder

For this recipe you will need one bowl in which all ingredients will be mixed, wooden stick for mixing ingredients and steam. Do not use microwave for melting ingredients.

Recipe is simple:

  1. Take teaspoon of beeswax, put it in the bowl and melt it on the steam.
  2. Add teaspoon of cocoa butter and melt them together.
  3. You will smell aroma of dark chocolate during all melting process of cocoa butter.
  4. When they will melt, one teaspoon of Shea butter should be added.
  5. Now one teaspoon of oil (liquid) can be added. In our recipe it is almond oil (you can replace it with any other your favorite essential oil).
  6. In the end one teaspoon of cocoa powder should be added.
  7. Everything should be carefully mixed with the wooden stick.

As soon as all ingredients are well mixed you can take liquid from the fire (steam) and leave it for some time to become solid. This recipe will give you as a result quite small amount, approximately half of the lipstick of balm. In case you want to prepare more you should just double or triple amount of ingredients. In case you cannot wait to try your newly created product you can put it into the freezer for 5 minutes (this is not recommended). In case you can wait you better wait and enjoy natural lip balm when it will get cool and hard on its own.

Warning: In case you have allergy for chocolate you should definitely skip this recipe. Adding buckthorn oil to the recipe will bring healing effect to the product and using it you will also provide to your lips curing service.


The third method: Mint lip balm

Tastes are as different as we all are. Plenty of women absolutely love mint aroma and use mint everywhere where it is possible. A lot of us Mint lip balmjust love mint cosmetics. When I found out that mint can be also used in homemade cosmetics I immediately started to investigate how to make lip balm with mint. Mint will keep your lips fresh and revitalized.


  • 30 grams of beeswax
  • One tablespoon of honey
  • 60 grams of almond oil
  • Essential mint oil

Before using essential mint oil you should make a test as it is listed above and make sure that you do not have allergic reaction towards this ingredient.

Step by step recipe:

  1. On the steam melt 30 grams of beeswax with 60 grams of almond oil.
  2. As soon as ingredients will melt add to them one tablespoon of honey.
  3. Check the liquid. It should be neither hard nor liquid looking. Something in the middle is perfect result.
  4. Add few drops of mint essential oil. Amount of drops added should be from one to three. You decide how much to add as smell is quite specific and you should control comfortable for you amount. Start with one drop.
  5. Prepared homemade product should be poured into jars and left to cool.
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Such lip balms should be kept in dry and cold place. Homemade cosmetics of such type can be used for six month or even a year, in case of careful storing in proper conditions. Homemade product is recommended to implement regularly during the day and evening.
Warning: Do not let kids to play around when you prepare homemade cosmetics near the fire. It is dangerous as they can get burns. Do not let kids or babies use or eat homemade cosmetic which we prepared as concentration of essential oils in few drops is too big for kids. For the same reason store ready products in the safe places.


The fourth method: Orange lip balm

Orange lip balmOrange essential oil can be used for all skin types. This oil makes skin more elastic and smooth, provides detox effect and softening of the skin. Vitamins which orange will give us are great for skin of our lips. This is the reason why we should spend our time and prepare homemade lip balm with orange essential oil.

  • 1 teaspoon of beeswax
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 5 teaspoons of almond oil
  • 8 drops of sweet orange essential oil

Homemade cosmetics for lips with orange essential oil are also used to eliminate or cure herpes on the lips. When preparing homemade cosmetics it is recommended to use only glass or wood bowls or dishes. It is better and healthier for melting and heating processes.

How to make lip balm:

  1. Put beeswax into glass container and melt it on the steam.
  2. Remove from the steam and add almond oil. Mix everything carefully.
  3. Add honey and essential orange oil.
  4. Fill prepared containers for the cosmetics.

Do not leave your process and stay near it all the time. You should be concentrated as liquid is very quickly turning into solid substance and then you will not be able to mix oil proportionally. Keep such homemade remedy for lips in the fridge.

Warning: Do not apply essential orange oil on the skin on sunny days. The reason for that is that orange oil is phototoxic and it accumulates sunlight. The result can be burns. In case your skin type is sensitive skin you should keep in mind that long term usage of orange oil for your skin type can bring irritation and increase its sensitivity.


The fifth method: Buckthorn oil lip balm

Lip balmIn order to get balm with healing qualities you should choose buckthorn oil. Cooking will be easy and quick and ingredients available on every market. This is a challenge as this recipe is without wax.


  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter
  • 1 teaspoon of Shea butter
  • 1 teaspoon of buckthorn oil
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil (can be used peach oil or avocado oil instead)
  • 1 pill of vitamin E (can be bought in every pharmacy)

Qualities of buckthorn are incredible: it can heal burns and scars and also improves natural color of the skin. Vitamin E will help to heal your lips after cold and windy weather and also prevent skin from drying.

How to make lip balm:

  1. Take glass bowl and mix in it Shea butter with cocoa butter. Melt everything on the steam.
  2. Add at the same time to the melted butters following ingredients: buckthorn oil, almond oil (or other oil you are using instead of almond oil) and squeeze liquid out of 1 pill of vitamin E.
  3. Mix everything together with wooden stick.
  4. As soon as you will notice that all ingredients are well mixed take liquid from the steam.
  5. Fill in jars you prepared for your homemade cosmetics and leave it to cool for 1 hour on the window.
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Such lip balm can be stored in the fridge or in some cold place like on the window. This recipe is perfect for preparation winter remedy for your lips. Chocolate or mint balms can be used in summer. Orange, coconut and buckthorn balms should be used in winter.

Warning: Buckthorn should be carefully applied by people experiencing liver diseases, pancreatitis and cholecystitis as the buckthorn oil contains large amounts of acid.


How to make homemade lip balm brighter

Lip balmUsually all cosmetics we prepare at home are colorless and mostly it doesn’t bother us that much. When it comes to lips some of us will prefer to add some color to their homemade remedies for lips. In our case we can use few simple procedures and make any of our lip balms colorful.

Among possible color adding we have: bright berries (as strawberries, cranberries or raspberries), buckthorn oil (it gives nice orange color) or food coloring.

  • When you are using buckthorn oil for changing color of your lip balm be very careful with quantity. Otherwise the result will be crazy bright carrot color.
  • In order to use color of bright berries you should chop berries and boil them a bit in the oil you are planning to use in the recipe (base oil). When you finish with boiling (as soon as oil will get desirable color) carefully take berries with fork out of the oil and strain it.
  • In case you decided to choose food colors remember that amount added should be very small. Add food colors when stop mixing the lip balm (when liquid is starting to become solid). Food color should be mixed very carefully and properly.


Basic rules for the preparation of homemade lip balms

Lop balmYou should just choose one of the recipes and start preparing. No need to have university degree to succeed in it but still this is not for kids as we use heat and hot temperatures while cooking. There are some general rules which should be taking into consideration when preparing.

Basic rules:

  1. Beeswax should be crashed before melting. This action will help to melt it quicker.
  2. Ingredients should be added in such order: first solid and later liquids. That means first of all beeswax should be added than oils and in the very end natural dyes (optional), and essential oils.
  3. Jars you are about to use for homemade just prepared lips remedies should be clean and dry. Jars should be closed when you store the lip balm.
  4. Homemade cosmetics should be stored in the refrigerator because such cosmetics do not contain preservatives.
  5. Freezer cannot be used for storing lips remedies as they will lose their form and useful qualities.
  6. Best place for fresh just prepared lip balm to become solid is place with room temperature.
  7. Storing in correct temperature




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