How to stop vomiting using 7 amazing products

VomitingVomiting is the process of completely natural cleansing of our stomach from low quality products. But in some unfortunate cases the cause of the vomiting can be a mistake in the function of one or more organs which are responsible for the digestion. What is important to know for us is how to stop vomiting in order to avoid dehydration.

Vomiting can have all the kinds of different reasons. It is possible that our body just got poisoned and it is trying to save us and is in the process of self-cleaning. But if it does not stop for a long time it is necessary to take special measures, including medical visits, to prevent prolonged emesis. Luckily we can stop vomiting consuming some well-known products. Which products should be consumed and in what amount we will investigate here.


The first product: Lemon juice

Lemon juiceIf person feels like going to throw up there is a quick solution for this disaster and huge sudden problem and it is a freshly squeezed lemon juice. The simplest remedy against awful symptoms is quick drink with lemon. Take 1 simple cup of water and add few drops of lemon juice; add half teaspoon of sugar and 1 pinch of baking soda. Drink the liquid immediately as soon as you will mix it properly. This amazing recipe will bring finally relief from the vomiting.

Simple recipes with lemon:

  • Mix in the small glass or cup next ingredients: 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Eat this mixture at once for immediate relief from nausea.
  • Mix half teaspoon of lemon juice and half teaspoon of salt in the glass of water. Breathe the smell of the mixture for a few minutes and then slowly drink the mixture. If you have high blood pressure than please do not add salt.
  • Cut the lemon in two halves. Hold half of a lemon close to your nose and inhale the smell. Sounds simple but works perfectly.
  • Knowing the reason of the struggle is half of success. In case you are throwing up after a food poisoning you can have fresh juice of half lemon mixed with half spoon of baking soda. Miracle will happen to you after this drink.

Lemon is known for centuries as it relieves nausea. Neutralizing acid is containing in the lemon juice and it is producing bicarbonate in our stomach. The bicarbonate in the stomach treats nausea caused by the flu, gas, bloating, heartburn and indigestion. More than that natural lemon helps to balance so important and forgotten sometimes by us the pH level in the body.

Lemon can even help you after huge hangover which brought quite a vomiting into your life. Don’t stop yourself and finish with throwing up. Your body needs to eliminate all the poison that way. Have a dark coffee with the lemon juice and some mineral water. Wash your poor struggling head in cold water and you are fresh like newborn.

Interesting: Lemons also contain minerals (iron, copper, potassium and calcium). Potassium is an essential component of cells and absolutely needed for our body which is struggling from dehydration.


The second product: Peppermint

PeppermintIn order to get better and finally find relief from vomiting we can also use peppermint or mint tea. For the lovely tea preparation we should take 1 tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves and put them into the cup; pour the cup with the boiling water. The tea should stay and cool for 25-30 minutes. Strain the liquid and tea is ready. In fact even chewing peppermint leaves can help in getting rid of vomiting. However there are few different recipes with mint and all of them have huge success in relieving vomiting.

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Peppermint drink:

  • 1 teaspoon of peppermint leaves.
  • 1 teaspoon of lime juice (use lemon juice in case you do not have any lime at home).
  • Half teaspoon of ginger juice.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.

Mix all ingredients properly and consume when you enter that painful struggle with throwing up. The easiest way is to make a simple mint tea, but some people find this more complicated recipe as more powerful. In case you have regular problems with the throwing up feeling you should learn that amount of peppermint tea should be 1 teaspoon three times a day. Remember and do not forget at any moment that our dear pregnant women should not consume peppermint at all because of the danger of possible bleedings.

Peppermint is providing calming effect on the gastric mucosa. According to the studies peppermint can effectively relieve postoperative nausea. Sometimes we can even put few drops of the peppermint essential oil on the piece of textile and inhale all the aromas breathing deeply. This remedy will work in a few minutes.

Interesting: A similar effect as mint we can get from the lemon balm (use 4 teaspoons of herb per half liter of water). The portion is 500 ml per day divided into 4-5 doses.


The third product: Cumin

CuminCumin is one of the spices which can be also used to survive nausea. Cumin helps to secrete digestive enzymes in our poor-poor stomach, promotes digestion and proper absorption of the nutrients by our poor body. Cumin is perfect for eliminating all the symptoms of nausea and vomiting together and quite quickly.

Simple recipes with cumin:

  • In the cup put 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds and pour with the hot water and leave the liquid to stay for approximately 5 minutes. Add a small pinch (no need to add more) of nutmeg powder and mix drink properly. Drink tea slowly till the end.
  • Chewing of 1 teaspoon of dry cumin seeds will immediately bring quick relief from nausea. Always have some cumin in the kitchen especially in case you are often struggling with this symptom.
  • Mix half teaspoon of the cumin powder in the glass of water. Consume the drink with the cumin powder and you will immediately feel better.
  • Mix cumin powder (half teaspoon), cardamom powder (half teaspoon) and 1 teaspoon of honey in the glass of water. Slowly drink the liquid.

Always drink clear water (have as much as you can) when you experience all the awful symptoms of vomiting. Usually patients are struggling with any type of drink but they can step by step consume liquid in small amounts. Try to consume 1 teaspoon of liquid every 15 minutes. In few hours amount can be enlarged. In 4 hours usually you can have a glass of liquid without throwing up immediately.

Interesting: In order not to lose all the main qualities and essential oils from the cumin it is recommended to store or keep it in closed boxes (containers) with not transparent walls.


The fourth product: Cinnamon

 CinnamonCinnamon contains unique chemicals. These chemicals are extremely helpful in relieving all the awful symptoms we hate. Additional plus is that cinnamon is soothing irritated stomach and therefore helps treat nausea caused by indigestion, heartburn and gas. Cinnamon perfectly helps to treat vomiting.

