Easy and affordable methods of natural detox

natural detoxThe negative environment, food with the chemical additives, alcohol, smoking, unsafe drinking water are factors leading to gradual accumulation of toxins in the body. Our body during the digestive process itself produces leftovers, but unnecessary and harmful substances should be excreted from the body naturally in case our body is healthy.

In case you experience one or few from the following symptoms it is most probably you are having toxins in your body: dull hair, thin nails, complexion deterioration, sleep disorders, unstable mood, migraine, pain in joints and muscles, digestive problems or swelling. Fortunately we can save our body and make full complete natural detox from both outside and inside. Natural detox is affordable without huge expenses and you can clean up your body, skin and all organs even at home.


The first method:  Sweating

SweatingOne of the natural methods of removing toxins from the body is sweating. Sweating is great solution and together with water, tea or water with lemon it can greatly assist in detoxification. Exercises together with visit to sauna are two wonderful natural ways to remove toxins from the body.

How to sweat properly

  • No need to stay in the sauna with the maximum temperature.
  • Sweating is a reaction which is proportional to temperature and humidity.
  • Steam should not be dry and hot. We are not trying to cure cold. In order to get natural detox in sauna you should have not that hot but wet steam.
  • Before sauna and during procedure drink more. Take with you to sauna bottles with mixed fresh lemon and orange juice with mineral water. In total you should have 2-3 liters of liquid.
  • Drink half of the liquid before sauna and other half during process of sweating. You should finish drinking till the middle of your procedure.
  • All liquid will come out through pores in your skin.
  • Also vitamin B3 can be taken additionally when you implement this method. This vitamin helps to destroy fat cells after few days of taking and cleans your skin.

The more you sweat, the more toxins leave your body. Hot air expands the pores of the skin, which contributes to the rapid removal of toxins.

Warning: People struggling from diseases connected to blood pressure should implement this method very carefully. Hot steam and extreme rise of temperature can be harmful for both hypertensive and hypotensive people. In such cases you should prefer dry steam. Positive effect will not be lower.


The second method: Detox food

Detox foodAll methods of natural detox are based on the maintenance of good metabolism by consuming natural products and natural drinks. It starts with the review of detoxification diet. Harmful compounds (feel free to call them poisons) are coming to our body from the outside: alcohol, “chemistry” that we breathe in the air, unnatural cosmetics applied to the skin, and so on. But poison is staying inside us. How sad is that in the city you can hardly find a man whose body is clean from toxins.

List of detox products

  1. Parsley is on the first places in the line of effectiveness of cleaning body among other spices.
  2. Lemon juice reduces the desire to eat “something sweet” as well helps detoxify our body.
  3. Brown rice is great, which main quality is flushing off the digestive system.
  4. Apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. Mandatory condition when you eat apples is that they should be always with the skins.
  5. Bananas must not be eaten heavily. Proper consuming of bananas provides body with needed amount of fiber. Fiber is very helpful in elimination toxins from the body.
  6. Porridge oats are very fast in terms of absorption by the body. Also contains fiber.
  7. Potatoes are also recommended to be consumes in skins. You shouldn’t eat them every day, but at the same time you shouldn’t exclude them from the diet completely since they contain fiber.
  8. Grapes are just wonderful berries. Grapes remove toxins and leftovers of products from our body.
  9. Celery is recommended for use if you need to clean up the kidneys.
  10. Carrots are always useful. It is recommended in case your goal is to help your liver. This product is also rich in fiber.
  11. Asparagus contains useful for kidney and liver elements.
  12. Beetroot provides positive effect on the liver due to high amount of vitamins and minerals.
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Rice is also great when you are aiming to eliminate waste of products from your body. Recipe is very simple, cheap and results are very quick.

Rice as a natural detox

  1. Take small bowl and boil 3 table spoons of brown rice.
  2. Whole portion of rice can be eaten instead of meal or as an adding to your meal.
  3. Before eating rice you should drink one glass of clean warm water.
  4. After consuming rice do not eat anything for approximately 4 hours.
  5. Consume rice in such a way for the whole week.

Positive effect of this method is as follows: rice is absorbing toxins inside your body and removes them naturally from your body.

Warning: Make sure that you consume clean and properly cooked products. Chew food properly. You should always remember that you prepare your food for further digestion in your mouth.


The third method: Drink more

Drink Natural detox means also consuming up to two liters of fluid a day. Natural juices make the cleansing process even more effective. Do not prepare fresh juices a lot or for few days as they will quickly lose their vitamins and elements. Therefore it is recommended to prepare each portion separately each time.

Morning detox drink

  1. Prepare a glass of fresh. You should have special fresh maker or you can buy fresh in the nearest restaurant.
  2. Squeeze juice of orange, grapefruit and lemon. This fruit mixture is helping your liver to work better.
  3. In case your budget is a bit limited you can also have such morning drink: 1 slice of lemon for a glass of hot water. This drink will also support the liver.

During the day continue to concentrate not only on food you consume but also on your drinks. Remember these are drinks which should be consumed additionally to amount of daily portion of clear water.

Drinks as natural detox

  1. During the day drink one fresh made from carrots and celery. Such fresh will give energy and help to survive till dinner.
  2. Add ginger into the vegetable juices. This spice stimulates production of gastric juices and improves digestion.
  3. Here are the ingredients to make juice for the rapid natural detox of the body: 2 carrots, 2 apples and a pinch of dried ginger (you can use fresh root). Drink this juice instead of breakfast in the morning and during the day.
  4. Wash your body from the inside, you will need a decent amount of liquid. Drink mineral water without gas.

