How to get rid of toothache: do-it-yourself initial care when you can’t take it any longer

toothacheA toothache is a real annoying problem. It just doesn’t let you eat, sleep, talk and even smile normally. We will not describe the whole range of bad feelings; everyone can say that toothache is a thing that you would not wish it on your worst enemy.

Usually a toothache is accompanied by:

  • high temperature;
  • swollen gums or cheeks;
  • bad mood;
  • hyper sensitivity;
  • bad breath.

Every doctor will say that all these reasons are enough for going to hospital. However, if a toothache catches you during your sleep or you don’t feel good enough even for walking, there are some ways of getting rid of a toothache at home for some time. We warn you that even after getting rid of a toothache you have to consult a dentist as these methods cannot help you to remove the origins of the ache. Otherwise, you are taking a risk of getting more serious problems with health and not getting any positive results. A medical negligence lawyer specializes in holding medical professionals accountable when their actions deviate from standard care, resulting in patient harm. Consulting medical malpractice lawyers may also be necessary if dental care leads to serious health issues or complications. Make sure to contact law malpractice lawyers as soon as possible.


Method number one: Medicine

There are some specialized kinds of painkillers that can help you to get rid of toothache quick in drugstores. The most effective ones have to contain:

  • tabletsKetoprofen,
  • Ibuprofen,
  • Naproxen.

Such painkillers can take the toothache away for five or six hours and they can calm the inflammation simultaneously. It must be enough for getting some sleep or getting to doctor’s office without any disturbance.Painkillers that contain diclofenac are known as very powerful; however they did not find stomatological application.

  1. Sulfonamide and its derivations are also very popular of their painkilling and anti-inflammation properties.
  2. Such medicines as analgin or paracetamol are very popular and affordable, but they can help you to get rid only of mild toothache.
  3.  If you cannot find any tablets at hand, you can find some specialized anesthetic pastes in drugstores. They are handy to use: just apply some paste on a hurting tooth or area in mouth and you will feel the relief in seconds.

People say these pastes are rather useful, however they do not have such long time course as tablets do.

Every doctor will say that a rather strong painkiller has to be a necessary part of your first aid kit. However, the strongest painkillers are not sold without prescriptions and even weak ones can harm your health if they are overdosed. Moreover, mostly all these medicines are not recommended for pregnant women, except paracetamol. This substance can get rid of mils or weak toothache and does not affect the foetus. Actually, pregnant women are recommended to pass a test at dentist’s cabinet in the early beginning of their pregnancy to exclude all further problems with teeth. It is not difficult to guess that nowadays people mostly use painkillers to get rid of toothache, as they are fast and rather effective.

Please note: Remember that any painkiller must be used according to its prescription. You can hurt yourself or even die if you do not look at it.

Be aware that if you have:

  1. hyper sensibility to components;
  2. aspirin-included asthma;
  3.  gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  4.  ulcerative colitis;
  5.  crohn’s disease;
  6. haemophilia or other blood clotting disorders;
  7.  renal insufficiency or hepatic failure;

Remember:  It is prohibited to you to take painkillers. We warn you to consult your doctor if you are not sure that a painkiller will not hurt you. Consider all on 4 dental implants in Kalgoorlie for a comprehensive solution, offering a reliable and efficient way to restore your smile.

Related:   Coconut oil for teeth whitening and many other applications you could never thought of!

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Method number two: Baking soda

backing sodaBaking soda is a substance that has found its place probably in every kitchen. The solution of backing soda is a good anti-inflammation remedy. All you have to do is to add one or two teaspoons to a glass of warm water and gargle your throat with this solution at least three times a day. People say that this method is good when you have to get rid of toothache immediately, but it cannot deal with the origin of pain, so, anyway, you have to go to dentist as soon as possible.

Please note: Be aware not to overdose soda to the solution, as it can hurt your organism. Mix baking soda only with pure water, as it is a powerful reagent and it can react with other substances.


