How to plan your diet according to 5 Feng Shui Elements?

Feng ShuiThe Chinese science of Feng Shui allows not only to properly organize the interior and space around it, its large section is devoted to nutrition. Feng Shui allows you to properly divide all products into groups and determine your own type of element. This food is not only useful but also delicious. There are also special recipes that allow solve problems with excess weight and thyroid gland.

Food is energy, like any energy flow, according to Feng Shui, it goes through a cycle of transformation. Everything that we eat grows from the soil or feeds on what it gives, the food is filled with the energy of the Earth. Everything that the Earth gives is watered by Water. In addition, with the energy of Water, all the processes of transportation and delivery of products to your home are connected. By the energy of the metal, the food is charged in the process of cooking (slicing, tapping, straining, mixing, etc.). In the process of cooking, Fire transforms food, charging it with new, stronger, active life energy. The energy of the Tree is the energy of growth and development, which literally fills you with the life force in the process of eating.
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How to Use Beebread to stay healthy and beautiful?

BeebreadBeebread is a unique product of beekeeping. Everybody knows about honey and propolis but beebread is no less valuable for human health. This is pollen collected by bees from flowers, and then canned and packed into honeycomb. Insects themselves use it as food. Useful and nutritious beebread has found its own application in various areas and this is not surprising. There are 250 compounds that contribute to the proper functioning of biological processes; 60 active substances, restoring the disturbed work of organs and systems. Another amazing property of beebread is that it is absorbed by the human body completely. Continue reading →

Top-15 Unique Coffee Recipes for Real Coffee Gourmets

coffeCoffee is the most popular drink all over the world. There are almost no people who can resist having a cup of coffee in the morning. Some can’t imagine starting the day without this delicious drink able to provide you with the necessary energy for the whole day. There are a lot of interesting non-standard ways to make coffee, which you will be able to discover here.
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How to get rid of bad stains on clothes without the dry cleaners?

bad stains on clothesEveryone experiences an unpleasant feeling at the sight of an annoying stain on the favorite blouse or trousers, especially if because of this you had to part with a loved thing. But you do not need to immediately throw out clothes, because many stains are easy to remove even without the intervention of dry cleaners. They can be handled on your own. But you need to do this procedure with care not to spoil your favorite thing even more.
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3 Steps to prevent pain in neck and preserve its youth and beauty

pain in the neckMore and more modern people complain of pain in the neck. Practice shows that the blame for everything, among other things, a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, daily work at the computer does not contribute to good health: our body is tired of this static and very strongly overexerted. So, what do we usually do when, after spending the whole day sitting at the computer, we understand that the neck is stale? We begin to bend it from side to side, making head unimaginable movements. But this does not bring the expected effect: the neck is still tense, and the aching pain already creeps up to it. In addition, the tension of the muscles of the neck will necessarily accompany the tension of the facial muscles. Continue reading →

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Top-3 Most Effective Methods of Hair Lamination at Home

hair laminationEach representative of the beautiful half of humanity knows that female beauty largely depends on caring for appearance. Beauty largely depends on how you care about your hair. Long curls are able to make any girl more attractive. And if they also brilliantly shine – this is an additional plus.
On the other hand, for those girls who are frustrated by unwanted hair and looking for a reliable solution, options like جهاز ليزر منزلي can be a highly effective choice.

Lamination is called using a special coating method, the main task of which is to return the hair its former strength and energy. The composition used envelops every hair, so this procedure greatly improves their overall condition. Regularly resorting to lamination, you can provide your hair with protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and temperature differences.
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Top-15 Most Effective Exercises for a Tight Butt

Sexy ButtSexy buttocks and smart hips are a necessary and quite sufficient condition to feel one hundred percent self-confident even in the most open bikini.

The buttocks consist of three muscles, but the one that is responsible for the tightened shape is the one closest to the surface: the gluteus maximus muscle. In addition to aesthetic, it performs another important function: it supports our body in an upright position and, accordingly, is one of the strongest in the body.
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Top-16 Best Green Smoothies’ Recipes to Fill You with Energy

smoothiesThe rapid rhythm of modern life forces many people to eat on the go and thereby spoil their health because the right diet is a pledge of strong immunity and the absence of viral diseases. In order to restore regular meals, it is necessary to set a number of requirements that must be obeyed unconditionally. First, for lunch, eat only a hot liquid soup. Secondly, give up dry snacks and forget about fatty foods. Third, strengthen the stomach with the beneficial properties of green plants. There is no need to prove an invaluable effect of fresh fruits and vegetables on human health. Sure that you can simply eat apples and cucumbers but it is much better to make delicious cocktails from the assortment of foods.
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Top-4 Effective Methods to Get Rid of Scars Forever

face scarsScars can occur as a result of any skin trauma – a burn, a cut, an operation and even a pimple. Scars are formations of connective tissue that are formed as a result of restoring the integrity of injured tissues. The cause of scar appearance is severe skin lesions. This can happen because of punctures, injuries, skin burns, and also due to surgery. Scars are a defective tissue, which consists of collagen fibers. It is formed on the site of the damaged dermis.
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How to get rid of white nails: 3 things you must obligatory do

white nailsBeautiful and healthy nails always attract a lot of attention. Sometimes by looking at somebody’s nails you can even determine in what area a person works. Everybody would like to have perfect nails but often you can notice unpleasant spots on nails. Many people have problems with the appearance of spots on the nails. Since, in addition to the fact that the appearance of the nail is not very beautiful, they do not cause any more worries, people usually do not pay attention to such a trifle, considering that this is not serious. Only a few people have information about what exactly can mean the appearance of such spots on the nails. Sometimes the problems of white spots can signal about more profound problems of your body. If the cause of leukonychia is the fungus, you need to be treated for this infection. To do this, use special drugs in the form of tablets and external means. Treatment of fungal infection lasts several months.
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