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Cinnamon drink:

  • In the small bowl with the boiling water add half teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 1 cinnamon stick.
  • Leave the water on the medium heat to boil for few minutes. Cinnamon powder will dissolve and cinnamon stick will give all the needed aroma and taste to the liquid.
  • Strain the water and add 1 tablespoon of honey to sweeten the drink.
  • Consume the drink at least two or three times a day.
  • You will feel better after first drink but it is recommended to have one or two more in order to be sure in the result.
  • This remedy is forbidden for pregnant women.

Such spices as cloves, cinnamon and cardamom are well-known for the promotion of digestion. These spices are also known for elimination toxins from the intestines. In case you experience vomiting quite often you should experiment with drinks prepared from 1 or more of them. Remember that herbs are strictly forbidden to be consumed in case of stomach ulcer.

In fact after the nausea and vomiting attack you can return to your normal diet gradually. Start with the simple and easy to digest food such as rice, cream soup, low-fat yogurt, toasts and apple juice. Always avoid coffee, tea and fatty food after such attacks.

Interesting: In case you are experience vomiting when excited you should just have some chamomile tea. It will calm you down and help with digestion.


The fifth product: Ginger

GingerGinger is well-known as quickest home remedy for our unnecessary and absolutely annoying vomiting symptoms. Researches show that active ingredients (essential oils and acute phenolic compounds) of ginger have beneficial effect on our nervous system, stomach and intestines and these all turns to help nausea. Ginger is known as amazing remedy for vomiting during pregnancy and nausea from the chemotherapy.

Simple recipes with ginger:

  • Add 1 teaspoon of the freshly grated ginger root per 1 cup of boiling water. Cover the bowl and at the same time turn off the heat. Let the liquid stay for 10 minutes. Strain the ginger liquid properly and carefully and add some honey and lemon juice according to your taste. Drink the liquid with ginger while it is still warm. Do not drink more than 3 cups of such liquid per 1 day.
  • Mix half teaspoon of the freshly squeezed ginger juice, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of the fresh lemon juice. You can also add 1 teaspoon of the mint juice (whether to add or not this ingredient is up to you). Consume the drink during nausea every few hours until you will feel better. The fresher the juices the better the results!
  • Chew a piece of raw ginger (always buy fresh ginger) or buy some ginger candies.
  • Try pickled ginger which is usually served with sushi. Sometimes this simplest remedy is the quickest and most effective against unpleasant feelings of throwing up.

Ginger tea is highly and often recommended for all pregnant women who experience vomiting all first trimester of the pregnancy. Always leave the prepared liquid to stay a bit and consume slowly. Do not forget to consume a lot of water as our body is struggling from pain and is lacking liquid a lot. Usually after 4 hours from the beginning of throwing up you already can drink properly and even try to eat something.

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Interesting: Ginger cannot be consumed together with few medications that you are taking: anticoagulants of direct action (such as heparin), aspirin or other types of similar drugs.


The sixth product: Fennel

FennelFennel is quite often used and recommended for those from us who struggle from vomiting. Very often this remedy is used by pregnant women who struggle from throwing up a lot and they are not allowed to consume any medicine or dangerous means to stop unpleasant symptoms. Of course even this simple remedy should not be taken or consumed in huge amounts.

Fennel helps to treat the catastrophic vomiting caused by digestive problems associated with intestinal gas and also by flatulence. Additionally fennel contains anesthetic components and this also helps to reduce nausea.

Fennel drink:

  • Put 1 teaspoon of the fennel seeds in the cup and pour with the glass of hot water.
  • Let the liquid to stay (not more than 10 minutes under the cover).
  • Always add just few drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey (never sugar).
  • Drink the fennel drink slowly.

We, who struggle from these all problems, should learn one even simpler remedy which is just to chew slowly 1 teaspoon of the fennel seeds. Such quick and easy solution is incredible surprise for those from us who struggle from vomiting whole life.

Interesting: Honey must be added to the drink as it helps potassium to remain in the body. It is recommended to consume the honey almost with every drink when we struggle with vomiting.


The seventh product: Onions

OnionsOnions are fantastically rich in minerals and biologically active substances. Onions have natural sugars, inulin, vitamin B, vitamin C, E, K, PP, protein, carotene, enzymes, mineral salts, essential oils and alkaloids. We consume this powerful plant without knowing how great it is for us.

The onions also contain minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt, iodine and fluorine; amino acids and volatile. Many of these elements are lost when we throw up and that is why we should consume onion juice to get them back.

Onion juice drinks:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of onion juice (just squeeze it with your hands) with 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger. Consume this mixture making regular intervals in order to cure vomiting.
  • Fresh juice of onions (on its own) followed by cup of cold mint tea is creating a miracle. This is not that pleasant in taste but very good solution against our symptoms. The unique combination of onion juice and mint will calm your stomach and help relieve vomiting.

Onion juice improves the function of the stomach and intestines. This drink will provide slight laxative effect, normalize blood sugar and can be often used as a tonic. Consuming onion juice we clear toxins and mucus respiratory tract, help the skin to eliminate toxins, improve gastric acid secretion and appetite.

Interesting: If we will consume every day up to 100 grams of green onion it is possible to cover the daily dose of vitamin C.




This entry was posted in Health.
One comment
  1. Sammy says:

    I get sick every month this day and i feel like i need to vomet but i dont so i try to fall asleep but i cant so i make camillmeal lemon tea and tums but some times it dose not work please help me

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