Method number three: Iodine

Tincture of iodine is an old and trusted method of getting healthy. Its application domain is really wide: from simple scratches to gargling when you have quinsy. In fact, iodine can help you with your teeth when they hurt. There are some recipes for both external and internal use of iodine.


  •  At first, you can draw iodine net on the cheek covering a hurting tooth.
  • Another way is also simple: just make an iodine tampon and plug a bad tooth with it.
  • When you cannot find an exact source of pain, just dissolve some iodine tincture (1/2 of teaspoon) in a glass of warm water and gargle your mouth with this solution.

Iodine is famous for its disinfectant properties and it can kill all harmful bacteria in your mouth.

Please note: Use only weak solutions of iodine, as it is a poison when it is concentrated. Do not overdose iodine in the tincture for gargling, as it can cause vomiting or intoxication. Do not swallow the tincture, spit it after gargling.


Method number four: Acupuncture

Yes, you have not misheard. It would seem weird, but ancient masters preferred to get rid of different pains exactly with help of acupuncture. This practice sometimes looks like magic, however it is surely one of the first kinds of medicine and it has some techniques when your tooth aches.

  1. аcupuncture The first one is to massage a point between phalanxes of your index finger and thumb. This point is situated in a hollow. It is considered that such massage is not allowed for pregnant women on their last months of pregnancy because it can provoke preterm delivery.
  2.  The second technique is to massage with your index finger and thumb a point situated in the root of the lobe of the ear, which is on the opposite side of hurting tooth.
  3.  If you want to get rid of toothache in upper jaw, just use your thumb to press a point situated in the hollow between your cheekbone and lower jaw.
  4.  When the lower jaw causes troubles, massage a point situated at the corner of the lower jaw. Or you can massage a point situated on the external edge of your index finger’s phalanx. The needed point is 2-3 mm lower the root of nail.

Please note: Any massage must be made very wisely. Massage or press the pints very carefully and do it not longer than 5 minutes. If you don’t feel an effect, maybe, it is better for you to find another way of getting rid of pain. Otherwise you can harm yourself or lose your time. Of course, acupuncture, as a part of alternative medicine, is not approved by any certified doctors, however it is more than 4000 years old and some people use it to relieve or totally remove any pain. Anyway, we cannot guarantee any exact success with this method.

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Method number five: Plant chicory

chicory Yes, chicory is equally good as an alternative to coffee and to tablets. Its pain relieve effect is approved by dentistry.

Here is a simple recipe of anesthetic infusion:

  1. chop a chicory root into small pieces,
  2. put them into glass,
  3. add 10 drops of lemon juice or 5-7 grains of citric acid and pour 200 ml of boiling water.

After that you have to gargle your mouth with this warm infusion. This method is useful even when you have very strong pain. If you are fond of gardening and you are sure you can find some chicory on your patches, just chew some fresh roots of this plant. Your toothache will disappear just for the period of getting to dentist’s consulting room.

Please note: If you are not sure about the plant you are going to take, consult a professional. Do not use unknown plants, as they may be toxic for your organism.


Method number six: Garlic

Garlic is another plant that is widely used in alternative medicine. There are several ways to use garlic when you have a toothache. The simplest one is to eat some garlic. Yes, it is not pleasant, but effective. Another way is to make a tampon:

  1. Garlic take equal quantities of garlic, onion and salt;
  2.  powder and mix these ingredients;
  3.  apply them to the cotton tampon;
  4.  then put it on a tooth that aches.

The next way of using garlic may seem weird: you have to make a tampon with powered fresh garlic and put it on a wrist of the hand, which on the same side of hurting jaw. Don’t forget to put a piece of cloth between garlic paste and your skin. Otherwise you will get a very painful burn.

Please note: This method is considered to be very powerful, however doctors advice not to abuse the consumption of garlic, as it can do harm to your skin or digestive system.


Method number seven: Natural oils

If you have many tree or other natural oils, they will surely help you to remove toothache. Oils of fir tree, tea tree or pinks must be applied to a cotton tampon. Just apply the natural oils of these plants and trees to get an effect:

natural oils

  •  Fir;
  • Tea tree;
  • Pinks;
  • Calendula;
  • Spruce;
  • Cedar.

