5 Key Principles of Safe Balanced Nutrition

It is not a secret that a good indicator of a person’s personal success is his health. Indeed, even the richest man on earth will not be happy if his body does not function properly. The importance of well-being can be discussed endlessly. It includes the number of factors, among which there is such as the uniform work of all organs and systems, strong nerves and good physical preparation. One of the most important and basic conditions for preserving and strengthening health is the balanced nutrition, about which people forget in the rhythm of an active stressful life.  Rational nutrition is a diet that satisfies the physiological needs of the body and, subsequently, provides adequate processes for the development and growth of the body.

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Top-5 Foods That Will Help to Fight High Cholesterol

Sooner or later, almost all people face the problem of high cholesterol. Usually doctors recommend after the age of 20 to check blood at least once a year. If you have faced such a problem, in order to lower cholesterol and keep it under control, you need to change your lifestyle a little and pay attention to the diet by introducing some products on it on a regular basis. What can increase the level of cholesterol in the blood and how to avoid this problem by changing the daily diet and what foods you need to start eating regularly? Let’s try to answer all these questions together.
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4 Effective Tips on How to Preserve Good Eyesight for Long

The organs of human vision were formed over the centuries in the course of evolution. However, as it turned out, at the moment they are ill-adapted to the regular load. As a result, more than 300 million inhabitants of our planet complain about problems associated with poor eyesight. One of the reasons for this is prolonged work at the computer, watching TV shows for long, improper diet and many other factors. Good vision is necessary for a person for a comfortable and fulfilling life. Therefore try to follow our recommendations to have excellent eyesight as long as possible. For this you will not need much time.

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How to Treat Flu if You are Pregnant + 5 Tips on How not to Be Infected

Great concern for expectant mothers is influenza, because it can cause complications of pregnancy and various violations in the development of the fetus. Although, such unpleasant consequences are usually caused by a severe form of flu. During pregnancy, it is necessary to take all possible measures to avoid the disease. However, if you have been infected, you should treat the disease using effective safe methods. Want to know which? You are welcome to learn more about the successful flu treatment as well as the working preventive measures.
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How to Prevent and Treat Backache Doing 4 Special Exercises?

Young attractive woman practicing yoga, standing in Vrksasana exercise, Tree pose, working out, wearing sportswear, grey tank top, pants, indoor full length, home interior backgroundHave you known that nine out of ten students have an obvious curvature of the spine at the end of the college, every second person expresses his complaints about chronic back pain, every third is attributed to problems with sleep, every fifth has radiculitis? All these ailments have one common feature – they are united by the spine. What should you know about this important organ? The spine is the axis of our body, its support. It allows not only to keep our body in a vertical position but also has a spinal cord that allows you to control the entire body.

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Top-7 Effective Methods to Fight Against Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a natural reflex response of the human body to an elevated air temperature. This is due to irritation of the skin receptors, which perceive heat. Sweating allows you to regulate body temperature, cooling the body and saving it from overheating. The most intense sweating is observed in the summer. At low temperatures, it decreases noticeably. Sweating is necessary for a person for the normal functioning of all life systems. Through the skin, substances that are unnecessary to the body are allocated.

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4 Unique Spices That Have Incredibly Useful Properties for Your Health

various spices in wooden spoons on old white wooden tableCan you imagine that many centuries ago spices were valued even more than gold bars? Thanks to them, new countries were opened, new trade routes were laid. Spices were used as a preservative for food and dye for certain dishes. Spices and seasonings were also used as cosmetic agents for improving the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. The cost of spices was high, so they were often given for big holidays as a basic gift. The richer the house and the higher the status, the more varied spice menu was in their house.

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Top-11 Fat Burning Drinks You Can Prepare at Home

In the fight against excess weight, all means are good. And although every person who wants to lose weight, hopes to find a panacea that will allow him to become slim and fit without physical strain and restrictions in food. Everyone comes to the same conclusion: there is no such a magic pill. However, there are effective methods to burn fat that can easily and pleasantly help you achieve your goal and one of them is cleansing fat burning cocktails. Various foods have different effects on the human body.
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5 Key Components of the Healthy Lifestyle

It is known that 50-55% of our health depends on ourselves, if to be more exact, our way of life. The environment has consolidated its impact on health at around 20%. From the genetic predisposition, our precious health depends on 18-20%, and only 8-10% on the state health system. Continue reading →

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Top-7 Products That Help to Raise Mood and Restore Energy

How to improve mood? Everyone asks this question at some period of life. But very few people know that there is a number of products with which you can raise your spirits. One of the main mood regulators is serotonin, it is often called the “hormone of happiness.” It is a chemical substance that can affect the brain, which improves mental activity, increases resistance to stress and a sense of well-being. In the body, serotonin is formed with the presence of the amino acid tryptophan.
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