How to get water out of your ear easily and without problems: home made techniques

How to get water out of your ear fotoOften during taking bath or swimming we can suddenly feel discomfort inside our ear: scratching, pressure and strange noise. These are sure signs of water being inside our auditory canal.

It is not just disturbing, but can be dangerous: water can contain bacteria and other germs that may cause infection and lead to otitus. So when you have caught some water with your ear, don’t leave it there. It is necessary to remove it at all costs. Here we have gathered the most reliable, easy and safe methods of getting water out of your ear without harming it.


The method number one: Don’t let water entering your ear.

As we all know, preventing is better than curing. There are a lot of ear plugs that can be bought for little money. Maybe, it is the best way to prevent your ears from water and pressure (if you like diving). Just don’t forget to remove them, as after using for a long time that can disturb your blood stream in ears. Please choose those plugs that are easy to remove, otherwise you may need some help or even treatment.

The method number two: Rubbing alcohol and vinegar.

How to get water out of your ear fotoTake the equal proportions of ingredients, mix them and warm a little bit. Then pour some drops of this mixture into your air with a pipette.

This wonderful remedy performs several useful functions:

  1. The alcohol kills harmful bacteria and prevents infection.
  2. The acidic medium of the solution have an influence on the cerumen (so called earwax). It helps to break and dissolve it. Earwax can hold water in the ear, so one obstacle for the water in our ears disappears.
  3. The alcohol makes water to evaporate from the ear faster.
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This method is not useful if your ear drum is damaged or you have a very sensitive skin.

The method number three: Physical methods.

  1. How to get water out of your ear fotoTilt your head wait until the gravity powers do everything. In one or more minutes water will get warm in your ear and flow out the canal without problems.
  2. Knowledge of physics allows you to use another method: make a vacuum in your ear. Clasp your palm to affected ear and gently push your hand in and out until water becomes going out. Do it only with your ear tilted down, otherwise you can pull the water deeper into the canal. If you are sure, you can use your finger for creating vacuum in your ear. However, this method is not very safe: you can harm the canal with your nail, harm your finger or just pull the earwax into the ear and stop it up.
  3. So called Valsava Maneuver is another method of getting water out of ear based on physics. You just need to take a deep breath, and then close your mouth and cover your nostrils with your fingers. After that you have to blow air out your nose. Do it gently until you hear a popping sound of the Eustachian tube being opened. This procedure must be conducted very gently in order to keep your ear drums safe.
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The method number four: Warming your ear.

  1. How to get water out of your ear fotoYou can do it with a simple blow dryer. Hold the dryer ten or twelve inches away from air, aim it into the affected air, switch the temperature of the dryer to warm and turn it on for about half a minute. Repeat the procedure in some minutes, if needed. Note that is may be dangerous to hold the dryer for more than 30 seconds and blowing your ear with cold air: your ear may catch cold from being in such draught.
  2. Make a heating compress, which will help your Eustachian tube with opening and letting water out of your ear. All you need is some cloth and hot water. Dip the cloth into water, wring it and place it against ear for about thirty seconds. Repeat the procedure for five or six times with 1 minute pauses between repetitions.
  3. Inhaling the steam will also make your Eustachian tube open and let the water flow out easily. Pour some boiling pure water into the bowl, cover your head with a towel and place your face above the bowl. Do not be too close to the bowl, you can harm your skin with high temperature steam. Gently inhale some steam for a couple of minutes. Then tilt your head on the affected side and the water will go out. The alternative method is taking a hot shower.


Method number five: Chemicals and substances.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is a great substance for letting water out of your ear and killing harmful germs. Fill the dropper with some peroxide and pour two or three drops into your ear. Wait for a minute and tilt the affected ear.
  2. Salt is another substance that can help you. You can make a hot compress with a salted water or just heat 50 grams of salt in microwave oven, than put in into the cotton cloth and tie it. Hold this lotion for three minutes near your affected ear. Salt will also make the pain softer.
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Method number six: Contact a professional.

How to get water out of your ear fotoIf you are not sure or you are too afraid of doing something mentioned above, just go to doctor. A professional will easily remove water out of your ear, disinfect it and give you some advises about avoiding this problem in the future. This is the most reliable method of getting water out of ear, but it will take your time and money.
The methods mentioned above will help you to get water out of your ear without problems and going to doctor. Follow the recipes carefully if you do not want to harm yourself. Water in ear sometimes can cause serious problems, but if it is treated, there are any backwash effects. We are sure that our recipes will help you to get rid of your problem and live happy life.



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