Then you have to clasp such tampon to the check exactly near the source of pain. Pain will be removed in some time and you will be able to “survive” a night or get to doctor without any problems. Many people (especially women) use this method, because it is quite easy and it is a great possibility to kill two birds with one stone: everybody knows that natural oils are very good for our skin.

Please note: Keep the oil on your skin for a short period of time (maximum 20 minutes), as many of them can leave burns on your skin. Wash your face with warm water and soap.


Method number eight: Alcohol

Yes, any alcoholic drink is a good anesthetic and disinfecting remedy. We do not advice using cocktails or low-alcohol drinks. These alcoholic drinks can do the best for your hurting teeth:

  •  AlcoholVodka;
  • Whiskey;
  • Rum;
  • Absent;
  • Brandy;
  • Cognac.

Just take one tablespoon of any drink listed above and keep it near an aching tooth. Alcohol will relieve pain, make your gums less sensitive and kill all bacteria in your mouth.

Please note: We do not advice this method for those who are going to get to doctor’s room by car. Don’t forget that big amounts of alcohol can be toxic for your organism.


Method number nine: Herbs

Many people still believe in curing properties of different herbs. And they are right: some herbs can really help you to get rid of toothache. What herbs can be brewed into potions that can help you with toothache:

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  1. Sage;
  2. plantain;
  3. snakeroot;
  4. chamomile;
  5.  mint;
  6. sweet-Mary.

Just put one or two teaspoons of dried herb to 200 ml of boiling water and boil this infusion on a water bath for ten minutes. The potions are ready to use when they get cold for some time. Remember, do not use very hot potions, as you can get a burn or a toothache can become stronger, because of additional blood flown to gums. You can moisten a cotton tampon in the potion and apply it to a tooth or just gargle your mouth with infusions. Doctors cannot argue with the advantages of such method, at least it cannot do any additional harm to your health.

Please note: Please use only plants known by you. If you do not know what plant are you going to use, consult an expert. Some plants can be toxic for your organism.

Now we will tell you about some very obvious methods of getting rid of toothache and about some ways, that are considered to be good, but we do not recommend you to use them.

  1. Remove the food debris from your mouth and the places between your teeth. Firstly, you can be ashamed during a test at dentist’s cabinet, if he finds any pieces of food in your mouth. Secondly, food left between teeth is a great ground for different harmful bacteria and a wonderful source of bad smell. We recommend you to use dental floss and toothbrush. Remember to clean your teeth very gently and tenderly, especially when one of your teeth aches in order to avoid more pain and problems.
  2. Try not to use a hurting tooth during eating. When your tooth aches, it is not necessary to give it full-time job. Of course, it is dangerous to eat hard foods, such as nuts, chips, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Many sources of information recommend using ice for getting rid of toothache. Many specialists and we are not agreeing with such method. In fact, we recommend you not to “manipulate” the temperature of your mouth when you have a toothache. The origins of toothache may differ and it is about to impossible to reveal them without any specialized help. If you apply an ice cube to the tooth, you may feel the immediate relieve, but the chance to get more problems (for example a dental abscess) grows immediately. As regards to heat insulation, it is also a bear’s service to your teeth. In such way you can only make the pain stronger and get no necessary effect. Those, who have sensitive teeth, can prove you that rapid changing of temperatures in your mouth can drive you crazy.

Remember: These advices and techniques may not work for everybody with equal results. Different people prefer different ways. If one way is not working, try another and do not lose hope. Be aware, that the information you have just read is about getting rid of toothache, not of its origin. As we know, pain is just a reaction to a disorder in our organism, so we cannot guarantee you that you will never fell a toothache again after using these recipes. Anyway, the most powerful and the only 100% effective way to get rid of a toothache forever is to visit a doctor as soon as possible. For lasting relief, visiting a dentist like is crucial. Only a professional is able to reveal the source of pain and help you with your teeth problems completely.




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