Prepare herbal tea. Such tea will give you some diversity in your drinks. Make chamomile and dandelion roots tea. Such tea will stimulate activity of the liver. Dandelion roots contain lecithin. This element stimulates the liver and has a diuretic effect.

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Chamomile and dandelion roots tea

  1. Put 1 tablespoon of shredded chamomile with dandelion roots per 250 ml of water.
  2. Boil everything on the steam till amount of water will reduce for one third.
  3. Remove the bowl from the heat.
  4. Strain the liquid and drink this herbal tea 2-3 times a day.

Warning: From time to time you can replace ordinary water by mineral water. This should be done not more than 2-3 week courses per year. Excess of salt in our body can cause joint pain and osteochondrosis.


The fourth method: Oats

OatsBefore implementing oats method you should prepare your body. First thing you should pay attention to is your sleep. Two weeks before detox start going to bed at the same time. In the morning also try to get up at the same time. After waking up it is recommended to do some morning exercises (yoga is perfect for this) and drink one glass of warm water and do not eat anything for 30 minutes after this glass of water. Additionally, two week diet is recommended before detox process. These all actions are is needed to get perfect result without any harm to our health.

Diet before natural detox

  • Breakfast: plate of oatmeal with a bit of butter or oil.
  • First lunch: a bit of fruits.
  • Second lunch: vegetable soup (basically any type of vegetable soup) with slice of bread.
  • Snack: 30 grams of nuts or a bit of fruits.
  • Dinner: baked vegetables (can be replaced with fresh vegetables).
  • Before sleep: have a glass of nonfat yogurt.

This diet should be implemented for 10-14 days before beginning of eliminating toxins from our body with the help of oats.

Oats detox regime

  1. Take 1 cup of oats. Cover oats with 4 full glasses of clear water.
  2. Put them to stay for whole day (24 hours).
  3. Breakfast: enjoy 2 tablespoons of soaked grains. Chew them properly and slowly.
  4. Make your morning exercises (exercises which are helpful for digestion).
  5. In thirty minutes after eating oats you should drink half of the glass of water in which oats were soaked.
  6. Do not drink and do not eat for three hours after that.
  7. Lunch: should contain fruits of one type. However, you can eat not more than 400 grams of fruits. To receive some energy it is recommended to choose such fruits like bananas, mangoes or avocados.
  8. Wait 30 minutes after your lunch and drink some water in which grain was soaked.
  9. Skip drinking and eating for 2-3 hours.
  10. After these 2-3 hours you are allowed to eat a bit of dried fruits, soaked in warm water.
  11. Dinner: repeat the same as for breakfast, two tablespoons of soaked grains.
  12. In case you will feel hungry before going to bed you can have two vegetables without salt and without oil.

After implementing this remedy preparation diet should be again implemented for one more week. Also during this natural detox you should skip such drinks as: strong tea, coffee, juices from the supermarket, soda. Do not forget to drink clear water.

Warning: This diet is not balanced and is highly recommended to be implemented for not more than for two weeks. Such method can be used once a year to provide detoxification of your body regularly.


The fifth method: Watermelon

WatermelonPrepare to eat the same food for 5 days in a row. This sounds boring but result will surprise you. Watermelon diet is natural detox which helps to get rid of toxins, excess of water in the body and unwanted salts.

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Watermelon calculator

1 kg of watermelon per 10 kg of your own weight per day

Start eating watermelon twice a day in the amount 50-100 grams three times a week and observe reaction of your body. This is a simple test to understand if this diet will work for you. By the way, it is important to remember about basic rules of hygiene. Do not cut watermelon on the market. Wash watermelon at home with hot soapy water. These are very simple steps we need to do in order to prevent outbreak of intestinal infection which, as we know, is quite often happening during the watermelon season.

Watermelon detox

  1. Prepare black bread and watermelon in the amount calculated according to your weight.
  2. Best time for implementing the procedure is from 5 p.m. till 8 p.m.
  3. Eat as much as you can watermelon with bread.
  4. Sit in the hot bath (temperature should be comfortable for you) and wait till you will feel like urinating (kidneys will react and sand will start coming out with the urine).
  5. For the complete detox of kidneys the procedure should be implemented 3-5 times every next day.

In order not to run when you need to go to the toilet you can use a bowl or bucket. Hot bath is needed in order to influence with hot water on blood vessels and improve the function of the ureter.

Warning: Before implementing this method you should consult the doctor. This method is forbidden for people struggling with diseases connected with the problems of the outflow of urine, – congenital malformations of the urinary system, prostate adenoma, post-surgical adhesive processes.


The sixth method: Physical activity

Physical activityWe should increase level of physical activity and this will help our body to get rid of toxins.

  1. Everyday walk. This activity can be working very successfully. The only condition is that such physical activity should be repeated on the everyday basis. Even though it sounds easy to do, such activity will give results: reduce your weight, make your waist thinner, support joints operation and help to get rid of stress. Such physical activity will speed up digestion and help your body to eliminate toxins through skin (sweating).
  2. Yoga, Pilates and stretching. These exercises, which do not interfere that much with internal system of the body are highly recommended. Smooth movements will provide massage for organs and increase of blood flow which helps to get rid of unnecessary waste.
  3. Sports (morning exercises, dances). Not everyone has the opportunity to have regular classes of sport because of the lack of time. Let’s not forget about internet and weekends. We can arrange classes for ourselves at home.

Warning: No need to struggle with type of physical activity which is not for you. Diversity of sports and activities is huge. Of course we recommend to avoid increasing physical activity at the moments when you have not balanced diet or missed breakfast or other meal. Consult your doctor in case you want to combine few methods.



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